Title: Evolution of Military Training 11 Oct 00
1Worldwide Joint Training Conference
Joint Training Transformation and The
Warfighters Requirements
Mr. Lisle Brook USPACOM Joint Training Specialist
Pacific Command
3Possible Future Training Modeland Snapshot
Stoplight Assessment
18M FY 03 CJTF CPX and FTX. No JMETL, no Tng
Objs, No JITs, no JMETL Assessment.
15-18 Month Training/Deployment Cycle
Joint Training Environment
Staff Training
Joint/ Multi Natl Trng
Joint Forces Training
Interoperability Training
Individual Training Education
Unit Training
A Joint Training System Failure!!! JPME, Joint
Doctrine, JWFC, J7 JTSS, OSD.
9-12 months
3-6 months
Warfighting training in joint context
JMETL - based Training
Lots of Room for Improvement!
4Individual Joint Training Requirements
- Warfighters immediate DL requirements
Interagency integration into operations, SJFHQ
joint training curriculum, joint targeting,
information ops, etc - Joint Doctrine Crisis Action Planning, Joint
Training System, Joint Force Employment, etc - JPME Phase II completed enroute to joint
assignment - Duty specific curriculum (new person must
complete DL curriculum within 60 days after
reporting for duty) - Automated tracking system (embedded in DL
capability that qualifies/disqualifies personnel
for specific duties)
5Joint Training Documentation
- CJCSM 3500 series Integrate with OSD and Joint
Staff Readiness related publications - Phase 1 and Phase 4 of Joint Training System
needs integration with DRRS - Phase 4 requirements must be spelled out, and
JWFC must implement (JWFC the forcing mechanism
for transformation) - JTFs (SJFHQ) need 1 STAFFEX, 1 CPX, and 1 Joint
FTX per year for optimum readiness - COCOMs need DoD/Joint Staff Dir ref JTF training
and assessment (JMETL and JITS)
6Joint Training Documentation
- Coordinate revision with new DRRS requirements
- Standards need framework that facilitates DRRS
(DOTMLPF?) - UJTL 5.0, must include baseline resource and
operations standards, with universal assessment
measure (T, P, U vs M1, M2, M3, M4) - Joint Interoperability Tasks require stand alone
document with baseline resource and operations
standards and implementation guidance
7Training Transformation Resources
- COCOMs and CSAs Under Manned and Under Funded
- Transformation requires resources
- Enhance Joint Staff and OSD support programs for
COCOMs and CSAs - Need Collaborative Joint Exercise Planning Tool
(unclass) - Facilitate T2 Goals Related to Interoperability
- Combined/Coalition Task Force Exercise Planning
and Assessment Tools - Distributed Learning Technology
- JTF Master Training Guide
- Need help overcoming legal constraints
associated with Internet-based collaboration
with allies
8- Sample CTF Collaborative Planning Tool
- Intuitive design -- teach joint training system
- to allies Facilitate interoperability
- 128 bit encryption, on the Internet, password
protected - Chat and VTC capable
- Needs DL technologies to facilitate learning
Legal Constraints Impeding Transformation
- JTIMS Must Be Transformed
- User Friendly
- Intuitive
- Collaborative
- Fast
- JTIMS Transformation Must Include
- Other Tools that are Separate, but Complementary,
to Worldwide Data Requirements - Annual Report Card from COCOM and CSA Colonels
Responsible for Joint Training
10DRRS and Training Transformation
- WWTC -- Worldwide Consensus Phase 4 of JTS
Broken - Training Transformation Assessment
Transformation - DRRS and JMETL Linkage to Readiness Reporting
- Joint Training and Readiness Pubs, especially
UJTL 5.0, must be integrated with new DRRS - JNTC must include TRANSFORMED assessment program
that is rigorous, candid, and based on detailed
performance metrics current assessment
paradigm is not improving joint training
(snapshot assessment, slide 3) - JTFs must report readiness to execute assigned
missions (new DOD policy) - JWFC must be honest broker to implement change
via JNTC -
11(No Transcript)