Title: Coordinate Systems CF-1.0 Unidata
1Coordinate SystemsCF-1.0 Unidatas Common Data
- John Caron, Unidata
- Oct 16, 2006
- Summarize netCDF coordinate system models,
particularly CF and Unidatas Common Data Model - Show general coordinate systems for all kinds of
data, not just unstructured grids
- Classic NetCDF is
- An interface for array-oriented data access
- Libraries that provide an implementation of the
interface (with efficient subsetting) - A machine-independent file format
- Data Structures
- Multidimensional (rectangular) arrays
- Name/value attributes
- Shared, named dimensions
4No Coordinate Systems
- NetCDF data model does not have integrated
coordinate systems - no explicit support in the API
- Conventions are needed to georeference
- Neither do other general models like OPeNDAP, HDF
- Contrast GRIB, HDF-EOS, other specialized formats
5Coordinate Variables
- dimensions
- lat 64
- lon 128
- variables
- float lat(lat)
- float lon(lon)
- double temperature(lat,lon)
6Coordinate Variables
- One-dimension variable with same name as its
dimension - Strictly monotonic values
- No missing values
- The coordinates of a point (i,j,k) is the tuple
cvar1(i),cvar2(j),cvar3(k) - Used exclusively by many early Conventions, such
7Limitations of 1D Coordinate Variables
- Non lat/lon horizontal grids
- float temperature(y,x)
- float lat(y, x)
- float lon(y, x)
- Trajectory data
- float NKoreaRadioactivity(pt)
- float lat(pt)
- float lon(pt)
- float altitude(pt)
- float time(pt)
8General Coordinates in CF
- float P(y,x)
- Pcoordinates lat lon
- float lat(y, x)
- float lon(y, x)
- float Sr90(pt)
- Sr90coordinates
- lat lon altitude time
9Coordinate Systems (abstract)
- A Coordinate System for a data variable is a set
of Coordinate Variables2 such that the
coordinates of the (i,j,k) data point is the
tuple cvar1(i,j,k),cvar2(i,j,k),cvar3(i,j,k), - The dimensions of each Coordinate Variable must
be a subset of the dimensions of the data
float gridData(t,z,y,x) float time(t) float
y(y) float x(x) float lat(y,x) float
lon(y,x) float height(t,z,y,x)
float radialData(radial, gate) float
distance(gate) float azimuth(radial) float
elevation(radial) float time(radial)
11 Examples (2)
float stationObs(pt) float lat(pt) float
lon(pt) float z(pt) float time(pt)
float trajectory(pt) float lat(pt) float
lon(pt) float z(pt) float time(pt)
12Coordinate Systems (2)
- Specify Coordinate Variables
- Specify Coordinate Types
- (e.g. lat, lon, time, cartesian x, y, polar
coordinates etc.) - Specify connectivity (implicit or explicit)
between data points - Implicit Neighbors in index space are
(connected) neighbors in coordinate space. Allows
efficient searching.
13Gridded Data
- Cartesian coordinates
- All dimensions are connected
float gridData(t,z,y,x) float time(t) float
y(y) float x(x) float lat(y,x) float
lon(y,x) float height(t,z,y,x)
- Connected means
- Neighbors in index space are neighbors in
coordinate space
14Unstructured Grid
- Node dimension not connected
- Need to specify the connectivity
float unstructGrid(node) float lat(node)
float lon(node)
float unstructGrid(t,z,node) float lat(node)
float lon(node) float time(t) float
15Representations of Connectivity
- Assume need efficient rendering
- Do you need efficient searching?
- Given a coordinate, find surrounding points
- Persistence format may not satisfy complex needs
16CF Status
- Encodes general Coordinate Systems
- Encodes some (not all) Coordinate Types
- Connectivity is not generally clear
- No current standard for unstructured grids
- Units, climate data conventions
- Standard names controlled vocabulary for
physical quantities - Governance, active committees, new web site,
actual to continue work.
17NetCDF-Java Library
- 100 Java library
- Prototype implementation of Common Data Model
- decodes Conventions, presents Coordinate System
API - Scientific Data Type APIs add specialized
subsetting like find data in bounding box - File formats
- General NetCDF, HDF5, OPeNDAP
- Grids GRIB1, GRIB2
- Satellite DMSP, GINI
- Point BUFR
18Common Data Model
Unstructured Grid
Coordinate Systems
Data Access
- Understanding of Coordinate Systems is still
evolving - Connectivity needs to be described
- CF is a good container for an unstructured grid
convention - governance and support
- NetCDF Java library/Common Data Model is
Unidatas prototyping platform - Possible transfer of functionality to cflib C