A simple computer program for designing a NIR space telescope for a cosmological survey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A simple computer program for designing a NIR space telescope for a cosmological survey


A simple computer program for designing a NIR space telescope ... For the study of GRBs themselves, the surveyor must be coeval with a high energy observatory. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A simple computer program for designing a NIR space telescope for a cosmological survey

A simple computer program for designing a NIR
space telescope for a cosmological survey
  • Are high z objects at z gt10 detectable by a
    small NIR space imager?

Tadashi Nakajima (NAOJ)
Is there a niche for a small wide field NIR
  • Small budget
  • Short term
  • Wide field of view
  • Characteristics listed above are of merit, if a
    wide field imager has enough sensitivity to be
    complementary to great observatories like JWST or

Choice of near infrared
  • Zodiacal background is minimum in NIR.
  • Dust scattering in the visible.
  • Dust thermal in the mid infrared.
  • Extragalactic scientific objectives
  • To go beyond z gt 7, NIR is inevitable due to
    foreground absorption.
  • Redshift limits of Balmer break seen in post
    starburst are z5 at K and z11 at M.
  • If high z objects are rare and spatially
    localized, a wide-field survey may be necessary.
  • Galactic scientific objectives
  • Probably many (e.g. Cold brown dwarfs), but I
    ignore them here.

Candidates of UV luminous objects in their rest
  • Early forming galaxies in their bright phases.
  • AGNs, if black hole formation and growth are
    early enough.
  • Afterglow of gamma-ray bursters, if first
    generation metal-poor stars are massive.

How bright were they and how many were there?
Sensitivity calculation
  • Noise sources
  • Zodiacal background photons (median value from
  • Instrumental thermal background photons (3
    warm surfaces, emissivity 5 each,
    T50K(L2),150K(satellite orbit of the Earth)
  • Detector HgCdTe(1-2.5?m) or InSb(2.5-5)
  • Dark current (0.05 e / sec / pix)
  • Read noise (6 e / pix after multiple sampling)
  • This level of noise performance is realized on
    the ground.
  • Source photons

Sensitivity depends on pixel-wise sampling
  • Suppose the rest-frame diameter of a circular
    emitting region is fixed to, say 1 kpc, SNR after
    aperture photometry depends on how many pixels
    (Npix) are included in this emitting region.
  • Npix depends on
  • Pixel-wise sampling (arcsec/pix)
  • Angular diameter distance, once the source is

Other assumptions
  • Standard constant Lambda cosmology
  • This fixes DA(z) and DL(z) at a given z.
  • Fixed fractional bandwidth of 30.
  • Overall throughput of 30.
  • Size of a detector array is fixed to 2k x 2k and
    FOV per array is calculated as an output
  • Wavelength bands are similar to
    J(1.2),H(1.6),K(2.2),L(3.5),M(4.6) except for
    their wider fractional bandwidths.
  • 5 sigma detection after aperture photometry.

Input parameters
  • Diameter of the telescope (central
    obscuration neglected)
  • Band (J,H,K,L,M)
  • Integration time
  • Pixel-wise sampling
  • Source diameter
  • Temperature of warm optics

Sample 1-1 (D0.7m,K,Earth)
Age Age of the Universe, APsizeApparent
source diameter, DL Diffraction limit
Sample 1 2 output instrumental parameters
Sample 2-1 (0.7m,L,Earth)
Sample 2-2 Instrumental output
Instrumental Thermal Background Limited,
if T(mirror)150K.
Gap between K and L
  • To go beyond 2.5 microns, the choice of detector
    is InSb whose operating temperature is low.
  • To be sensitive at L and especially at M, the
    telescope optics must be cooled to, say, 50K. As
    long as radiation cooling is assumed, this
    implies that the satellite orbit of the Earth is
    not favorable.
  • JWST and SPICA will go to L2.
  • Larger communication antenna is necessary for L2.
    .. Bigger spacecraft expensive.

Speculation on potential UV luminous targets
  • Integrated Star light
  • Active Galactic Nuclei
  • Afterglow of gamma-ray bursts

SED of a forming galaxy?
Bruzual Chalot 93
Numbers are ages in Gyr Note that Lyman break is
eminent after 0.1 Gyr.
But high z galaxies have not been detected down
to K24 within a small field of less than 100
arcmin2 (Subaru SDF with AO)
Life time and Lbol of a star
Data for solar metallicity.
Log L/Lsun
Life (Gyr)
50 (O5) 0.006 5.0
20 (O8) 0.010 4.5
10 (O9) 0.030 3.5
5 (B3) 0.100 --- LB ---- 2.5
Lyman break galaxies at zlt7 --- useful reference?
  • UV luminosities of LBGs lt 109 Lsun.
  • Lyman break means the presence of neutral H in
    photosphere (predominance of B stars).
  • They may not be in the earliest phase more of a
    post-starburst phase.
  • At zgt10 (tUNIVlt0.4Gyr), what is interesting is
    the integrated UV luminosity within a few pixels
    (kpc scale), or the number of very young (tlt0.03
    Gyr) and massive stars (Mgt10Msun) in a forming
    bulge or pre-galactic cluster, if such thing
  • Very young objects must have been missed by the
    LB technique at lower z, but the drop-out
    technique based on foreground Lyman ? absorption
    should still be effective.

Possibilities other than galaxies
  • AGNs
  • Presence of QSOs(1012 Lsun) is known up to z6.
  • Smaller less luminous AGNs(1011 Lsun) may be
    present at higher z.
  • Time scale for a SMBH growth 0.1Gyr or less?
  • May depend on accreted material (gas or stars).
  • BH formation after SNe/GRBs or directly from
  • Gamma-ray bursters
  • Bright ones at lower z have UV luminosities in
    excess of 1011 Lsun for more than 3 days.
  • Observed bright phase should be extended for a
    higher z object by the factor of (1z).
  • They should be detectable, if there are many of

Usage of GRBs
  • For the study of GRBs themselves, the surveyor
    must be coeval with a high energy observatory.
  • If the objective is to study IGM (re-ionization),
    spectroscopic follow-up by giant telescopes is
    necessary (may be observable with 8-10m LGAO
    for brightest ones and certainly observable with
    TMT or JWST).
  • For the purpose of pre-location of over-density
    regions in the high z universe, GRB surveys
    without follow up will have significance.

Simplest surveyor?(D0.7m,HgCdTe,Earth orbit)
  • J/H/K simultaneous imager (Crude z estimation)
  • HgCdTe 2k x 2k array each
  • Diffraction limited at K.
  • FOV 0.23 x 0.23 deg2
  • 5 sigma limit K 24(Vega) in 1 hour
  • 18 hrs to cover 1 deg2 for 100 duty cycle.
  • Data rate 6.7 Kbytes / sec.
  • 460 deg2 / yr for K24, 46 deg2 / yr for K25.
  • Life time --- probably many years.

Simplest surveyor 2
  • Scientific uncertainty
  • Luminosity functions of high z objects are
  • Trade-off between depth and area of the survey is
  • However, this uncertainty is the very reason
    that the observational astronomy is important.
  • When we find something Qualitatively New, at
    that point, we will be slightly ahead of the rest
    of the world.

Some strategic speculations(Personal view)
  • Is there competition in the world?
  • Coherence among domestic projects.
  • Technological hurdle and quick solution.

World wide situations?
  • NASA
  • HST service mission in 2008.
  • Replacement of NICMOS with a 1k x 1k HgCdTe
    imager sensitive to 1.7 microns. (HST mirror is
    heated for temperature control.)..till 2013?
  • Currently no plan other than JWST (t 2014).
  • ESA
  • I do not know of any plan for a wide-field NIR
  • Even when JWST flies or TMT is built, nobody
    knows where to point the telescope to observe
    extreme high z objects, since high density
    regions may be localized in the sky.

Creating a domestic road map
  • Road map is a term used in US to show logical
    coherence among different projects primarily to
    persuade authorities of funding agencies.
  • Here I show a logic to unify Subaru, ELT, and a
    small NIR surveyor.

Roll of Subaru
  • Wide field survey in the visible up to z7.
  • Morphology of galaxies by LGAO imaging up to 2.3
  • Picking up z-drop objects by combing the Subaru
    wide field survey in the visible and NIR survey
    at JHK.

Usage of ELT
  • If the goal of Japanese astronomers is using
    ELT instead of participating in ELT project,
    there may be some strategic consideration.
  • ELT will be a powerful follow up instrument up to
    2.3 microns (or up to z17 in Lyman ?).
  • Strategy barter time between ELT and the NIR

Summary of coherence
  • ELT
  • Spectroscopy up to z17.
  • Subaru
  • Wide field survey at zlt7
  • Morphology (and possibly spectroscopy) at zlt17 by
  • NIR surveyor
  • Wide filed survey between z 7 and 17.
  • One way to barter time with ELT or even with

Consideration about university based data center
  • Creative usage and software development are often
    made by university based data centers in US (eg.
    HST/JHU, Chandra/CfA, IPAC-SSC/Caltech.)
  • Presence of a data center located in a city with
    many universities may help expand the research
    opportunities for astronomers not associated with
    astronomy departments.

Technological hurdles?
  • Not a small-sized mission in JAXA standard
  • Approximate weight 700 kg
  • Medium-sized mission in JAXA standard.
  • Cannot close domestically for quick launch.
  • Pointing stability ( 0.1 arcsec)
  • 0.2 arcsec accuracy is achieved by HINODE using
    tip-tilt correction.

Cheap and quick solution?
  • Rocket
  • Russian, Indian, Chinese, American?
  • E.g. Delta II (Launch vehicle for Spitzer)
  • Payload to LEO 30006000 kg, GTO900-2000kg.
  • Price 37M
  • Spacecraft
  • American? Russian? Chinese?
  • Science instrument
  • Japanese
  • Technology proven (AKARIHINODE)
  • Smaller than AKARI (Payload950kg, Total120M)
  • Data center --- I think this is critical.
  • Japanese
  • Usage of AKARI data New data Previous ones
  • University based? (Importing IPAC expertise?)

Time scale consideration
  • ALMAs first fringe (2010) . Not in time.
  • JWST TMT( 2014) 2014 may be the target launch
  • A potential future project for young astronomers.
  • Forming a well defined plan by 2008 or 9.
  • Long life is a key.
  • Cryogenics No cryogen (LHe/LN2) is the best.
  • Redundancy of moving parts such as actuators.

Apart from my imaginations
  • Since my simple program appears to give
    reasonable numbers (e.g. Reproduces Spitzers
    SWIRE survey sensitivity),
  • It may be of use for a conceptual design of a
    NIR surveyor for theorists and young
  • It is found at
  • http//optik2.mtk.nao.ac.jp/tnakajima

  • My thanks to
  • H. Matsuhara
  • N. Gouda
  • T. Nakagawa
  • H. Shibai
  • for introduction to space astronomy and
  • comments on the manuscript.
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