Title: SBDC Program Overview
- SBDC Program Overview
- Investor Relations Marketing
- Strategic Plan
- Consulting Policies Procedures
- Knowledge Management
- Professional Development
- Educational Programming Policies Procedures
- Welcome Reception
- Technology Commercialization Services
- International Business Services
- Product Development Center
- Government Marketing Services
- Environmental Management Services
To grow the economy of Pennsylvania by providing
entrepreneurs with the education, information and
tools necessary to build successful businesses.
4Program History
- Began in 1977 as a pilot program in 7 states
- Federal legislation establishing the program
signed into law in 1980 - Pennsylvania SBDC system established in 1980 with
7 centers - Today, there are 16 SBDCs with over 100 outreach
offices and consulting sites that serve the
entire state
5Service Areas
Gannon University
University of Scranton
Lock Haven University
Clarion University
Wilkes University
Penn State University
Indiana University
Bucknell University
Duquesne University
Lehigh University
University of Pittsburgh
Temple University
St. Francis University
Kutztown University
St. Vincent College
Wharton School
- The Pennsylvania SBDCs play a unique and vital
role in the Commonwealths economic development
initiatives as the only statewide organization
that - works with entrepreneurs in all stages of
business from pre-venture to start-up to growth
to reinvention - offers a comprehensive portfolio of business
assistance services - works with companies in all industry sectors
- has access to the expertise and resources of some
of the best universities in the world - is accredited as mandated by Congress
- is part of a national network of over 1,100
7Service Philosophy
The SBDCs help build the management capacity of
entrepreneurs and small business owners through
providing education, guidance, feedback,
information and technical assistance. Clients are
expected to participate fully in the process and
do the bulk of the work.
2005 Service Summary
Entrepreneurs Consulted14,140 Total
Hours of Consulting Provided.148,087 Training
Workshops, Seminars Courses1,119 Training
Event Attendees21,345 Client Obtained
Financing..189,607,925 Individuals
Obtaining Information 764,467
The Pennsylvania SBDCs are the largest provider
of entrepreneurial assistance in the Commonwealth.
The annual increase in sales of SBDC clients will
be 1 billion per year as a result of receiving
SBDC assistance.
Program Values
- Center Reviews Semi-Annual State Directors
Review and quadrennial Peer Review - Consulting Engagement Evaluations
- Annual Impact Study
- ASBDC Accreditation
- Center Quality Control Programs
- Benchmarking
- Professional Development Program
13Program Innovations
- Product Development Center
- Peer Review Program
- WISE Program
- Technology Commercialization Assistance Program
- Environmental Management Assistance Program
- Annual Client Exposition in the State Capitol
- Investor Education Program
- Family Business Awards Program
- Franchising 101
- Mid-Atlantic Business Conference for Science and
Technology - The First Step Course and Courses for New
Businesses - Engagement Based Consulting Process
A New Business is Opened every 2 hours and 36
minutes by SBDC clients A New Job is Created
every 1 hour and 1 minute by SBDC
clients 100,000 in new sales is made every 59
minutes by SBDC clients
15State Directors Office Responsibilities
- Leadership in Policy and Strategy Development
- Program Development and Management
- Quality Assurance
- Professional Development
- Marketing
- Resource Development
- Contract Management
16Investor Relations Marketing
SBDC Program Partners
The SBDCs are funded by the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, the U.S. Small Business
Administration, the private sector and the
host institutions. This support enables
consulting services to be provided at no charge
to the client.
17Investor Relations Marketing
SBDC Program Partners
18Investor Relations Marketing
SBDC Program Investors
- State and Federal Legislators and host
institutions are investors in the SBDC program. - It is important to notify investors of the return
on their investment in the SBDC program.
19Investor Relations Marketing
It is the responsibility of ALL staff of the
Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center
program to assist in educating the programs
investors on the return on their investment in
the program.
20Investor Relations Marketing
- Educate the business community, potential
clients, stakeholders and other key
constituencies that the SBDCs provide a full
range of high-quality services to businesses in
all stages of development and in all industries
that have a positive impact. - Increased perceived value to the host
institutions of their sponsorship of the SBDC.
21Investor Relations Marketing
- Secure an 8 million state appropriation for the
program. - Motivate congressional delegation to appropriate
110 million in funding for the national SBDC in
FY 2007. - Involve clients in the political process.
22Investor Relations Marketing
Political Power
- Money
- Professional Lobbyists
- Grassroots Action
23Investor Relations Marketing
- SBDC Political Power Clients
- Eligible voters
- Have a stake in society
- Contribute to the economy
- Employ people
- Employees share owners interests
- Retain population
- Source of campaign funds
24Investor Relations Marketing
- SBDC Political Power Services
- Source of Information
- Services for Constituents
- Visibility Opportunities
25Investor Relations Marketing
ALWAYS Remain Non-Partisan!
26Investor Relations Marketing
- Actions
- 10 of all clients write support letters
- Meeting with legislators - semi-annually
- Client Success Stories
- Encourage clients to register to vote and
participate in civic life
27Investor Relations Marketing
12th Annual SBDC Client Exposition Tuesday,
April 25, 2006 800 a.m. 200 p.m. State
Capitol - East Wing Rotunda
28Client Exposition
SBDC Client Exposition
29Investor Relations Marketing
- SBDC Value to Host Institutions
- Student Involvement
- Community Visibility
- Research Opportunities
30Investor Relations Marketing
- SBDC Advisor
- Published 3 times a year
- Need client success stories and educational
events to profile
31Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding
- A cohesive brand helps current and potential
clients understand the SBDC program and the scope
of its products and services. - A consistent brand, position and messages will
enable the SBDC program to build common materials
and tools which can be used by all centers,
saving time and money.
32Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding
- A strong brand will enable the SBDC program to
position itself more clearly in the minds of its
audiences clients, funders, employees, host
administrators, media, partners and network
employees. - A well conceived and consistently implemented
brand will reflect positively on the
professionalism and competency of the SBDC
33Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding
- A strong brand structure and guidelines will help
maintain continuity as staff and the organization
change over time.
34Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding Signature Elements
An accredited affiliate of the national network
of Small Business Development Centers.
35Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding Signature Elements
An accredited affiliate of the national network
of Small Business Development Centers.
36Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding Signature Elements
An accredited affiliate of the national network
of Small Business Development Centers.
37Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding Signature Elements
Position Statement or Tagline
An accredited affiliate of the national network
of Small Business Development Centers.
38Investor Relations Marketing
- Branding Signature Elements
Position Statement or Tagline
An accredited affiliate of the national network
of Small Business Development Centers.
Relationship Line
39Investor Relations Marketing
- Pennsylvania SBDC Website
- Primary Marketing Tool
- Educational programs listing
- Opportunities for client exposure
- Resources, Tools and Information
40Strategic Plan
To grow the economy of Pennsylvania by providing
entrepreneurs with the education, information and
tools necessary to build successful businesses.
41Strategic Plan
The first two goals focus on developing new
programs to help clients grow their businesses
and goals 3-6 focus on enhancing current
operations and improving efficiency.
42Strategic Plan
Goal 1
Continue to provide services to clients in all
industries, including service, retail and
manufacturing, and develop new programs to meet
the evolving needs of clients and to support the
economic development initiatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal
43Strategic Plan
Goal 1 - Objectives
- Provide clients with the education, information
and tools necessary to successfully manage their
businesses through the transitions associated
with start-up, established and high-growth
stages. - Adjust services to help entrepreneurs and
companies respond to changing economic
44Strategic Plan
Goal 1 - Objectives
- Introduce host institutions to Keystone
Innovation Zone opportunities and provide them
with support necessary to capitalize on them. - Develop and enhance outreach, services, and tools
to serve unique populations including
historically disadvantaged, veteran, and women
entrepreneurs. - Expand services to provide start-ups with
assistance on tax compliance issues.
45Strategic Plan
Goal 1 - Objectives
- Expand services to help entrepreneurs develop new
products and find new markets for their products
and services. - Partner with other organizations to provide
services to contribute to the vitality and growth
of business districts. - Partner with vocational and technical schools to
expand access to information and training on the
mechanics of starting a successful business. - Support the continuing operation of successful
Pennsylvania businesses by helping them to
prepare for transitions in ownership and/or
46Strategic Plan
Goal 2
Expand its expertise for assisting agri-business,
travel and tourism, and homeland security
entrepreneurs statewide. It also will expand its
expertise for assisting other targeted industry
segments on a regional basis.
47Strategic Plan
Goal 2 - Objectives
- Expand expertise and services to address the
needs of companies in these industry sectors
through hiring, resource acquisition,
professional development and strategic
partnerships. - Identify regional industry clusters and propose
new methods to meet the needs of those clusters. - Develop programs, train consultants, and be
prepared to deliver services in the event of
national, regional or local disasters.
48Strategic Plan
Goal 3
Position itself as the premier statewide network
providing entrepreneurs with the education,
information and tools they need to successfully
build their businesses.
49Strategic Plan
Goal 3 - Objectives
- Improve marketing throughout the network to unify
all efforts to communicate a consistent message
to constituents. - Improve marketing to referral sources emphasizing
SBDC services for established and high-growth
companies and for firms in the agri-business,
travel and tourism and homeland defense
industries. - Improve communications with Congress, the
Pennsylvania General Assembly, the state and
federal executive branches, and key stakeholders
to position the SBDCs as a valuable resource for
entrepreneurial assistance.
50Strategic Plan
Goal 4
Enhance its service to clients by launching a
statewide, fully operational knowledge management
51Strategic Plan
Goal 5
Secure new and additional revenue and resources
in order to fulfill its mission and achieve its
vision of the future.
52Strategic Plan
Goal 6
Be viewed by host institutions as highly valued
contributors to the primary missions of the
institutions, including public service, teaching
and research.
All Client Information is Confidential per US
Law! No information may be released without the
written consent of the client. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Standards of Conduct
- Prohibited
- Accepting Fees, Rewards, Gifts
- Recommending Goods/Services
- Soliciting Private Work from Clients
- Investing in Client Businesses
- Endorsement of Business to Investors, Vendors,
Suppliers or Customers
Effort Expectation
70 of time allocated to consulting must be
deliverable consulting time (ie. contact, prep,
Client Engagements
Deliverable Requirements Signed 641 and Clients
Rights Responsibilities Forms Must be at least
one hour of contact time Billable
Hours Contact Prep Travel Group Consulting
Engagement Based Consulting
- Needs Assessment
- Developing the Scope of Work for the Engagement
- Managing the Engagement
- Review of Extended Engagements
- Concluding the Engagement
- Measuring Client Satisfaction
Engagement Based Consulting
- Measuring Efficiency
- Measuring Outcomes
- Measuring Economic Impact
- Measuring the Cost of Outputs, Outcomes and
Impact - Amending an Engagement (optional)
Client Engagements
Problem Identification and Needs
Assessment Engagement Letters must
include Problem Identification Expected
Outcome Consultants Responsibilities Clients
Responsibilities Referral to Training or Resource
Partner (optional) Time Line Notice of Quality
Control Survey
Client Engagements
- Team Consulting
- Incorporating Training
- Incorporating Information Transfer
- Incorporating Other Resources
Client Engagements
Client Files
- Standard
- Anyone unfamiliar with the case should be able
- to continue the engagement based upon the
- information available in the client file
- May be hard copy or electronic
- Must include copies of communication with clients
and deliverables
Client Engagements
Cases Closed Scope of Engagement Completed No
Activity in 120 Days Close Out Session Must be
Completed Closing Letters should
include Reminder about Consulting Engagement
Evaluation Ask for Support Letter Ask for a
Success Story Outline Future Opportunities and
Threats and Availability of SBDC Services to
Address Them
Client Engagements
Data Collection and MIS Records
- Mandatory Information Fields are Starred or
Bold - Zip4 Yes! This will fill in County, State and
all 3 District fields. - Legislative Districts and County No!
Automatically filled in. - Email Address. Separate multiples with semi-colon
only! - Stage of Business and Date Established
- NAICS Codes
- Tracking Admin Time use funding source ADMIN
- Time should be entered daily and must be entered
within 5 days - Time recorded in quarter hour increments
Client Engagements
Data Collection and MIS Records
Session Activity USE THE NOTES FIELD!!! Notes
Format Summary, Recommendations, Next
Steps Consulting Area Additional Consulting
Area Funding Source Milestones Used to measure
outcomes and impact Must enter baseline
information on staff, sales and exports
Client Engagements
Data Collection and MIS Records
- WebCATs Overview
- Complete manual for both WebCATS and WinCATS can
be found in WebCATS. See the left side menu under
Help / WebCATS Help. - MIS QA
66Educational Programming
- Must be at least two hours in length
- Minimum of 6 people registered
- Topic builds management capacity not skills or
vocational training - SBDC has substantial control over content
- Open to the public, but can be targeted to a
particular market - Training should compliment the consulting process
- Database must be kept current
67Educational Programming
The First Step
- Standardized course that provides basic
information on what is involved in starting a
business - All Centers must offer
68Educational Programming
Programs for New Businesses
- Courses offered in 6 topic areas
- Business Management Operations
- Recordkeeping, Accounting Taxes
- Finance
- Marketing and Sales
- Human Resources
- Legal Issues
- All Centers must offer at least twice a year
69Knowledge Management
- Listserves
- Pennsylvania SBDC
- MemoNET
- Intranet - http//inside.pasbdc.org
- Network Meetings
70Knowledge Management
Research Assistance
- WISE 210
- Business Information Sources Links
- WebCATs
- WISE Research Support
71Professional Development
The Pennsylvania Small Business Development
Centers will provide professional development
opportunities to ensure staff meet established
competency requirements set forth in the
professional development program and continue to
enhance their skills in order to provide
consistent, high quality, comprehensive service
to all client segments. Center directors will be
accountable for the professional development of
their staff.
72Professional Development
- Each full-time staff member must engage in no
less than 40 hours of professional development
activity per year and staff are strongly
encouraged to exceed the minimum hours. - A minimum of 30 of professional development
training must be in areas outside of a staff
members given area of expertise.
73Professional Development
- Pennsylvania SBDC Professional Development
Conferences - Pennsylvania SBDC Workshops
- ASBDC Annual Conference