Title: SciBar Detector for K2K
1SciBar Detector for K2K
- F.Sánchez
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / IFAE
K2K european collaborator meeting, 12 December
2Actual K2K near detector configuration
- The K2K near detector is in charge of computing
the neutrino flux normalization. - Same water target and technique to reduce the
systematics from near to far neutrino detection - This would be possible only with a detector
equivalent to SK in size m momentum from range. - Additional detectors to study the QE interactions
for spectrum analysis of the oscillations - Understand QE/non-QE CC cross-sections and
topologies (sampling calorimeter). - compensates the smaller size of the SK-like
detector (muon chambers).
3Actual K2K near detector configuration
m Chambers measurement of m momentum from u
range including LG and SCIFI.
Lead Glass electron for ne background studies.
SCIFI/Water sampling detector Mainly devoted for
detecting QE neutrino interaction (proton with p
gt 600 MeV).
1kton water Cherenkov a la Superkamiokande
for absolute flux normalization. Same target
(H20) and same detection technique. Low
efficiency for m above 1.5 GeV.
Increase efficiency for m above 1.5 GeV
4New K2K near detector configuration
New detector will replace Lead Glass and will
reduce the threshold for protons.
5New SciBar detector
- Full Active
- Large volumen 300x300x160 cm3 15 tons
- Fine segmentation 2.5 x 1.3 cm2
X-Y views
- Particle Id
- proton ? dE/dx
- muon/pion ? range
- Mometum from range and dE/dx.
6New SciBar detector
- Scintillator
- 2.5x1.3x300 cm3
- Wave length shifting fiber Kurare Y11
- 1.5mm x 360cm
- attenuation length 342 cm
- Photon collection uniformity 5
- Light yield 20p.e./cm after 50cm fiber
7Multi-anode PMT
(measured by 1mmf fiber)
- H8804 (HPK) (modified H7546)
- (8x8) multi-anode
- 2x2 mm2 pixel
- Cross talk lt 3 (1.5mmf fiber)
- Gain 5x105 _at_800V
- Non linearity 5 _at_300p.e.
Hamamatsu H7546