Title: Central Florida Associates
1Central Florida Associates
- Bruce Montville
- Steve Batsarisakis
- Yves M Dorleans
- Architectural and design
- -Housing rehabilitation
- -Office space design
- -Showroom Design
- -Restaurant Remodeling
3Potential Customers
- Different categories of customers
- Car dealerships
- Restaurant design
- Commercial, residential, and housing
- Experienced Architect in showroom design for the
auto industry. - Site research
- HVAC Design
- Geothermal Testing
- CAD Design
5Florida Estimated Market
6Central Florida Architectural Assoc.Florida
Market Share
7Central Florida Architectural Assoc.Orlando
Market Share
8Market Growth Estimate1999-2009
Florida Research and Economic Database Florida Research and Economic Database
SIC CODE Industry Base Year Projected Year Annual Growth Rate
5510 New and Used Car Dealers 1999 2009 2.0
5520 Used Car Dealers 1999 2009 2.6
5810 Eating and Drinking Places 1999 2009 2.0
1540 Nonresidential Building 1999 2009 0.3
1520 Residential building 1999 2009 1.0
Unweighted Average 1.58
9Target Revenue
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
8,517,709.44 8,652,289.25 8,788,995.42 8,927,861.54 9,068,921.76 9,212,210.72
319,414.10 324,460.85 329,587.33 334,794.81 340,084.57 345,457.90
10Central Florida Associates
- Bruce Montville
- Steve Batsarisakis
- Yves M Dorleans