Deep Chandra Observations of LMXB Populations in Normal Elliptical Galaxies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Deep Chandra Observations of LMXB Populations in Normal Elliptical Galaxies


Deep Chandra Observations of LMXB Populations in Normal Elliptical Galaxies – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Deep Chandra Observations of LMXB Populations in Normal Elliptical Galaxies

Deep Chandra Observations of LMXB Populations in
Normal Elliptical Galaxies
  • Nicola Brassington
  • Harvard-Smithsonian CfA

The X-ray Universe, Granada 2008
  • Why study LMXB populations?
  • Properties of target galaxies
  • Summarise results
  • Source Lx, colours, variability
  • Difference between field and GC LMXBs
  • X-ray Luminosity Function
  • Diffuse emission
  • Nuclei
  • Conclusions

LMXB Populations
  • Origin and Evolution of LMXBs
  • Chandra observations 20-70 of point sources
    form in globular clusters (Angelini et al. 2001)
  • Evolution of primordial binaries in the stellar
  • Formation in globular clusters
  • Evolution of native field binaries (see Verbunt
    van den Heuvel 1995)(Piro Bildsten 2002,
    Ivanova Kalogera 2006)
  • Semi-detached binaries with large thermally
    unstable disks and giant donors
  • Recurrent transients for gt75 binarys life
    (recurrence time gt100yr, outburst 1-100 yr)
  • From multi-epoch Chandra observations should be
    able to identify these sources
  • Formation in GCs (efficient two-body encounters
    Clark 1975, Fabian et al 1975)
  • Ultra-compact NS-WD binaries (Bildsten Deloye
  • White dwarf orbiting NS
  • 5-10 min orbit
  • Short lifetime few 106 yr
  • Transient at the LX 1037 erg s-1
  • LX lt 2x1038 erg s-1
  • High luminosity BH binaries(Kalogera, King
    Rasio 2004)
  • Should be rare
  • Possibly persistent (if from capture)
  • Field LMXBs formed in GCs - then ejected or left
    alone in the field as GC was disrupted (Bildsten
    Deloye 2004)

Galaxy Selection
  • Elliptical galaxies provide clean sample
  • NGC 3379 NGC 4278 chosen because
  • Nearby (10.8 Mpc 16.1 Mpc)
  • Contain little diffuse emission
  • Optically similar (LB 1.3 x 1010 L? LB 1.5 x
    1010 L?)
  • Difference in GC specific frequency (SGC 1.3

NGC 3379
  • Five separate Chandra observations
  • All ACIS-S3
  • One archival observation
  • Four deeper pointings taken over 1 year

0.3-0.9 keV 0.9-2.5 keV 2.5-8.0 keV
NGC 4278
  • Larger distance than NGC 3379
  • 16.1 Mpc (10.6 Mpc)
  • Longer exposure to probe to similar Lx

Source Luminosity Distributions
  • Source detection with wavdetect for each
    observation, then cross-correlated
  • Lx values calculated assuming canonical PL model
    for LMXB, with Galactic NH and ?1.7

  • Characterising variability of sources helps
    identify source populations through variation
    amplitudes and excess variance
  • Sources defined as variable if reduced ?2 gt1.2
  • NGC 3379 48 variable sources
  • NGC 4278 44 variable sources
  • This number increases with Lx cut - a consequence
    of improved statistics
  • Compare these percentages to other systems

(No Transcript)
Transient Candidates
  • Monitoring campaign to search for transients
  • Transient sources ratio gt 10 (or gt 5 possible
    transient candidates)
  • Low Lx sources have large uncertainty therefore
    simple ratio not adequate
  • Instead use BEHR (Bayesian Estimation of Hardness
    Ratio) to provide ratio and lower bound value

Optical Correlations
  • WFPC2 observations
  • Cleaned for B/G and F/G objects
  • Correlate GC-LMXB sources
  • Search radius 0.6 /1.0

  • K-S test show that GC and field populations not
    from same population
  • NGC 3379 99.8 confidence NGC 4279 81.4

X-ray Luminosity Function
  • Important tool for constraining LMXB formation
  • Well studied at high end
  • Break at 5x1038 erg s-1 (Kim Fabbiano 2004
    Gilfanov 2004)
  • Reflects two different binary systems NS/BH LMXBs
  • Here can study low end of the XLF
  • Voss Gilfanov (2006) claim break at 5x1037 erg
  • Include NGC 4697 in combined XLF

Combined XLF
  • Individual fits to each system very similar
  • Single power-law slope 1.8-2.0
  • However, combined XLF
  • shows complexities
  • Broken power-law - break 7x1037 erg s-1
  • Slope 2.1 and 1.4
  • See bump in residuals - fit power-law gauss
  • Slope 1.8, bump peak 6x1037 erg s-1

XLF Bump
  • If bump feature real what is the contribution?
  • Red giant donors
  • All 3 systems age 9Gyr
  • Red giant mass in narrow range 1M?
  • Narrow range of Lx when they start mass transfer
    above the critical weight

GC Vs Field XLF
  • Compare XLF from field LMXBs and GC-LMXBs
  • Relative lack of GC-LMXBs at lower Lx
  • Bump still present 16 field LMXBs, 12

Diffuse Emission
  • We have detected hot ISM Lx3.5x1037 erg s-1
  • Accounting for both unresolved LMXBS
  • Contribution from stellar sources (e.g. CVs and
    active binaries)
  • Specifically tailored model
    reproduces Lx, mass and
    profile well
  • Trinchieri et al. (2008)
    - submitted
  • NGC 4278 does not appear
    to contain hot ISM

Properties of the Nuclei
  • Nucleus of NGC 3379 varies Lx few 1038 erg s-1
  • LINER 2/transition object
  • Nucleus of NGC 4278 varies Lx few 1040 erg s-1
  • LINER 1.9 - broad H? (Ho et al. 1997)
  • Fit spectra with power-law plus APEC
  • KT 0.5 keV
  • ? varies massively

  • Probing LMXB population to 1036 erg s-1 reveals
    more details in population
  • Relative deficit of GC-LMXBs at low Lx
  • Not all LMXBs form in GCs
  • Low end of XLF shows complexity
  • Possible bump feature - from red giant donors
  • Similar of field transients in both galaxies
  • NGC 4278 contains BH-LMXB transient in GC
    (contrary to KKR04)
  • NGC 3379 contains small (3.5x1037 erg s-1) hot
  • Variable LINER in NGC 4278, exhibiting hard-high
  • Brassington et al (2007) astro-ph/0711.1289,
    Fabbiano et al (2007) astro-ph/0710.5126, Fragos
    et al. astro-ph/0801.1122
  • Trinchieri et al (2008) - submitted, Kim et al
    (2008) - in prep, Brassington et al. (2008) - in
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