Title: Prospects for Lattice Calculations of N Properties
1Prospects for Lattice Calculations of N
- Lattice QCD
- Spectroscopy Review
- Identifying excited states the variational
method - Lattice symmetries and Lattice Partial Waves
- Lattice properties transition form factors
- Conclusions
2LHP Collaboration
- S. Basak, J. Dudek, R. Edwards, G. Fleming, U.
Heller, J. Juge, A. Lichtl, N. Mathur, C.
Morningstar, DGR, I. Sato, S. Wallace
3Lattice QCD
- Enables ab initio solution of low-energy
properties of QCD - Systematically improvable
- V ! 1
- a !0
- m? ! m?phys
Bornyakov et al., PRD70, 054506
4Spectroscopy - I
- Classic tool for gleaning information about
degrees of freedom of QCD - Experimental and ab initio N and Hybrid programs
aim at discovering effective degrees of freedom
of QCD, and resolving competing low-energy
Capstick and Roberts, PRD58 (1998) 074011
Timely opportunity for lattice QCD in concert
with EBAC
5Spectroscopy - II
- Low-lying states lowest state in lattice
partial wave benchmark calculations of lattice
QCD. - LHPC, full QCD calculations at single value of
lattice spacing, fixed volume
6Spectroscopy - III
- Benchmark calculation of lattice QCD
- Quenched, quark mass around that of strange.
- Discrepancy in meson sector eliminated in full
- Precise results for comparison with experiment
require control of systematic an statistical
uncertainties - V ! 1
- a ! 0
- m? ! 0
7Resonances - I
Comparison of results by Adelaide group, Zanotti
et al PRD67, 114506 (2003).
Bad nucleon operator vanishes in NR limit.
Need to extract radial and higher spin excitations
8Resonance physics variational method
- Given N N correlator matrix C??(t) h 0 j
O?(t) O?(0) j 0 i, one defines the N principal
correlators ?i(t,t0) as the eigenvalues of - where t0 (the time defining the metric) is
small - Principal effective masses defined from
correlators plateau to lowest-lying energies
min ( En Ei)
- Eigenvalues ! Energies Real!
- Eigenvectors ! wave functions
9Principal effective masses
- Perform single-exponential fit to each principal
correlator to extract spectrum! Can use
multi-exponentials to minimize sensitivity to
excited states - Note that principal effective
masses (as
functions of time)
can cross,
approach asymptotic
behavior from below - Final results are independent
of t0, but choosing larger values
of this reference time can
larger errors
10Variational methods glueballs
- Morningstar and Peardon
- PRD60, 034509
- Quenched glueball calculations provide road-map
- Variational methods
- Large matrix of correlators
- Method more demanding for particles containing
11Variational Method Unstable Particles
- Computations done in a periodic box
- momenta quantized
- discrete energy spectrum of stationary states ?
single hadron, 2 hadron, - Scattering phase shifts ? resonance masses,
widths (in principle) deduced from finite-box
spectrum - B. DeWitt, PR 103, 1565 (1956) (sphere)
- M. Luscher, NPB364, 237 (1991) (cube)
- Two-particle states and resonances identified by
examining behaviour of energies in finite volume - Resonances with milder volume dependence
12Resonance or scattering state - I
Mathur et al, Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 074508
Fit to ground and first-excited states of I1
pentaquark correlator, together with scattering
13Resonance or scattering state - II
Two-particle amplitude expected to have
different volume dependence to single-particle
amplitude Amplitudes more consistent with
two-particle state
14Lattice Partial Waves
- States are classified according to
- Flavor structure, F
- Parity
- Total Spin, J, and Helicity, or third component
of spin, Jz. - In lattice computation, need to construct
operators Bi? ? F(t, x) transforming irreducibly
under lattice symmetries ?, ? and form
correlation matrix - Begin by considering flavor and orbital radial
S. Basak et al., PRD72074501,2005 PRD72094506,20
Good lattice QN.
Minimize Propagator Inversions
15Flavour, Orbital and Radial Structure
- Classify states according to SU(2) Flavour
- Build up radial structure using displacement
operators D - Provide our elemental BiF(t,x) operators having
correct flavour and colour structure
Spatial structure of operators
16Lattice Symmetries
- Rotations restricted to isotropic cubic lattice
form Octohedral group O - O has 24 elements
- O has five conjugacy classes, hence five
single-valued representations, A1(1), A2(1),
E(2), T1(3), T2(3) - Under elements R of O, operator lying in ?
irreducible representation transforms as (? is
row) - Spatial inversions Is ! Oh, with 48 elements
parities labelled g or u
17Double Octohedral Group
- Has 48 elements
- Contains irreducible representations of O,
together with 3 spinor irreps G1, G2, H
R.C.Johnson, PLB114, 147 (82)
Note that states with J gt 5/2 lie in
representations with lower spins.
Spins identified from degeneracies in contiuum
18Glimpsing nucleon spectrum - I
- Apply variational method in nucleon sector at m?
' 700 MeV - Classify states according to their Lattice irreps
Adam Lichtl, PhD 2006
19Glimpsing nucleon spectrum - II
20Pion cloud physics
- Roper resonance at light quark masses
- S.J. Dong et al,
- Bayesian statistics and constrained curve fitting
- Used simple three-quark operator
- Roper predominantly a three-quark state?
- Physics at physical values of the pion mass very
different from the heavy-quark regime chiral
perturbation theory
a 0.2 fm
21Resonance Spectroscopy - I
New thrust generation of full QCD lattices using
anisotropic clover action for spectroscopy
Good scaling behaviour
- Tadpole-improved tree-level Symanzik gauge
- Anistropic Clover fermion action
22Resonance Spectroscopy - II
Jansen et al, POS (LAT2005) 118
S and T review, 2006
Major effort at Resonance spectroscopy of both
Hybrids and baryons National Program
- Several volumes multiparticle states
- Several spacings identify spins
23Resonance Properties - I
- For well-established measurement, can study
electromagnetic properties
EM Current
p q
- Prerequesite good interpolating operators for
N, N
24Resonance Properties - II
One baryon resonance studied for many years..
Lattice points from Leinweber (1992)
Cloet,Leinweber,Thomas (2003) Lee et.al. (2004)
Chiral calculations
Pascalutsa, Vanderhaeghen Thomas, Young ()
25Photocouplings and Transition FF ? N ! ?
Alexandrou et al. (2005)
- Computations in full QCD in progress
- Deformation in nucleon or Delta
26N to Delta Axial-transition Form Factors
Alexandrou et al., hep-lat/0610107
- Enable study of off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman
27 Hybrid Photocouplings - I
Dudek, Edwards, Richards, PRD73, 074507
- Recent study of transitions between conventional
mesons, e.g. S ! ? V
Not used in the fit
28 Hyrbid Photocouplings - II
- Q2-dependence inspired by NR potential model with
rel. corrections
First computation of exotic meson resonance
spectrum, and of 1- photocouplings, at pion
masses down to 220 MeV
29Decays and Scattering States
- Scattering lengths related to energy shifts in
two-particle spectrum in finite volume - First dynamical calculation of scattering lengths
in 1S0 channel and 3S1 - 3D1 coupled channels by
NPLQCD (Orginos et al.).
Current lattice data
I2 ?-?
30Decays and Scattering States - II
CP-PACS, hep-lat/0610020
31Conclusions and Summary
- Techniques developed to extract many states for
each lattice partial wave - Program of spectroscopy calculations now underway
at several lattice spacings, several volumes - Delineate multiparticle and scattering states
- Vital part of both JLab and National LQCD
Program needs support - For well-established states, extraction of
transition form factors straightforward - Scattering lengths/phase shifts accessible..
32Spectroscopy - III
Application of Variational Method in trial
calculation allows extraction of up to eight
excited states
LHPC, hep-lat/0609052
Quenched QCD calculation of nucleon spectrum
New thrust generation of full QCD lattices using
anisotropic clover action for spectroscopy