Title: Slayt 1
1Technology Readiness Model for Enterprises
Technology Readiness Model for Enterprises
Ercan Oztemel and Tulay Korkusuz Polat Sakarya
University, Engineering Faculty, Dept. of
Industrial Engineering, 54187, Sakarya,
TURKEY eoztemel_at_sakarya.edu.tr,
- Contents
- Introduction
- Technology Management
- Literature Review
- Technology Readiness Model of SERM
- Graphical Representation of TRM
- Technology Elements of TRM
- Weighted Values of Each Technology Assessment
Elements - Technology Infrastructure Assessment Matrix
- Case Study
- Conclusion.
- The speed of technological developments are
rapidly increasing everyday. The enterprises need
to follow new innovations and new technologies to
preserve the competitive advantages. There are
various aspects of technology to be taken into
account. At each level of the enterprise there
are technology related decisions as well as the
use of technologies with different
characteristics in nature.
4Technology Management
- Technology management and technology transfer are
the subject of various studies. There have been
some studies on defining the level of
technological readiness in enterprises.
5Literature Review 1/3
- Technology and Process maturity model called CE
which is developed by Karandikar et.al. This
study was later extended to include collaborative
Technologies and called CERC. In these models,
technology maturity and process maturity is
considered as the key elements of technology
management. Technological maturity is evaluated
in terms of information sharing coordination and
communication. Process maturity on the other hand
is evaluated with respect to leadership, team
formation, management systems, products and
agility. 5 process maturity levels, 3 technology
maturity levels are defined and enterprises
evaluated using these levels. Most of the later
studies are based on this study.
6Literature Review 2/3
- Capability maturity model (CMM) was also
introduced for assessing the maturity of the
software systems developed for Ministry of
Defense in USA. It defines various level of
technological readiness starting from ad-hoc use
of technology and follows the stages given below. - Applied technology,
- Standard and consistent technology,
- Reliable technology
- Continuously improving technology.
- Although there does not seem to have much
implemented, this model could be extended to
other areas.
7Technology Readiness Model 1/2
- One of the main deficiencies of these models was
that, technology assessment was mainly based on
information focused analysis. Some basic issues
such as technology portfolio, technology
forecasting, technology requirements analysis,
technology change rates, technology innovation
etc. seem not to be explicitly evaluated. - Technology assessment module which is proposed
here is developed to fill this gap. - This model can be called as Technology Readiness
Model (TRM).
8Technology Readiness Model 2/2
- Note that the proposed technology readiness model
is a part of Strategic Enterprise Resource
Management (SERM) methodology (Figure 1 shows the
SERM model).
9Strategic Enterprise Resource Management (SERM)
SM Strategic Management CFA Customer Focused
Activities TM Technology Management PM
Performance Management MRP Material Requirements
Planning HRM Human Resource Management MRP-II
Manufacturing Requirements Planning ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning CRP Capacity
Requirement Planning RCCP Rough-cut Capacity
Requirement Planning
Figure 1 Components of Strategic Enterprise
Resource Management (SERM)
- The TRM checks the technology in 3 different
levels mainly, strategic, tactical and
operational. At each level, the technological
elements have different values weighted in an
overall scale. Figure 2 shows the technological
readiness area with respect to these levels. The
shaded area shows the technology readiness area
of a particular enterprise. Sectoral
possibilities of technological readiness are also
shown in the figure where the outer triangle
shows the ideal case.
11Graphical Representation of TRM
12Technology Elements of TRM 1/4
- To be able to measure each level, four technology
elements is introduced. These are - A- Knowledge and information baseline where the
following capabilities of the enterprise is
evaluated. They can be considered as sub
components. - Management Information System And Data Processing
- Agent Based Applications
- Return of Investment
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Databases
- Software
- Technology Knowledge Management
- Technology Identification and Selection
13Technology Elements of TRM 2/4
- B - Technologic Infrastructure where the
following is evaluated. - Technologic Suitability and Position Map
- Automation
- Communication Networks
- Information Networks
- Services
- Machine park
14Technology Elements of TRM 3/4
- C - Strategic Baseline where the following is
evaluated. - Strategy Development
- Technology Portfolio
- Technology Prospect /Forecasting
- Technology Transfer And Adoption
- Technology Change Rates
- Technology Innovation
- Technology Scenarios And Roadmaps
- Technology Creation
- Disruptive Technologies
15Technology Elements of TRM 4/4
- D - Management Baseline where the following is
assessed. - Technology Categorization and Planning
- Technology Risk Management
- Human Resource Planning
- Technology Requirement Handling
- Technological Investment and Capital Management
- Cost Management
- Quality Management
- Technologic Competitors Analysis
16Weighted Values of Each Technology Assessment
- The relationship weights of these components and
organizational technology levels as described
above is given in Table 1.
Table 1 Weighted values of each technology
assessment element
Each sub component of technology assessment
element is evaluated using several criteria.
Table 2 shows an example of a subcomponent and
its assessment criteria. The weights of Table 2
are defined through the same procedure of applied
for Table 1.
18Technology Infrastructure Assessment Matrix
Table 2 Technology infrastructure Assessment
Technology readiness assessment matrix for each
component of TRM is designed as similar to the
one described in Table 2. During the technology
assessment process, the enterprise is evaluated
taking all technology related issues into account
based on the components and criteria as described
19Case Study 1/4
- The proposed Technology Readiness Model is
applied to a hypothetical company for the proof
of concept. The implementation in a real company
is yet to be organized. The work along this line
continues. The company in question is evaluated
with respect to each technology, elements,
related components and criteria. Table 3
indicates the results of evaluation on technology
infrastructure. Similar tables were defined for
the other components as well. Underlined numbers
in each row of the matrix in Table 3 indicates
the technological level of particular components
possess by the company. For example, the company
has a machine park which is sufficient enough
regarding the machine life cycle.
20Case Study 2/4
Table 3 Assessment of technology infrastructure
for a specific company
21Case Study 3/4
- Similar to the technological infrastructure,
other components were also assessed for the
company specified. Table 4 shows the over all
results of the assessment. - Table 4
- The overall technology assessment
22Case Study 4/4
Based on the results presented in Table 4, the
technology readiness area of this particular
company can be given as in Figure 3.
23Conclusion 1/2
- Measuring the technological assessment is one of
the main concerns in technology management
activities of the enterprises. The technology
readiness model proposed in this study is
intended to provide a systematic approach to
measure the level of technological readiness of
the enterprises. The proof of concept study
produced encouraging results. The study continues
in seeking the right weight values and applying
the model in a real company.
24Conclusion 2/2
- Note that the model can be implemented in both
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and big
companies provided that business specific
modifications can be made. These modifications
can be done using artificial intelligence
techniques such as expert systems. However neural
networks can be used to define the weight
factors. The technological readiness levels can
be calculated and some remedies can be provided
sing expert systems as well. Agent technology can
be utilized along this line. The study will be
extended for creating intelligent technology
readiness and technology managements.
25Thank You Very Much Questions ?
Ercan Oztemel and Tulay Korkusuz Polat Sakarya
University, Engineering Faculty, Dept. of
Industrial Engineering, 54187, Sakarya,
TURKEY eoztemel_at_sakarya.edu.tr,