Title: IYFA Star Chapter Award
1IYFA Star Chapter Award
This template should be utilized to complete the
Star Chapter Award form and send on CD-Rom to
Indiana Young Farmers Association Executive
Director, Room 229 State House, Indianapolis,
IN 46204
2Description and Rules of the Award
- Description to give recognition to local
chapters of the IYFA for accomplishing
outstanding programs of activities and for
providing desirable educational experiences for
members of the local chapter. - Rules of the Award
- Any group of agricultural education students
organized as a chartered local chapter of the
IYFA is eligible to receive Star Chapter Award
annually provided the chapter is in good standing
with the Indiana Association in accordance with
Article II, Section D, of the State Association
Constitution. - Application for IYFA Star Chapter Awards shall
cover activities conducted during the calendar
year preceding the date of application for the
award. Application shall include activities
supported by and/or representative of local Young
Farmer Chapters. - The judging committee will be selected by the
Executive Director of the Indiana Young Farmers
Association. The judges will select the top
three Star Chapters. - Chapters applying for the Star Chapter Award must
complete the template, include the program of
work, minutes, and budget. - Applications shall be mailed to the Executive
Director, Indiana Young Farmers Association,
Room 229 State House, Indianapolis, IN
46204-2798, by the postmark date of November 30. - The IYFA Star Chapter Award shall be presented at
the annual IYFA State Convention following the
due date of the application. - The font size on this presentation must be no
less than 14 point
3 ScoringScoring Criteria Judges will be
looking for creativity, completeness of the
description for each project including the
objective, challenges, and outcomes, quality
photos, and involvement in other activities.
- Categories
- Farm/Agribusiness Planning
- Cooperation/Community Service
- Leadership
- Earnings Savings
- Conduct of Meetings
- Recreation
- Public Relations
- State Activities
- National Activities
- Each category will be worth 100 points.
- Maximum of 80 points for the main project
- Maximum of 20 points for the other activities
- There will be 100 points for the Program of
Activities, Minutes, and Budget. - There will be a maximum of 1000 points.
4Insert Chapter Name
- Insert chapter officers
- Insert contact address
- Insert advisor name
- Insert total YF membership pd by 11-30
5Farm/Agribusiness Planning
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
6Farm/Agribusiness Planning
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the Farm/Agribusiness Planning
category maximum of one slide
7Cooperation/Community Service
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
8Cooperation/Community Service
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the Cooperation/Community Service
category maximum of one slide
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the Leadership category maximum
of one slide
11Earnings Savings
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
12Earnings Savings
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the Leadership category maximum
of one slide
13Conduct of Meetings
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
14Conduct of Meetings
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the Conduct of Meetings category
maximum of one slide
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the Recreation category maximum
of one slide
17Public Relations
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
18Public Relations
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the Public Relations category
maximum of one slide
19State Activities
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
20State Activities
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the State Activities category
maximum of one slide
21National Activities
- Select a project, describe the project including
number of members involved, include a picture(s)
of the activity maximum of three slides
22National Activities
- List any other activities the chapter was
involved within the State Activities category
maximum of one slide