Title: Rural Transport in a wider context
1Rural Transport in a wider context
- Gordon Stokes
- 28th February 2008
- Transport Studies Unit
2Content of talk
- What do we mean by Rural?
- Travel behaviour in rural areas
- Whats distinctive about rural transport?
- The wider rural social context
- What does this mean for transport policy?
3The Commission for Rural Communities
- Formed out of Countryside Agency in 2006 funded
by Defra - Provide independent advice to Government on
rural issues relating to social and economic - Rural expert
- Rural watchdog
- Rural advocate
4What do we mean by rural?
- Way of defining rural areas
- Countryside/ built-up (localities)
- Rural economy (regions)
- Typologies of rural inhabitants
- Income
- Wealth
- Type of employment
- Location of employment
- age, gender etc
- (People live side by side to a much greater
extent than in urban areas)
5Rural Urban Definitions(Office of National
6ONS Urban Rural Definitions Settlement types
7Census output areas defined
8Whats rural? Didcot Power Station?, Harwell Labs?
9Population by settlement size
10Defra Classification ofLocal Authority Districts
- of population not in urban areas (R80 and R50)
- Signicant rural roughly over 25 rural
11Defra Lagging rural areas
- In lowest quartile of average earnings of the
resident population of working age - Does not take local productivity into account
12Where does that leave rural?
- If rurality is defined by population density
- and performance is defined by average earnings
- then what is different about rural areas other
than population density?
13Different view of rurality
- Preserved countryside more accessible
counter-urbanised countryside (eg SE England) - Contested countryside traditional and new rural
communities exist with scope for conflict (eg SW
England) - Paternalistic countryside dominated by estates
and tradition (eg Northumberland) - Clientalistic countryside peripheral dependent
on state support (eg Mid Wales) - Murdoch et al, 2003
14Typologies of rural areas for transport
- A Peri-urban areas
- A1 Rural peri-conurbation (Inner Surrey,
Cheshire) - A2 Rural peri-urban (Around Oxford)
- B Market town hinterland
- B1 with nearby urban area (Witney dominated by
Oxford) - B2 with dispersed hinterland (Mid Suffolk)
- B3 with valley hinterland (Yorkshire Dales)
- C Remote areas
- C1 Tourist area (Lake District)
- C2 Remote rural village (North Norfolk)
- C3 Isolated periphery (NW Highlands)
David Gray for CfIT (2000)
15Travel behaviour in rural areas
16- Rural people make same number of trip, spend
slightly more time travelling - But travel much further
- Virtually all this distance difference is due to
more use of cars
- And more trips are by car
- Though walk still accounts for many trips
19Modes used urban and rural
Trips per person per year
- Car used more in rural areas
- Walk and bus used less
- Walking far more commonly used than bus
20Car ownership by income
- Those with the lowest incomes in hamlets have
very much higher car ownership rates
Figure 2.3.9
21Miles per car, by rurality and income
- The high mileage of those with high incomes in
rural areas is not mirrored by those on low
23Accessibility indicator for all services
- Composite indicators of access to various service
types, weighted by the modes that people use - The smaller the number the better the
Figure 2.3.7
24Method of travel to school
- Rural children do use cars more
- They use buses more
- They walk less
Figure 2.3.10
25Car ownership relative to bus service
- Good bus service within 13 minutes of an
hourly or better bus service - For those with good bus service 89 have a
household car, 94 for those without - For those in lowest income quintile with, 54
have car, compared with 70 without, - 6 with have 2 cars, compared with 25
26Whats distinctive about rural transport?
27Summary of rural travel behaviour
- Greater access to cars,
- but for people on low incomes, ownership is often
a necessity - 40 on lowest incomes did not have car in 1990
now 15 - Car running costs somewhat higher
- distances people have to travel to access
services - higher cost of many non-urban petrol stations
- but petrol spending only 10 higher
- Fewer services outlets
- 78 parishes had no general food store in 2000
- 72 had no small village shop
- BUT Highly polarised
- HIGH Mobility accompanied by LOW Accessibility
28From Top Ten community concerns
- Difficult for old and disabled to access
healthcare - Link transport systems in a sensible way
- Improve sports facilities
- Set up taxi voucher/ car sharing scheme
- Traffic calming measures on main roads into
From analysis of Countryside Agency Parish Plans
29The big issues in transport (national)
- Congestion
- Pollution
- Safety
- Accessibility
- Accessibility is the only one where rural areas
30Traffic growth
31- Factors behind traffic growth
- Increases in car ownership and use
- Counter urbanisation
- Location of job and facilities
- Increases in long distance travel
- Globalisation of markets
- Consequences of unchecked trends
- Faster traffic growth in rural areas
- Greater land take (transport and other and uses)
- Fewer local service outlets
- Worsening isolation (for those isolated)
32The wider social rural context
33Age profile 1985-2005
- 1985 slightly fewer younger people in rural
areas, and slightly more older - 2005 same pattern but much more exaggerated
- Very obvious dip in 15 to 29 year olds
Figure 2.2.2
34Median age
- Median age is higher in most rural areas
- Especially high in coastal retirement areas
- One area of East Devon has median age of 62.9
- Rural areas with young median age are generally
military areas
Figure 2.2.3
35 change in number of service outlets
- Most service types are declining in numbers
- Not much rural urban difference (for most) but
impacts can be greater - Free cashpoints dentists -
Figure 2.3.2
36Service deserts
- Areas with no post office within 2kms, or free
cashpoint, bank or building society within 4kms - More in remote areas, but can be found in all but
areas close to cities
Figure 2.3.5
37Annual household income 2007
Less sparse areas Sparse areas
- Hamlets highest with villages higher than urban
areas and towns - Sparse areas lag behind
Figure 3.2.1
38High and low income areas
- As might be expected, but there are surprises
- EG West Cumbria
Figure 3.2.5
39Areas where over 25 residents with no
car2001 Censususing Census Output Areas as
units(about 120 households)
Ex mining areas Coastal retirement Other
lagging rural areas Various outliers
40House prices
- House prices 22 higher in rural than urban
- Hamlets about 60 higher than urban
- Price rising faster in sparse areas
Figure 2.4.3
41Lower quartile Housing affordability
- Lowest quarter of incomes buying lowest quarter
priced house ratio - Very bad in South West, but also many other areas
- Lower quartile is worse than for average
Figure 2.4.6
42Hard to heat homes Off main gas and With
solid walls
- Sparse rural areas are much more likely to be
hard to heat - Less sparse villages and hamlets also likely to
not have mains gas, and more have solid walls - (Older houses have solid walls)
Figure 2.4.10
43Summary financial statement
- Rural people spend 60 more than urban (on
average) - Extra is on transport, consumables, household
goods, recreation - Housing lower, mainly due to number who own
houses outright
Figure 3.2.9
44Taking exercise
- People exercising more than 30 mins 3 times per
week - High in central south, and bits of Yorks
- Low around the Fens and other poorer areas
Figure 2.5.5
45Trips to Countryside by Car Access
Figure 4.3.8
46Combined air quality
- Rural air quality better than average
- But higher along transport corridors
- Ozone worse in rural areas (only pollutant this
is the case)
Figure 4.4.2 and 4.4.3c
47TranquilityCPRE analysis
48Carbon footprint (1)
- Rural areas only slightly higher than urban
- From Stockholm Environmental Institute (York)
- Tonnes of carbon per person per year
Figure 4.5.1
49Carbon footprint (2)
- Regional nature of much analysis, but rural still
only a but higher when analysed at regional level
Figure 4.5.1
50Social Exclusion
- Urban areas - lack of transport an effect of
social exclusion - Rural areas - lack of transport a cause of social
exclusion - Urban exclusion tends to be concentrated in
deprived wards - Rural exclusion can be found anywhere
51What does this mean for transport policy?
52Perspectives on Rural transport issues
- Mobility of residents as paramount
- Protection of countryside as paramount
- Protection of rural lifestyles as paramount
- Accessibility as paramount
- Bringing rural areas into the 21st century
- Limit other peoples car use - (not mine)
- (The above are extremes)
53Contentious issues in policy?
- Accessibility rather than mobility
- Extent of anti car direction
- Focus on demand management rather than catering
for demand - Safety rather than speed
- Balance for rural economy vs environment
5 What follows
54Transport policy and rural areas
- Transport policy aimed at major problems
(congestion and environment) - so mainly urban and interurban in nature
- Whatever decided in rural transport policy will
have less effect than urban and interurban policy - Discussion of rural transport policy must
therefore- - assess impacts of urban and interurban policies
on rural areas (rural proofing) - not treat rural transport policy initiatives as
though they are in a vacuum - Small measures will make the difference to the
socially excluded - need to think BIG and SMALL
- need to link Top Down and Bottom Up
55Transport for those without cars
56The BIG trends affecting public transport in
rural areas
- Increasing car ownership
- Sparse populations
- Low priority for policy makers and operators
- Problem of accountability cross sector benefits
of transport provision
57Is it Public Transport?
- Commercial buses
- Tendered buses
- Group bus services (S19)
- Community bus services(S22)
- Taxi buses (S12)
- Shared taxis
- Rail
- Light rail
- Schools transport
- Hospitals transport
- Social services transport
- Supermarket buses
- Post buses
- Community car schemes
- Works buses
- College buses
- Dial a rides
- Demand responsive transport
- Wheels to work
- Liftshare schemes
- Car clubs
58Is it Community Transport?
- Group bus services (S19)
- Community bus services(S22)
- Taxi buses (S12)
- Taxi/ PHV share on demand (S10)
- Taxi/ PHV share book ahead (S11)
- Supermarket buses
- Post buses
- Community car schemes
- Dial a rides
- Works buses
- College buses
- Demand responsive transport
- Wheels to work
- Liftshare schemes
- Car clubs
- core Schools/ Health/ Social Services transport
59Expected costs of service provision
60Likely impacts of current spend on rural public
- Difficulty maintaining bus service levels in some
areas - Continued support in others
- Question mark over Rural Transport Partnerships
and Community Transport funding - Very variable picture
- Necessity may spark new initiatives
61The role of public transport in rural areas?
- A safety net for those without cars?
- A safety net for those without cars where we can
afford it? - A public service that should provide a reasonable
level of service to all? - A service that should enable people to freely
choose between car and public transport? - Providing Choice or Meeting Need?
62Lincolnshire InterConnect
63Vision for rural integrated transport?
64And what to do about those with cars?
- Disproportionate mileage by high income drivers
65Forthcoming CRC work on rural transport
- What long term trends in technology and responses
to climate change will mean for rural areas? - What should we do about rural public transport?
- Work on a system that provides for a small
proportion who do not have cars? - Create a system that many more will use?
66Thank You
- Gordon Stokes
- gordon.stokes_at_ruralcommunities.gov.uk