Title: All continents were colonized by 20,000 years ago
1All continents were colonized by 20,000 years
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3End of the Pleistocene (10,000 BP)
Large Game hunting declined.
Extinction of some animal species.
Warming climatic conditions.
Changing environments.
4Adaptations to changing environments
Human diets diversified.
Small animals, fishing, and collecting plants.
Intensification of Human Activities.
Population growth.
More exchange of exotic items (copper, shell etc.)
Beginnings of social differences.
Guitarrero Cave, Peru (10,000 years old)
5The Broadspectrum Revolution
New solutions to changing environments
6Mesolithic Period (Middle Stone Age)
Europe, North Africa, Parts of Asia
10,000 to 5,500 years ago
End of Pleistocene to agriculture.
Vedbaek, Denmark (7,000 years old)
7Origins of Agriculture
899 of human history humans were hunter-gatherers
(extending back at least 4.5 million years).
"Agricultural Revolution" occurred at the End of
Pleistocene--10,000 years ago.
Domestication of plants and animals in various
parts of the world (10,000-5,000 years ago).
9Primary Centers of Domestication
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11Significance of Agriculture
New relationships with the environment.
Foragers-extensive use of land (generally).
Agriculturalists-intensive use of smaller amounts
of land.
Long-term changes in the structure and
organization of societies that adopt this new way
of life.
Foundation of state-level societies that
developed around the world.
Human society was never the same again after
agricultural origins.
12Domestication vs. Agriculture
Changes in the physical characteristics of a
plant or animal species caused by human
Obtaining food from intense use of previously
domesticated plants and animals.
13Archaeological Indications of Agriculture
Agricultural Terraces.
Irrigation Canals
Specialized Tools (sickles, groundstone)
14"Domesticated Landscapes"