About GNC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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About GNC


Here at Good News Church, we believe that ... Presbyterianism is a system of checks and balances. The twin concepts of Presbyterianism is: plurality and parity. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: About GNC

About GNC
  • Part I Vision

  • Here at Good News Church, we believe that our
    highest privilege, honor and goal is to glorify
    God through a biblically vibrant community. To
    this end, we are committed to cultivating the
    worship of God, nurturing of fellow believers,
    and evangelizing of all people. In fact, as Paul
    states, we feel compelled to do these things,
    because we share a conviction that God loves his
    people, Good News Church, and the world.

  • We believe that the Bible is the word of God. To
    be sure this is a mystery of faith, but we
    believe that God has communicated to his people
    through an inspired original text.
  • We believe that the hermeneutical goal of the
    Bible is the grace of God to his people in Christ
    and the demonstration of his glory.
  • We believe that the bible is the authoritative
    rule of all life, including worship. This point
    is especially important in view of human autonomy
    and constant predisposition toward rationalism
    apart from Gods counsel.
  • We believe that we have been created, redeemed
    and will be glorified to see the worth of God and
    to worship God for what he has done and who he
  • We believe that this worship is general and
    specific. Worship encompasses all of life and
    also pertains to corporate Sunday worship.

  • We believe that in Christ we are a family and
    have the privilege of loving one another.
  • We believe that we are able to have a special
    love for one another, because of the work of
    Christ. Moreover, Christs work is not only an
    example, but also creates an eschatological
    existence for his people.
  • We believe that community is one of the most
    important aspects of the church.
  • Love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, patience,
    as well as many other characteristics should be
    at the center of the community at Good News.

  • We believe that the church has a honor and
    responsibility to make Christ known through word
    and deed.
  • Evangelism, missions, works of mercy, and
    everyday deeds of kindness should characterize
    the church.
  • In particular, we believe that church planting is
    one of the best ways in which to reach people.

What is GNC doing about W-N-O?
  • Worship committee
  • Small Groups
  • Other programs to foster fellowship
  • Summer missions and long term missions
  • Support Sang Mi and Pastor Bryan
  • Church planting (Bergen)
  • Individual initiative is key here

Practically what will this entail?
  • YOU!
  • Time quality time vs. quantity time.
  • Energy there is nothing easy about worship,
    creating community and reaching out to the world.
  • Money where our treasure is there our heart
    will be also.
  • In the end, a lot of sacrifice.
  • This is actually, paradoxically, gain.

Future Plans
  • Stabilize GNC NB in the next two years.
  • a. Worship
  • b. Nurture
  • c. Outreach
  • d. Create a Laity centered Church
  • e. Ordain officers of the church
  • 2. Missions at home mercy ministry
  • 3. Scholarship Fund to bless future ministers
  • 4. Church Planting - federation
  • 5. Global Missions Ivory Coast and China

GNC Bergen
  • Same goals as GNC NB
  • About 20 people on Sunday
  • Mostly non-churched
  • Short-term goal stabilize the church in W, N, O
  • Begin to be outward focused community, church
    planting, and missions

Officers of the Church
  • Part 2

  • Two truths in Christianity in terms of ministry
  • All people are ministers in Christ. There is a
    priesthood of all believers. We are all
    eschatological Levites.
  • There are certain people ordained for the task of
    running and teaching the church.
  • If poorly administered, this can lead to
    friction, but if well administered, this can lead
    to a powerful church.
  • Each should outdo one another in love and

Laity Centered in the end
  • When the ordained gifts function properly, the
    church grows in maturity and paradoxically the
    church becomes more and more laity centered.
  • However, it does not become so laity centered
    that it does not need clergy.
  • A church without the clergy is an incomplete

Ephesians 411-16
  • It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to
    be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to
    be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people
    for works of service, so that the body of Christ
    may be built up until we all reach unity in the
    faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and
    become mature, attaining to the whole measure of
    the fullness of Christ.
  • Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back
    and forth by the waves, and blown here and there
    by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and
    craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.
    Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in
    all things grow up into him who is the Head, that
    is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and
    held together by every supporting ligament, grows
    and builds itself up in love, as each part does
    its work.

Officers of the Church
  • According to the Bible there are two officers of
    the church Elder and Deacon.
  • The position of Elder is broken down into
    teaching and ruling.
  • The chief function of the ruling elder is to
  • The chief functions of the teaching elder is to
    rule and teach.
  • The qualifications of the elder are a.
    character, b. experience (testing), c. gifting
  • The deacon is a position of service and mercy.
  • The qualifications of the deacons are a.
    character, experience (testing), c. gifting

  • Paradoxical
  • Elders open to men by exegesis and analogy.
  • Deacons questionable.
  • a. PCA no
  • b. My opinion yes
  • 4. As PCA church we submit.
  • a. creative reworking?

1 Timothy 29-15 315
  • I also want women to dress modestly, with decency
    and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or
    pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds,
    appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
    A woman should learn in quietness and full
    submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or
    to have authority over a man she must be silent.
    For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was
    not the one deceived it was the woman who was
    deceived and became a sinner. But women will be
    saved through childbearingif they continue in
    faith, love and holiness with propriety.
  • if I am delayed, you will know how people ought
    to conduct themselves in God's household, which
    is the church of the living God, the pillar and
    foundation of the truth.

Miscellaneous, but important points on officers
of the church
  • We, as the church, do not create leaders, but we
    recognize them.
  • Only God creates leaders with character,
    experience and gifts.
  • Not all people will become officers and this does
    not mean that they are immature.
  • The office of deacon is not a stepping stone for
    the office of elder. Are there exceptions?
  • Pray against power struggles and for humility.

Presbyterian Government
  • I believe that the bible offers various forms of
  • I am a Presbyterian, because it seems to be not
    only girded by a biblical framework, but also
    good reason.
  • Presbyterianism is a system of checks and
  • The twin concepts of Presbyterianism is
    plurality and parity.
  • There are several elders, churches, presbyteries.
    This is the concept of plurality.
  • There is equality among elders, churches, and
    presbyteries. This is the concept of parity.

  • We are part of the Metro-Presbytery.
  • Former Emmanuel church is in the
  • There is equality among the presbytery and we
    check up on each others reports during the
    general assembly when all the presbyteries get

Local church
  • The session is the nominated and elected body of
    leaders. The session is elected to rule and
  • What is the job of the session? Rule and teach.
  • We rule according to two principals. First, the
    most important rule is the bible. Second, we rule
    according to the Westminster Confession, Book of
    Church Order and sanctified reason.

GNC Session
  • Part 3

Theory Behind the Session
  • There is the tension. What decisions do the
    session make and what decision do the session
    allow the church to make?
  • When the Bible speaks, there is no vote, we just
    do it.
  • Point 2 is not that simple, there is always a
    time factor. When is an important
  • There is another category of questions (a rather
    large one) that the bible does not directly
    address. What should the session do in these

Decision session or the church
  • Sometimes the session makes the decision on
    behalf of the church.
  • Sometimes the session allow the church to make
    the decision.
  • What are the principles involved? Tough to say.
    Wisdom is the operative word.
  • Seek counsel in the Book of Church order.
  • Seek counsel from church history.
  • Seek counsel from Presbytery.
  • Some things we bring to the people a. Church
    time or place change b. Election of officers c.
    Hiring of pastor d. Finances?
  • 8. Some things the session decides Special
    service, guest speakers, retreats, etc.???

Finances 1
  • The session makes a conscious decision not to
    know the details of the offering for integrity
  • The session has strong opinion on certain issues
    pertaining to finances missions. We try to
    follow a general rule of thumb that we do not
    fund short-term missions.
  • The session also desires to fund missions as best
    as they can in a wise manner.
  • The session does not want to spend the finances
    of God in a fiscally irresponsible manner using
    church money to fund staff dinners, stipends to
    teachers, etc. We want to be above reproach. In
    our day and age, the session feels that this is

Finances 2
  • The session also wants people to have a voice in
    finances, but in an educated manner. Hence, we
    ask that people join committees and learn issues
    and study, so that finances will be spent in a
    proper manner.
  • Some committee praise team, missions,
    fellowship, etc.
  • The session along with a group of financially
    savvy men and women will overlook the budget and
    present it to the congregation.
  • The financially gifted, committee leaders and the
    session will make the final decision.
  • This manner seems wise, expedient and fruitful to
    the session.

What we expect in the future
  • Lord willing we hope that we have several
    biblically vibrant churches in America New
    Brunswick, Bergen, NYC, California, etc.
  • Lord willing we hope to raise both teaching and
    ruling elders to carry on the work of God.
  • Lord willing we hope to forge ties to world
    missions and play a larger role the in Ivory
    Coast, and China.
  • Lord willing we hope to be vital to our

Importance of UNITY
  • Satan and our flesh will attack the unity of the
    church, especially as we grow.
  • We must guard the church and our heart.
  • Let us purify our motives as we serve and love.
  • And above all we keep the unity of the church not
    because we agree, but because of Christ.
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