Title: Electric-Field-Based Routing: Secure Spatially Disjoint Routes in MANETs
1Electric-Field-Based Routing Secure Spatially
Disjoint Routes in MANETs
- DARPA Proposers Day for
- Defense Against Cyber Attacks on Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks - An-I (Andy) Wang
- Florida State University
- awang_at_cs.fsu.edu
- Defend pair-wise communication channels in MANETs
- Electric-Field-Based Routing (EFR) defends
against - Black-hole routers
- Man-in-the-middle attacks
- Byzantine and geographically localized failures
- Service degradation
3Electric-Field-Based Routing
- With two opposite poles
- Locally apply electric-field equations at each
node - Globally define spatially disjoint routes for all
communicating pairs - No further route coordination
4Rapid Reconfiguration for Failures and Mobility
5Rapid Reconfiguration for Failures and Mobility
Stateless 3D routing
6EFR vs. Black-Hole Routers
Contextual routing
7EFR vs. Black-Hole Routers
Contextual routing
8EFR vs. Black-Hole Routers
Contextual routing
9EFR vs. Localized Failures
Spatially disjoint routes
10EFR vs. Localized Failures
Spatially disjoint routes
11EFR vs. Localized Failures
Spatially disjoint routes
12EFR vs. Integrity Breaches
Redundant routes and information
13EFR vs. Integrity Breaches
Redundant routes and information
14EFR vs. Multiple Interceptions
Threshold-based encryption encoding
15EFR vs. Multiple Interceptions
Threshold-based encryption encoding
16Research Challenges
- Evaluate EFR under different attacks
- Overcome practical deployment constraints
- Build obstacle/corridor conforming routes
- Balance energy consumptions
- Explore other stateless approaches of
constructing secure spatially disjoint routes
- Electric-Field-Based Routing
- An-I (Andy) Wang
- awang_at_cs.fsu.edu
18How to select the next hop
Field line
Next hop
Ideal next hop
Current node
Transmission range