Title: Elder Friendly Partnership
1Elder Friendly Partnership
Good For Consumers. GREAT For Business! www.elder
Presented byVicki Dalle Molle and Stacie
2About Elder Friendly Business Certification
- Developed by Elders in Action, an East Multnomah
County, Oregon, nonprofit advocacy organization,
in 1993. It was expanded and made available for
national use in 1999. Fifteen cities in 9 states
have adopted the program. - Program mission is to help businesses better
serve older adults. In Olmsted County people with
disabilities are included as a target population
for the Elder Friendly Certification Program.
3About EFBC (cont.)
- EFBC assessment identifies and provides ways to
improve the accessibility, customer service and
layout of local businesses to attract and
acknowledge older and disabled consumers. - Once certified Elder Friendly, businesses will be
able to display the Elder Friendly decal, which
proves to existing and future customers that they
come first. In Olmsted County, those consumers
include seniors and people with disabilities.
- The Elder Friendly Business Certification program
is available in Olmsted County through the Elder
Friendly Partnership. - The partnership is a collaboration of Senior
Citizens Services, Inc. (Rochester Senior
Center), Southeastern Minnesota Center for
Independent Living (SEMCIL), the Southeast
Minnesota Area Agency on Aging (SEMAAA), and the
Olmsted County Vital Aging Commission (VAC). - The Rochester Senior Center and SEMCIL serve as
the principal partners on the project. - The program is being piloted in Olmsted County
and may expand to neighboring counties in
Southeastern Minnesota.
- Senior citizens frequently have mobility or other
impairments which make access to buildings and
services difficult. People with disabilities
routinely encounter a multitude of barriers in
the community. - These consumers constitute a large part of the
sales revenue for retail and other business
services. - As this population continues to grow, wise
business owners will want to improve access to
their business and services. - Smart Business Elder Friendly!
The certification program benefits older adults
and people with disabilities by
- Promoting independent living.
- Empowering older and disabled volunteers.
- Promoting relationships between senior and
disability services and local businesses. - Identifying businesses that have met Elder
Friendly standards.
8The certification program benefits businesses by
- Increasing their bottom line.
- Providing opportunities to positively improve
customer service. - Providing a competitive advantage to businesses
positioning themselves to target a growing
demographic. - Helping businesses to establish reputation for
valuing older and disabled customers. - Advertises the business within the aging and
disability services community. - Provides Educational Tip Sheets for employee
- Trained seniors and volunteers with disabilities
will anonymously evaluate interested area
businesses based on the following categories - Access to the Site By Phone
- Physical Access to the Site
- Layout of the Site
- Customer Services
- Website
10Why Should Businesses Care?
11Businesses are taking steps to better serve older
customers and individuals with disabilities.
- Many large chain stores provide motorized
shopping carts for their customers. - Seating in locations where people wait, such as
the pharmacy or for transportation. - Personal shoppers obtain requested products, then
provide home delivery. - Non-glare, non-skid floor surfaces.
- Price tags are made in larger print.
- Training employees on how to work with older
customers and individuals with disabilities. - Large print, clear contrast directional signage
to assist with readability. - Parking for individuals with limited mobility in
addition to handicap parking.
12- Based on information from the Washington Business
Group on Health, Americas aged 50 have
tremendous consumer power.
13The following statistics illustrate clearly that
the 50 consumer market is worth caring about.
- Spend over 800 billion a year
- Constitute 42 of all consumer demand
- Have half of all discretionary income
- 77 of all financial assets
- Purchase 25 of all toys
- Spend more at grocery stores per person
- Purchase the most over the counter drugs
- Spend the most on personal care items
14Fact Sheet
- Nearly one of every six Minnesotans (15.8) has
at least one kind of disability, according to
data from the 2000 U.S. census.
As reported by MSCOD
15- According to the 2000 US Census, the statewide
average of Minnesotans age 65 and was just over
twelve percent. (12.1)
16Fact Sheet 65 years and older
17Elder Friendly Partnership
- Good For Consumers
- GREAT For Business!
18Visit our website www.elderfriendlypartnership.org
Phone 507.287.1404