Title: Ian Bateman
1Developing a Carbon Trading (or Auction) Strategy
- Ian Bateman
- Climate Change Programme Manager
- Devon County Council
What's the relevance of 12 per tonne of
CO2? How to develop a carbon trading strategy
using Marginal Abatement Costing?
- Presentation (15 mins)
- Questions of clarification
- Group working (1 hour)
- Develop a marginal abatement cost curve.
- Decide a carbon trading strategy.
- Take part in a sealed bid auction for carbon
4Health Warning If you dont want to know the
scores... look away now!
This product contains maths!
Energy White Paper (2007) The Carbon Reduction
Commitment (CRC) will apply mandatory emissions
trading to cut carbon emissions from large
commercial and public sector organisations.
Climate Change Act (2008) Sets a legally
binding target for reducing UK CO2 emissions by
at least 26 by 2020 and UK greenhouse gases by
at least 80 by 2050 compared to 1990 levels.
Provides powers to establish trading schemes
for the purpose of limiting greenhouse gas.
6CRC Are we (you) in?
Threshold annual electricity consumption of
6,000 MWh
50,000 MWh
Best I find something out about carbon trading!!
7What is Carbon Trading?
Principal Aim Use market forces to reduce
emissions at the lowest cost to society.
By placing a cap (a limit) on the CO2 emissions
allowed from a predefined market place..
.and, by auctioning off the allowable emissions,
creating a price for carbon.
This carbon price then provides the threshold
between implementing projects and buying
8A Cap and Trade System
1 million tCO2
950,000 tCO2 allowed
50,000 tCO2 saved
9Auction or Trading Strategy
Basic Aim The business must hold sufficient
allowances at the end of the trading year to
cover its annual emissions.
Requirement Must hold allowances equivalent to
its annual emissions at the end of the
year Either buy 1000 allowances at the start
of year auction Or implement emissions
reduction projects and buy allowances to cover
the remaining emissions.
- The business must
- Know its baseline carbon footprint.
- where are we?
- Be able to project its future emissions.
- where do we want to be?
- Know its potential for reducing emissions.
- how do we get there?
- Know the cost of implementing energy efficiency
projects in per tonne of CO2 saved. - how much will it cost?
1000 tCO2
50 tCO2
100 tCO2
1000 tCO2
1000 tCO2
950 tCO2
950 tCO2
850 tCO2
10The Market Price
No emissions reduction
11Summary of Carbon Trading
To reduce carbon emissions at the lowest cost
to society
Effectively, for an organisation in a carbon
trading system, its no longer about the
relentless pursuit of a carbon reduction
target. The market will do it!
12Relevance of 12 per tonne
To reduce carbon emissions at the lowest cost
to society
Project cost gt 12 per tonne cheaper to buy
Project cost lt 12 per tonne cheaper to
13Calculating Project Costs
So how do I work out the cost of my projects?
14Is a CFL Cost-Effective?
12 per tonne of CO2
Carbon Saving A 49 watts (60w replaced by
11w) B - 1000 hours (highest use light) C 0.523
kgCO2 per kWh A x B x C 26kg
Project cost 5
No Brainer!
192 per tonne of CO2
15Calculating Project Costs
but what about the cost of the energy I have
16Is a CFL Cost-Effective?
12 per tonne of CO2
Project cost 5
Annual Energy Saving A 49 watts (60w replaced
by 11w) B - 1000 hours C 9.627p per kWh A x B
x C 4.72
No Brainer!
Payback period just over 1 year
17Is a CFL Cost-Effective?
12 per tonne of CO2
1st year Cost 5.00 - 4.72 0.28
1st year Carbon Saving A 49 watts B - 1000
hours C 0.523 kgCO2 per kWh A x B x C 26kg
10.77 per tonne of CO2
18Whole life costs?
But surely the light bulb makes savings in years
2, 3, 4 etc?
..and at no additional cost?
..and you dont have to buy so many
replacements ?
19Is a CFL Cost-Effective?
12 per tonne of CO2
Whole-life Cost (Saving) 5 - 47.20 - 1.60
Whole-life Carbon Saving A 49 watts B - 10000
hours (10 yr life) C 0.523 kgCO2 per kWh A x B
x C 256kg
- 171 per tonne of CO2
20Time Value of Money ( Carbon)
Principle With all else being equal an
investor prefers to receive a payment of a fixed
amount of money today, rather than an equal
amount in the future.
The Net Present Value The value of a future sum,
"discounted" to a present value.
21Discounted Methodology
Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) Curve Methodology
Discount Rate 10 (6) Project Life 10 years
22Is a CFL Cost-Effective?
- 162 per tonne of CO2
23Voltage Optimiser
- 72 per tonne of CO2
24Street Lighting
Annual allocation for carbon emissions
reduction 200k
66 tCO2
25Street Lighting
380 per tonne of CO2 Simple Payback 26 years
26The MAC Curve
- Carbon Trading Strategy
- Price - 12 per tonne.
- 21 tCO2 can be saved.
- Purchase allowances for remaining emissions.
Not cost-effective projects
Cost () per tonne of CO2
Cost-effective Projects
Tonnes of CO2 saved
27MACC for DCC
and now its your turn!
29Group Work
- TASK 1
- To create a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve.
- TASK 2
- To use the MACC to bid for allowances in a sealed
bid auction.
30MACC Data
31MACC Chart
32Sealed Bid
33(No Transcript)
34Answer - Task 1
35Possible Answer Task 2
36The Low Energy Light Bulb Test
How much would you pay for one of these?