Title: Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 07
1Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 07
2Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 07
New Approaches to Old Threats Seismic Events
and Regional Health Issues
3Exercise Overview
FA HUM 07 is a USSOUTHCOM/Guatemalan Ministry of
Defense sponsored regionally oriented disaster
relief seminar, involving military and civilian
agencies from throughout the Western Hemisphere.
The seminar enhances military to military,
military to civilian, and civilian to civilian
contacts between participating organizations and
promotes regional cooperative engagement.
Additionally, the seminar gives participants an
opportunity to network with subject matter
experts. The exercise will be conducted in
USSOUTHCOM and the Guatemalan Ministry of Defense
execute a regionally oriented Humanitarian
Assistance exercise from 7 May to 11 May 2007 in
Guatemala in order to improve military and
civilian interaction, regional disaster relief
cooperation and disaster relief capabilities in
the region.
5Execution Concept
- Execute an international exercise and conference
utilizing subject matter expert presentations and
best practices presentations that formulate the
basis for a vignette supported event.
Participants will form multi-national and
multidisciplinary teams to develop responses to
vignettes. - Subject Matter Presentations by Noted Scholars
- Operational Best Practices by Seasoned Disaster
Planners/Responders - Regional Seminar/Workshops
- Product and Services Trade Expo
6Exercise Objectives
- Develop/improve regional information sharing and
capabilities among partner nations - Promote/improve interoperability among the
regional and inter-regional organizations to
conduct Humanitarian Response/Disaster Assistance - Improve participating nations ability to
respond to consequence management situations - Develop/Improve PN information operations
capability for disaster response - Integrate and exercise Joint, Combined,
Interagency, NGO and IO organization
participation as it pertains to US and regional
disaster plans
7Exercise Schedule
May 07
Advon Arrival to GTM 1 week prior
Closing Ceremony
Keynote Presenter
Opening Ceremony
Participants Arrival to GTM
SME and Best Practices
Regional Roundtable
Technology Exposition
Cultural Event
Welcome Reception
8Days at a Glance
The Week at a Glance
9Participating Countries
10Proposed Participating Countries/Organizations
PAHO Assn. Of Caribean State Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution Centro Sismologico de
America Central Assn. of Bay Area
Goverments New York City Police Department
University of the west indies-Seismic Research
Unit Washington DC Army National Guard Puerto
Rico Seismic Network UN-OCHA Regional Response
System (RSS) Caribbean Epidemiology
Center Washington DC Emergency Management
Agency US Geological Survey
11 Proposed Participant Composition
US Participants Components need
to send individuals responsible
for component disaster response/support plans
Non-US Participants Generally 3 invitations
per country 1. Senior (Civilian) Level Disaster
Planner/Operator 2. Senior (Police/Military)
Level Disaster Planner/Operator 3. Technical
expert in disaster planning, seismology,
volcanology, public health/information GOAL One
of the participants could be a candidate for the
poster session. This is an opportunity to
showcase your nations/organization's best
practices or recent studies.
12Researchers, organizations and experts would be
given an opportunity to display articles and
exhibits which pertain to seismology,
volcanology, public health and/or disaster
preparedness. Participants would get an
opportunity of one to one interaction with the
authors to discuss, share and learn about the
subject matter.
Poster Session
Board Dimensions 84x94 cm
13 Tradeshow
Provide an opportunity for companies to display
their products that are related to public health,
disaster relief, assistance, or mitigation. We
would also like to extend this opportunity to
international and regional governmental and
non-governmental organization.
14 Tradeshow
Trade Show Category Examples Emergency
Equipment Warning Systems Environmental Hazard
Controls Rescue Tools Emergency Medical
Equipment/Treatment Disaster Relief and
Assistance Flood Lights and Search
Lights Emergency Aid Equipment Protective
Clothing Search and Rescue Operations
Equipment Communications Equipment Public
Information Equipment Emergency Planning Services
and Software
15Task Work with a regional institutions that will
certify training and offer professional credit
for participation in FA-HUM 07. Work group must
act quickly to identify institutions
accrediting institution would also participate in
FA-HUM 07.
- Initial Planning Conference 7-8 DEC 06
- Final Planning Conference 13-14 FEB 07
- Critical Tradeshow Cancellation 21
MAR 07 - Advon Arrives 28 APR 07
- Participants Arrive 6 MAY 07
- Opening Ceremony 7 MAY 07
- Closing Ceremony 11 MAY 07
- Participant Departures 11/12 MAY 07
17Fuerzas Aliadas Humanitarias 07