Title: Aircraft Memory Unit Data Visualization Tool
1Group 4 Aircraft Memory Unit Data Visualization
Tool James Dennig Nick Clark David Korthuis
Mike Prince Hyun-Soo Kim
2Our Client Don Akers The Boeing Company
3The Aircraft
4Memory Unit Flight information is collected
during flight by the Memory Unit (MU)
- Air Speed
- Altitude
- Pitch
- Roll
- Weapon Store
- Etc.
5What They Have An application that can display
raw MU data.
6What They Need An application that can visualize
the MU data.
Air Speed
02-17-2001 134613 Warning Engine Failure
GH348T 02-17-2001 135144 Caution Failure To
Properly Use Turn Signal 02-17-2001 135258
Caution Turn Radius Exceeding Recommendation
Elapsed Time 01h 36m 42s
7Must Do Graphically display the aircraft using
the following parameters
8Must Do Display, in real-time, (up to 5 of) the
following parameters
- Altitude
- Heading
- Pitch Angle
- Pitch Rate
- Roll Angle
- Speed
- Time
- Yaw Rate
9Must Do Ability to change playback speed from 1x
to 25x Visual indication of cautions,
advisories and warnings Audible indication of
cautions, advisories and warnings
10Must Do Display weapon inventory Visual
indication of weapon release
11Additionally Must run on a modern version of
Windows Must retrieve MU data from a Microsoft
Access Database If time permits, we will explore
the option of creating a DLL or OCX file (to
embed in other applications).
12Wish List Seek (forward and backwards) through
the playback Multiple views of the real-time data
(the visualization of the plane)
13Reliability Display all appropriate MU data
accurately. Ensure that the graphical
representation of the aircraft correlates to the
actual movements of the aircraft.
14Development Programming Environment Visual C
.Net 3-D Visualization OpenGL Additional
Support Microsoft Access
15Spiral Model
Version 1 Retrieves data from the
database Version 2 Displays some data in
real-time as selected from a pull-down
menu Version 3 A very basic 3-D model is
displayed in real- time based on flight
data Version 4 All user options are available
and 3-D Model is complete
17Data Input Microsoft Access Database provided by
our client.
18System Overview