Title: Geotechnical Fundamentals
1 Geotechnical Fundamentals
2 Who Am I and Where Can You Find Me?
- Gary Giesbrecht, P.Eng, Cert. Ed. (Adult)
- Office A1-31C
- Office Phone 632-2310
- Office Fax 633-6075
- E-mailggiesbrecht_at_rrc.mb.ca
3 Best Time To Find Me In My Office Best Practice
E-mail me 24 hours in advance for an appointment.
Monday 1-2 pm Tuesday 9-10 am Wednesday 11-1
and 2-3 pm Thursday 10-12 am Friday 10-11 am
4QUIZ True or False
- 1. Gary has a BSc. In Civil Engineering from
Arkansas State. - 2. Gary has a Masters Degree in Education.
- 3. Gary has been at RRC for 15 years.
- 4. Gary has taught this course for 5 years.
- 5. Gary believes hockey ended when Guy LaFleur
retired. - 6. Gary was a top research engineer before
teaching at RRC. - 7. Gary is a USC and Notre Dame football fan.
- 8. Gary enjoys the music of Bob Dylan, Joe Cocker
and all Bluegrass. - 9. Gary believes that It aint over til its
over. - 10. Gary has season tickets to the Manitoba
Theater Center. -
5My Teaching Philosophy
- Give a person a fish feed them for a day.
- Teach a person to fish feed them for a lifetime.
- I will use teaching methods suited to your
learning style. - I will teach you how to read the text rather
than breaking it down into bite size pieces and
spoon-feeding you. - I will think aloud and puzzle through problems
with you. - I will encourage interaction between you and me
and between students.
6My Expectations of You
- I expect you to attend class.
- I expect you do the assigned reading before
class. - I expect you to complete all the assignments on
time. - I expect you to notify me, in writing, if you
will be absent for more than one week. - I expect you to challenge me and not let me get
away with swishy-washy answers. - I expect feedback from you on a continuous basis.
- I expect you to respect RRC Policy and Garys
Classroom Guidelines
7Course Package
- Course Outline
- How to Flunk Out with Grace and Style
- Garys Classroom Guidelines
- Proposed Timetable
- Photo Journal Assignment
- Geotechnical Investigation Assignment
- Foundation Drainage Design Assignment
8Geotechnical Fundamentals
- This course is the prerequisite to Foundation
Design, which is the development of foundation
systems to support buildings and retaining walls.
9Geotechnical Fundamentals will assist you in
- identifying soil
- computation of mass/volume relationships
- classifying soil
- defining basic groundwater and frozen soil
terminology - developing a geotechnical sampling program
- the use of soil modification and geosynthetics
- drainage design
10Garys Favorite ofHow to Flunk Out with Grace
and Style
- Before cutting class, be sure to ask Gary,
Are we doing anything important? - After cutting class, be sure to ask the Gary,
Did I miss anything? - Memorize!!!!! Memorize!!!!!!
- Do not try to understand anything.
11Garys Classroom Guidelines
- A classroom must be seen by all students as a
safe learning environment in which students can
freely take "risks" without fear of condemnation
from the instructor or their peers. - A safe learning environment is a community that
is distinguished first and foremost by a triangle
of respect - the teacher for the students,
- the students for the teacher,
- and the students for each other.
12Garys Classroom Guidelines
- Garys Classroom Guidelines have been established
to contribute to and maintain a respectful and
accepting learning environment. -
- Garys Classroom Guidelines are complementary to
and in no alters students right or
responsibilities under -
- A11 - Harassment Policy
- A12 - Cultural and Racial Harmony and Equity
Policy - A20 - Acceptable Use of Computer Facilities
Policy - C7 - Academic Integrity Policy
- C15 - Grade/Evaluation Appeal Policy
- C16 - Disciplinary Appeals Policy (under review)
13 Garys Classroom Guidelines
- Laptop computers are to remain closed during
facilitated class time unless I authorize their
use for note taking or assignments. Only programs
necessary for the task should be open. - Working on other courses during facilitated
class time is not allowed for example, doing
Concrete Design in Soils class when a lecture or
facilitated work period is being conducted would
be considered a contravention of this guideline. - The use of cell phones is not allowed during
facilitated class time. Cell phones are to be
turned off unless I authorize their use. For
example, you need to be on call for work, family
concerns etc. - Individual conversations during lectures are not
14Course Projects
- Photo Journal Assignment
- Geotechnical Investigation Assignment
- Foundation Drainage Design Assignment
15Photo Journal Assignment One
- Photo Assignment One Find a photo of yourself
and mount it on a letter size page. Below the
photograph include the following documentation. - Your name
- Your e-mail address
- Why you decided to take this discipline of civil
engineering technology? - What civil engineering related experience do you
have? - What place or person interests you the most, and
why? - Describe the learning environment that suits you
the best. - Describe the best teacher (high school) or
instructor (no names pleases) that you have ever
had and explain why you think they are the best - Describe the worst teacher (high school) or
instructor (no names pleases) that you have ever
had and explain why you think they are the
worst. - Due Date November 1, 2004 before 400pm