Title: Career Ladder Pilot Plan
1Career Ladder Pilot Plan
2Career Ladder Goals
- The goal of career ladder is to improve our
students academic growth. This year there will
be a pilot plan, as well as the traditional plan.
3Career Ladder Requirements
- Career Ladder is comprised of four areas
- Years of Experience
- Career Ladder Evaluation
- HLIR hours
- Student Achievement Plan
4Why the Pilot?
- To more readily show the impact Career Ladder has
on increasing student achievement. - The way that Arizona has chosen to measure
student achievement is through AIMS. - To demonstrate increased student achievement.
- To decrease paperwork (Two plans reduced to AIMS
data Cover Sheet.)
- Level III
- Step 1
- Traditional
- Pilot
- Step 2
- Traditional
- Pilot
- Level IV
- Step 1
- Traditional
- Pilot
- Step 2
- Traditional
- Pilot
The Pilot plan will have the same requirements
for HLIR hours, evaluation instrument, and years
of experience.
6Pilot Plan
- The Pilot Plan is not available for CSO or Level
II participants. - It is only an option for teachers who are
maintaining Level III or Level IV for 2006-2007.
7Traditional PlanStudent Achievement
- Complete Pre-Assessment Plan
- Complete Post-Assessment Plan
Plan requires teachers to use an assessment to
show growth in students. Teachers analyze the
data and write a summative of the findings for
both the pre-assessment and the post-assessment.
8Pilot PlanStudent Achievement
- Submit two copies to Career Ladder Office
- The AIMS data for your class or section for
Reading, Writing, or Math. - The Pilot Plan Cover Sheet (with your principals
signature) - At end of year, submit a roster of students in
class or section who took the actual AIMS test.
9Pilot Plan
- Evaluator will be coming in at least five times
looking for effective and consistent use of
instructional strategies. - Evaluation will reflect if instructional
strategies were observed.
10Addendum Requirements
- Traditional
- HLIR hours
- Years of experience
- Evaluation
- Student Achievement PlanPre and Post
- Plans
- Pilot
- HLIR hours
- Years of experience
- Evaluation
- AIMS Data Cover
- Sheet Spring Roster
11Pilot Plan - Bonus Addendum
- A Bonus Addendum will only be available for
teachers participating in the Pilot Plan. - You will be paid this in September after the
qualifying year. (September 07 if you do the
pilot this year.)
12Pilot Plan Bonus Addendum
The Bonus Addendum is 1000 --if the number of
students who increase their performance
indicator is greater than the number of students
who decrease their performance
indicator. OR The Bonus Addendum is 2000 --if
the number of students whose performance
indicator is Meets or Exceeds increases
and there is no increase in the number of
students in Falls Far Below OR Â --if all
students maintain Exceeding performance
indicator  OR --if all students performance
indicators are already at Meets and
Exceeds, at least one student must move to
Exceeds and all others maintain Meets and
13Grade level Beginning data source End data
sourceGrades 4-8 Previous grades AIMS
AIMS Grade 10 Grade 8 AIMS High
school AIMS
- What is the monetary difference between the
Pilot Plan and the Traditional Plan? - Answer
- The Career Ladder addendum is the same for
- both the Pilot Plan and the Traditional Plan,
- depending on your level.
- The Pilot Plan makes one eligible for
- additional money with the Bonus Addendum.
- Do I have to do the Pilot Plan if I am a
- Level III or Level IV?
- Answer
- No, it is your choice. If you want to do
- the Traditional Student Achievement
- Plan, you can.
- My grade level doesnt use AIMS am
- I eligible to participate in the Pilot?
- Answer No.
- A pilot plan means limited participation.
- Furthermore, the Pilot Plan requires an
- assessment from an outside source.
- I am a special area teacher (elementary music,
- PE, Media). Can I participate in the Pilot?
- Answer
- Yes, if you teach a class of 4th, 5th, and/or 6th
- Graders of 20 or more students. The data you
will use will be AIMS Reading, Writing, or Math.
- AIMS belongs to everyone. ?
- I have an inclusion class can I participate?
- Answer
- Yes, as long as you teach Grades 4-8 or 10, and
- have 20 or more students.
- The goal is to get all students to improve.
- Students with IEPs can and should achieve.
- I teach Honors and CATS. Can I participate?
- Answer
- Yes, as long as you teach Grades 4-8 or
- 10, and teach at least 20 students.
- I only teach classes that are one
- semester long. Can I participate in the
- Pilot?
- Answer
- Yes. You will use the students in the first
- semester class.
- How many students do I have to have in a class
to participate in the pilot? - Answer 20
- Exceptions can be made by the director.
- Where am I going to get the AIMS
- data?
- Answer
- The district will provide the AIMS Data to
- you.
- What if a student comes in my class in
- November?
- Answer
- Any student who has an AIMS score from
- the previous year and who enters your
- class before the end of Semester One will be
- included in your data.
- I was a reader of plans last year can I
- still be a reader?
- Answer
- Yes, but you will need to do a plan this
- yeareither the Traditional or Pilot plan.
- You may read plans for HLIR hours.
25Pilot Plan- Important Dates
- June 14th AIMS data released
- July 27th-Aug 4th Meetings to go over Pilot Plan
- Aug 4thLast day to notify Career Ladder office
that you are participating in the Pilot. - September 1st Cover sheet and AIMS data due
- End of year (May 07) Class roster from STI of
students in your class