Title: The Whole Building Approach Beyond Just Building Green
1The Whole Building Approach Beyond Just
Building Green
- A Case Study In By-Product Management During
Construction - Orlando, Florida
- September 18, 2007
- About us
- Todays presentation
3Green Building
- Definition
- the practice of increasing the efficiency with
which buildings and their sites use and harvest
energy water and materials, and reducing building
impacts on human health and the environment,
through better siting, design, construction,
operation, maintenance, and removal the
complete building life cycle.
Wikipedia - Broadly defined, green building is a process
that creates buildings and the supporting
infrastructure that minimizes the use of
resources, reduces harmful effects on the
environment, and provides healthier indoor
environments for people - Housing Assistance Council
- Has numerous facets
4Facets of Green Building
- Designing to Reduce Pollution
- Designing to Reduce Energy Consumption
- Selection of Building Materials
- Building in an Environmentally Sound
5Movement Drivers
- Public expectations
- Environmental Responsibility
- Global Warming
- Sustainability
- Governmental Requirements
- Business Imperatives
6Engineering and Construction
- Challenges
- Not a typical culture
- Technology
- Cost
- Location
- Opportunities
- Reputation
- Innovation
- Business positioning
7Changing The Way We Construct
- Zero Accidents Zero By-Products
- Elevated Environmental Focus
- Holistic Approach to Managing Wastes and
Pollution - Developing the Infrastructure to Achieve Success
- Measure our Wastes and Progress
8The Result
- True Understanding of Construction Wastes and
Impacts - Workable Methods for Control
- Ability to Predict Volumes
- Confidence in our Ability to Manage by-products
in Remote Locations
9Case Study
- The Fjarðaál Aluminium Smelter Project
- Among the First Construction Projects to Adopt
Zero by-products Philosophy - Very Remote location
- Minimal Infrastructure to Handle Waste
- Minimal Environmental Culture
10Fjarðaál Aluminum SmelterSómastaðir, Iceland
- Joseph Zoghbi
- Project ESH Manager
11Project Location
Fjarðaál Project
12Fjarðaál Aluminium Smelter Aerial View
13Facts and Figures
- Employment
- About 1,500 employees during peak in 2006.
- Some 450 employees to operate and maintain the
smelter - An additional 300 indirect jobs will be created
- Commodities
- 8 million m3 of earth rock moved.
- 120,000 m3 of concrete poured
- 26,000 tons of steel erected
- 380,000 m2 of cladding (roofing/siding)
installed - 1,200,000 lm of power control cable installed
- 35,000 lm of piping will be installed
- Rock will be used as landfill for harbor
- 10 million hours direct labor
14Key Project Milestones
15ESH Project Organization
16Defining By-product Goals
- Zero waste to landfill
- No pollution to land or water
- No fugitive emissions or odors
- Sustainable use of materials
17How Do We Attain Our Goals
18Directing By-products from the Source
- Waste Identification in Design and Purchasing
- Specifying Recyclable or Reusable Materials for
- Directing BP When Its Generated
- Communication and Support of Warehouse and Field
Staff - Track Quantities Into Stream
- Segregation Collection
- Educating Personnel Labeling Bins
- Strategically Place Collection Bins
Final Destination
- Material Recovery
- Track Quantities Out of Stream
- Ensure Green Processing
19Categorizing By-Products
NON-HAZARDOUS not classified as hazardous BP
NON-RECYCLABLE cannot be reprocessed by a
third-party company, nor reused to create raw
materials for manufacturing new products
HAZARDOUS infectious, toxic (acute or chronic),
corrosive, combustible, flammable, explosive
RECYCLABLE/ REUSABLE can be reprocessed by a
third-party company, or reused to create raw
materials or produce energy
20ID Roles and Responsibilities
Area Superintendents
Discipline Superintendents
By-products Subcontractors
21Establish Training and ESH Support Programs
- Onboard Training for Craft
- 50 Hour Training
- Safety, IH, BP, and Environmental Topics
- One Month Mentoring Period
- Publications
- Weekly Safely Speaking
- Safety Bulletins
- Monthly News Letter
- Meetings
- Daily P.O.D. Superintendents Meetings
- Weekly Zero Accident Team
- Weekly ESH Staff Meeting
22Develop By-Product Handling Flowchart
24HAZARDOUS By-Products
Hazardous by-products in secondary containment
Dry cell batteries
Adequately signedin 3 languages
Oily waste can
25Communicating Safely Speaking and Safety
26Proper By-Products Segregation
- The Precondition for Reuse and Recycling is
Correct Sorting of by-products - Training and Educating Personnel is Essential
- Signage and Labeling Containers is Crucial
- Strategically Place Bins to Help Ensure Proper
Use - Ensure Frequent Assessments and Inspections
- Ensure Housekeeping and BP Segregation is Written
into Every Work Method Statement
27ID Recycling and Destination Options
28Gathering Data
29Statistical Overview
October 2005
7 landfilling
93 reusing recycling
30Converting Waste to Resource
- Flammable/Combustible Hazardous Waste
- Used as Fuel for Municipal Cogen Facility
- Converted to Electrical Energy and Residential
Heating - Used Motor Oil
- Treated and Re-used as Lubricating Oil
- Converted to Electrical Energy and Residential
Heating in Husavik, Iceland - Batteries
- Recycled in Germany
31Converting Waste to Resource
- Fluorescent Light Bulbs
- Glass
- Recycled
- Aluminum and steel
- Recycled
- Aerosol Can Recycling
- Flammable paint
- Used as Cogen Fuel
- Steel
- Recycled
- Used Oil Filters
- Cogen Fuel and Recycled Steel
32Project Closure Phase
- Gather BP Records and Data
- Hazardous BP Data per Haust and EPA (RCRA)
- Records and Final Reporting
- Handover Completed Project
- Transition to Owner
- Final BP Collections, Shipments, Invoices,
Payments, and BP Contract Closure - Program Improvement
- Gather Publications, Lessons Learned, Photos.
- Create CD/DVD of Relevant Data for Corporate
Records and the Next Project
33Keys of BP Management Success
- Corporate Programs and Commitment
- Client Commitment and Support
- Reliable/Accountable BP Contractors
- Early ID and Routing of by-products
- Diligent BP Management
- ID Type and Quantity of BP
- Ensure Green BP Destinations
34Lessons Learned
- Work Early in Design with Vendors to Define
Packing Materials - Ensure All Regulations are Met
- Shop Around For BP Services
- Form Partnerships with Clients and Companies
- Educate and Re-educate Your Personnel
- Facilitate Compliance
- Frequent Audits/Inspections
- Periodically Review Destination of BPs
- Accurate Data Recording/Tracking
- Green Construction is achievable, if we learn the
lessons of the Fjardaal Project and other Like
37Thank you for your participation
- To our customers We would like your feedback on
today's session to help improve future
presentations. Please take a moment to complete
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and return to the room monitor. - Risk Engineering staff will receive an electronic
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