Search Engines 171,151 34'18% Direct Traffic 169,950 33'94% Referring Sites 155,388 31'03% Other 4,2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Search Engines 171,151 34'18% Direct Traffic 169,950 33'94% Referring Sites 155,388 31'03% Other 4,2


Most observed networks in social sciences are censored data. ... Example here: van den Bunt friendship Data. Available at SIENA homepage. 0. Getting started ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Search Engines 171,151 34'18% Direct Traffic 169,950 33'94% Referring Sites 155,388 31'03% Other 4,2


Longitudinal Network Analysis
Applying SIENA
  • Basic model assumptions in SIENA
  • Exercise
  • Interpretation of results
  • Improvement of model
  • Further relevant topics

Basic model assumptions in SIENA What are the
assumptions SIENA makes and can you apply SIENA
to test your hypotheses?
Lets start with a small movie
  • Communication in a class room with two teachers
  • All communication was observed.

Model assumptions 1 / 2
  • Most observed networks in social sciences are
    censored data. They desribe the current state of
    a network but this state is the outcome of
    unobserved processes and subject to further
  • Plausible for many networks friendship, trust,
  • Plausible for your network?
  • Networks change in micro steps. Micro steps of
    actors in the network account for large changes
    in the observed networks (t1, t2, t3, .. tn).
  • Markov process For any point in time, the
    current state of the network determines
    probabilistically its further evolution, and
    there are no additional effects of the earlier
    past. All relevant information is therefore
    assumed to be included in the current state.
  • Social network change as endogeneous process
    social network is the social context that
    influences the probabilties of ist own change
  • But one can include exogeneous effects constant
    covariates or changing covariates

Model assumptions 2 / 2
  • Actors control their outgoing ties Actor-based
    model Actors change their outgoing ties on basis
    of their and others attributes, their position
    in the network, and their perceptions about the
    rest of the network
  • This is more plausible for directed graphs. In
    undirected graphs one actor will take the
  • Options for actors are to create a tie, withdraw
    a tie, or do nothing
  • Theoretical problem of limited information Can
    you justify that actors are aware of others
    attributes or even the wider network (e.g.,
    actors at distance two)?
  • Bringing the individual back in (Kilduff
    Krackhardt, 1994).
  • Structural individualism (Udehn, 2002 Hedström,
  • No more than one tie can change at a time
  • Sequential change. Denies the possibility of
    coordinated action.

The stochastic estimation processes
  • Estimation of frequency of opportunities a actor
    can make to change a tie (not doing anything is
    also a choice an actor can make)
  • How many micro steps does the model require to
    arrive at the observed network?
  • Estimation of user-specified effects on the
    probabilities of tie change
  • E.g., Does and actors attribute or the tendency
    to reciprocate contribute to explain the observed
  • Parameter estimates are based on a simulation
    that uses t1 as starting point to predict the
    subsequent observed network -gt conditional method
    of moments estimation.
  • t1 is not modeled but only used as input.
  • The estimation process takes time! Depending on
    your network size and the amount of parameters it
    can take several hours to run one estimation.
  • Use fast computers
  • Use multiple computers
  • Define your models well

Defining a model
  • Check if the basic assumptions of SIENA are in
    agreement with your model!!! If not, try to use
    another mehtod. Social network analysis is
    (should be) theory driven not driven by the
  • The objective function is the part of SIENA that
    allows you to define how you expect actors form
    ties in a network
  • It is the rule of network behavior we assume in
    our theory
  • Like in linear statistical models the probability
    to change a tie is the linear combination of
    effects specified by the user accoding to a
    theoretical model
  • If a effect is estimated to be positive an actor
    will make a choice that leads to a network state
    where the corresponding effect is higher. The
    converse applies when the effect is negative. If
    the parameter is estimated to be zero, the effect
    is irrelevant for actors choices.

  • Objective function 0.8 reciprocity 0.5
  • Imagine the given function and that it is the
    middle actors turn to make a choice. What will
    the choice be?

Time for an example
  • Objective function 0.8 reciprocity (- 0.5
  • Imagine the given function and that it is the
    middle actors turn to make a choice. What will
    the choice be?

Basic effects Effects you should consider to
control for
  • Outdegree effect Actors basic tendency to form
    ties. If negative (usually the case), it
    indicates that actors are generally reluctant to
    form ties. If positive, it indicates that actors
    form ties no matter what.
  • Reciprocity effect Seems to be a basic feature
    of social structure (Gouldner, 1960 Wasserman
    Faust, 1994)
  • Transitivity Also seems to be a basic feature of
    social networks (Davis, 1970 Holland
    Leinhardt, 1970) (.but might not be well
  • In general, however, the choice of effects
    should be theoretically driven

A typology of effects
  • Degree related effects

Triadic effects
Covariate effects
e.g. indegree popuarity
e.g. transitivity
e.g. alter/ receiver effect
endogenous effects
can be both, endogenous and exogenous effects
  • Getting SIENA started
  • A guideline for applying SIENA

Data requirements
  • Panel waves gt 2 preferably gt 3.
  • When number gets high (lets say gt 5) check if
    effects are homogeneous or if they change with
    time. See SIENA manual section 6.6.1
  • Advisable to have at least 20 actors.
    Technically, the amount of actors is only
    restricted by your computers working memory and
    its speed and the time you have to finish your
  • The larger the network the more difficult it is
    to assume that each actor is a potential partner
    for any other actor in the network. Can you
    assume that for your data?
  • Design your data collection in a way that you
    capture enough changes between ties.
  • Minimum of 40 changes cumulated over all
    successive panel waves is desired.
  • But you also dont want to have too many changes
    because that could imply that your observations
    were too far away and that you lost valuable
    information along the way.
  • No less that 80 response. But actors may enter
    and leave the network -gt See composition change
    in SIENA manual section 5.7 for an elegant

Running SIENA
  • This is done in 5 steps
  • Data
  • Transformation
  • Selection
  • Model
  • Results
  • Example here van den Bunt friendship Data.
    Available at SIENA homepage

0. Getting started
  • For starting a new project choose Start with new
  • (who would have not guessed that?)

0. Getting started
When running SIENA for the first time you need to
define directories where you store your file
after a first time installation StocNet might ask
you to do this right away.
1. Data
  • Network and covariate data have to be entered in
    .txt or .DAT files and have to be tab separated
    (consult SIENA manual section 5 for other
  • There cannot be blanks
  • Network files are adjacency matrices.
  • Covariates are rows with as many rows as actors.
    Actors have the same order as in the network.
  • Changing covariates When number of observations
    is m then you need to include m-1 columns.
  • Example First column contains covariate at T1,
    which is then used to predict T2. Second column
    contains covariate at T2, which is used to
    predict T3, etc,.
  • Constant covariate File can contain multiple
    constant covariates (e.g., demographics of an
    actor). E.g, first column age second column
    gender, etc.
  • Dyadic variables Enter in same format as network
    variables (adjacency matrix). Values between 0
    255. Only integers.
  • for changing dyadic variables you need m -1

1. Data
  • Usually, you can copy/ paste from Ucinet/Excel
    into .txt files and it is automatically tab
  • When using large data sets (several hundreds of
    actors) you might run into trouble when using
    Microsoft Notepad to manage .txt files. Use some
    other software (e.g., EditPad Lite its for

1. Data
  • Click Add to add network files in successive
  • Choose the file (which you should already have
    stored in your dedicated network folder)
  • Click into the box to change the name of the
    network (e.g., 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5, ..)

1. Data
  • Click Add to add covariate files in any order
  • Choose the file (which you should already have
    stored in your dedicated folder)
  • Click into the boxes to change the names of the
    file and the covariates it contains. Click apply

2. Transformation
  • SIENA can only handle dichotomized networks (0
  • Work in progress valued graphs might be possible
    in near future
  • Indicate missing values

2. Transformation
  • Choose all the networks and define the missing
    values (see data description)

2. Transformation Networks
  • Choose all the networks and click on Recode
  • Recode the network into 1 and 0 (see data
    description of example 1 2 -gt 1 345 -gt 0)

2. Transformation Attributes
  • Choose the covariate you want to recode and click
    on Recode
  • Recode the covariate into 1 and 0 (see data
    description 1 2 -gt 1 345 -gt 0)

3. Selection
  • Here you can remove actors from the analysis.
  • Does not reflect social reality. Removing an
    actor in reality probably would affects whole
  • If you want to test differences in effect for a
    range of actors use covariates (e.g. dummies)

4. Model Data specification
  • The networks
  • Dyadic variables
  • Constant covariates E.g., gender
  • Changing covariates
  • If endogenous then should be modeled as dependent
    variable (e.g., individuals performance)
  • If exogenous then then treated as independent
    changing covariate
  • Composition change. See manual section 5.7

4.Model Data selection
  • Click on data selection
  • Put networks (and dyadic covariates) in
    successive order into the box.
  • Put the file containing gender, program, and
    smoking into the constant covariate box

4.Model Model specification
  • Click on Model specification
  • Choose the effects you want to test according to
    your theory. Check under v
  • Click ok and then run to start the estimation

5. Results
  • Scroll to the bottom of the results section or
    click on full report and go to the end of the
  • Results of the last estimation process can be
    found here. New ones are placed beneath.
  • Results will be deleted if you enter new data in
    the data specification section

5. Results
  • Dont jump to the parameter estimates first!
  • First, check if convergence is good. That is, if
    your model describes your observed data well. If
    not, then you cannot trust the parameter
  • Good convergence is indicated by t-rations close
    to zero
  • t-rations below 0.1 indicate convergence.
  • Check rate parameters This are the unobserved
    changes an actor makes between two observations.
    You have to decide what is reasonable
  • Remember An actor can also decide to do nothing
  • Significance of parameters / T-test Divide the
    parameter by the standard error and look in a
    t-test table if the value is significant for an
    unlimited amount of degrees of freedom.
  • Above 1.96 is significant for p lt .05 two-tailed
  • Parameters above 2 and certainly above 5 are
  • Check covariance/ correlation matrix.
  • If you find high correlations they wont be
    problematic but might explain high standard
    errors in your parameters. In this case, you
    might exclude one of the two variables and re-run
    the estimation.

Improving your model
  • Bad convergence is probably due to a
    mis-specified model.
  • You can add/remove effects. But again This
    should be guided by theory.
  • Increase the multiplication factor, e.g. to 10,
    then 15, then 20, etc.
  • Decrease the initial value of gain parameter,
    e.g. to 0.01, then 0.001, etc.
  • Increase the number of iterations (enough time to
    get a coffee)
  • Should be 2000 for results to be reported..
  • One change at a time!

Improving your model
Model -gt Model specification -gt Tab Options
More advanced issues
  • Evolution of covariates Influence of ties or
    influence within networks
  • Multilevel
  • Endowment effects
  • Interactions (between parameters, with time, rate
  • Score type test -gt SIENA manual section 9.1

Multilevel Analysis (SIENA manual section 14)
Useful information sources
  • SIENA homepage http//
  • Yahoo StocNet user Group http//

  • The literature on SIENA spends some effort in
    explaining relative effect size. However, in
    social sciences we are generally interested in
    the significance of an effect and not its
    relative effect size because adding or removing
    an effect would change the relative effect
    size.and how do we know we added all the effects
    that truly predict the network.
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