Title: Targeting Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure
1Targeting Academic Research for Deposit and
Disclosure http//tardis.eprints.org
Building an opportunity for researchers to
showcase their work by proactively depositing
full text documents and thus enriching their
collaboration environment
- http//eprints.soton.ac.uk
- Creating an Institutional Repository
- Supporting ease of use for depositors
- Refining software
- Creating visibility tools for researchers
Enhancing future collaboration Sharing research
using Open Access Initiative compliant
software Institutional publications
repositories Discipline based repositories Reposit
ories linked to data Project based
repositories Growing Repositories searchable
nationally and globally
Back to the future with TARDis The Open Access
Revolution via the Southampton University
Research Repository An e-Prints service informed
by user needs and good information management
practice http//eprints.soton.ac.uk
Mark Brown Jessie Hey Natasha Lucas Pauline
Simpson eprints_at_soton.ac.uk
Tim Brody, Lesley Carr, Jessie Hey
Pete Hancock