Title: The Current situation of Kyoto Mechanism in Japan
1The Current situation ofKyoto Mechanismin Japan
2003.5.28 Kiyotaka AKASAKA Consul General of
Japan in Sao Paulo
2-- Contents --
- 1. Current Situation of GHGs Emission
- 2. Japanese Policy for Global Warming
- 3. Liaison Committee for the Use of the Kyoto
Mechanisms and JI/CDM Project Approval Guidelines - 4. CDM Project Application already received
- 5. Government of Japans support to facilitate
CDM/JI Projects
3- 1. Current Situation of GHGs Emission
4Japans GHGs emissions in 2000
(Source)Japans Inventory
14 reduction needed to meet the Kyoto Target of
-6 from 1990
5Major source of Japans GHGs
(Source)Japans Inventory
About 90 of total GHGs emissions was form energy
6Energy Efficiency Indicators (1)- energy
consumption/GDP -
(Source)OECD/IEA, Energy Balances of OECD
7Energy Efficiency Indicators (2) - energy
consumption/GDP -
?Figures are index where Japans level of 2000 as
(Source)OECD/IEA, Energy Balances of Non-OECD
8 - 2.Japanese Policy for Global Warming
9The new climate change policy program 1
To cope with global warming problem and implement
Kyoto Protocol, Government of Japan adopted The
new climate change program in March 2002. Basic
Policies are
i) Contribution to both Environment and
Economy Climate change policy shall be developed
and implemented so as to contribute to both of
the environment and economy with the aim of
revitalizing the Japanese economy through
innovative initiatives of industry. ii) Step by
Step approach The period between 2002 and 2012
shall be divided into three terms (2004 and
2007), and the progress of domestic policies and
measures and the state of greenhouse gases
emissions shall be assessed and reviewed before
the start of the each term. Based on the analysis
and reviews, the Program shall be revised where
necessary so as to take additional policies and
measures where necessary, on a step by-step
10The new climate change policy program 2
iii) Shared Responsibility All state and local
governments, industries and the general public
must share in efforts to prevent the global
warming. iv) International Cooperation in
Climate change In order to ensure the effective
of actions against global warming, it is
important to establish a common rule in future in
which all countries including the United States
and developing countries participate. The
government of Japan continues its maximum efforts
for the establishment of a common rule.
11The new climate change policy program 3
In the New Climate Change Program, domestic
quantitative targets were established to achieve
6 reduction commitment.
Note Japan shall study the utilization of the
Kyoto mechanisms while taking account of
international situation and bearing in mind the
commitment achievement responsibility and the
general rule that Kyoto mechanisms stipulated in
the Kyoto Protocol are supplementary to domestic
12 - 3. Liaison Committee for the Use of the Kyoto
Mechanisms and JI/CDM Project Approval Guidelines
13Establishment of Liaison Committee for the Use
of the Kyoto Mechanisms
Established on July 19, 2002 Major Task -
Approval of project applications for
JI/CDM Consists of relevant government agencies
- Cabinet Secretariat - Ministry of
Foreign Affairs - Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries - Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry - Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure and transport - Ministry of
14Establishment of JI / CDM Project Approval
- Established on October 16, 2002
- Established by the Liaison Committee
- Procedures Described in the Guidelines
- Application should be submitted to one of the
member - ministries of the Liaison Committee
- The ministry designated to support the candidate
projects - examines the application pursuant to the
approval criteria - and reports the result to the Liaison Committee
- The Liaison Committee decides whether to approve
the - application based on the report from the
15 - 4. CDM Project Application Already
- Received
16CDM Project Application Already Received
- CDM Project in Brazil
- -Project Participant Toyota Tsusho
Corporation - -Name of the Project
- VM Tubes do Brazil Fuel Switch Project
- -Outline of Project
- Use charcoal for the production of steel
instead of - using cokes
- Target Gas CO2, N2O, CH4
- Expected Emission Reduction
- 1,041,051 t-CO2/Year
17- 5. Government of Japans support to
- facilitate CDM/JI Projects
18 METIs support to facilitate CDM/JI project
- - Ongoing -
- (1)Set up of Help Desk for Kyoto Mechanism
(2001) - Help Desk was set up to support project
developers and addressed by over 60 CDM Project
Candidates as of the end of March 2003 - (2) Feasibility Study
- Feasibility study is conducted by NEDO to
find promising CDM/JI projects to be carried out
by private companies - (3) Publishing Kyoto Mechanism Guidebook (in
Japanese) - The latest version of Kyoto Mechanism
Guidebook (Ver. 3.2) was published on Jan 24,
2003. - - NEW-
- (4)Subsidy for CDM/JI Projects (2003)
- METI supports private companies to proceed
CDM/JI projects through NEDO by subsidizing
one-forth of total CDM/JI project cost - (5)Carbon Fund for Utilizing Kyoto Mechanism
(2003) - The fund, which finances for CDM/JI
projects, is constituted by investments mainly
from private sectors. Emission reductions
generated from the projects will be distributed
among investors in proportion to their amount of
investment - (6) Risk Hedging measures(2003.10)
- METI offers risk hedging measures such as
bonds and export insurance for private companies
involved in CDM/JI projects to lessen the project
19MOEs support to facilitate CDM/JI Project
- - Ongoing -
- (1)CDM/JI Feasibility Study(1999)
- Feasibility study is done to find promising
CDM/JI projects to be carried out by private
companies - (2)CDM/JI Implementation Manual(2000)
- Implementation Manual for private companies
considering CDM/JI projects is being prepared - (3)Capacity building of CDM authorizing
entities(2002) - CDM accreditation modeling project is underway
to train authorizing entities to gain experience
in CDM accreditation - (4)Information dissemination for Kyoto
Mechanism(2002) - Information on Kyoto Mechanism and government
policy is provided on Web. Also inquiries are
accepted via email (kyotomecha_at_env.go.jp) - -New-
- (5)Subsidy for CDM/JI Projects(2003)
- Subsidize additional facilities needed to
qualify as CDM/JI projects - (6)Consulting service for Kyoto Mechanism(2003)
- Disseminate information on the framework,
project needs in host countries, promising
projects for credit issuance, PDD preparation,
etc, aiming for private companies to implement