Title: Oxfordshire Climate Communities
1Oxfordshire Climate Communities
Challenge North Leigh
Over 30 communities in Oxfordshire are active on
climate change find out where they are and how
you can get involved www.climatex.org
Low Carbon Wolvercote
St Margarets Church
Faringdon EcoWeek
Kidlington vs Climate Changes first meeting
Low Carbon Wolvercotes car free day
Wantage and Grove Green People screening An
Inconvenient Truth
Blewbury Energy Initiative
2Home Truths
The household sector represents 27 per cent of
our total CO2 emissions. Of the homes we will
inhabit in 2050, around 80 per cent are already
standing today.
Oxfordshire houses are leading the way in
eco-renovation achieving up to 80 reductions
in CO2 emissions. Many local companies specialise
in eco-renovation you can find a local
suppliers directory on www.ecovation.org.uk
Last years Oxfordshire Open Eco-houses event saw
over 1,000 visits to 18 homes including 17th
century cottages, 1970s flats, a straw bale
building, 1930s semis and Georgian terraced
Find out more at www.ecovation.org.uk and watch
out for Oxfordshire Open Eco-homes 11-14 Sept
3Get climate positive!
Could you host a low energy light bulb library?
What would you like to do ?
Could you be an energy i-measurer? take a
leaflet or see www.imeasure.org.uk
Could you screen a DVD at work / in your
Get a copy of Reversing the Damage- climate
change poetry
For more info on our climate toolkit, see
www.climatex.org / tel 01865 275 856
How about a climate book-club?
Quiz a climate researcher or how about a
climate quiz night?
What about hosting talks on home eco-renovation
or climate impacts and opportunities?
4Careers in the Climate Century
Venture capital investing in innovative solutions
- Venturefest 2007 focussed on Climate change for
an entire day
Carbon offsetting world leading companies such
as Climate Care and Eco-securities
Regenatec - design, manufacture and install the
world's most advanced pure plant oil (PPO)
biofuel conversion systems for commercial diesel
Even computer gaming companies are focussing on
climate change!
Carbon footprinting with leading Oxford companies
Training, communicating, consultancy exploring
and communicating solutions, working in NGOs,
Microsharp technologies - highly innovative
dynamic company developing light manipulation
Construction, architects - reducing carbon
footprint of homes. Designing and installing wind
farms and low and zero carbon technology
Scientists and researchers needed!
Energy efficiency and advice Thames Valley
Energy centre, TV Energy, Energy Performance
PV Crystalox solar leading manufacturer in key
solar power system components
See www.climatex.org/business-climates for more
examples in Oxon