Title: Plenary sheet
1 Plenary sheet
The American War of Independence was a War for
Revolution ,rather than Independence. How far
do you agree ?
2- If you mention the county of America what
does it mean to you? -
3American National Anthem
4Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early
light,What so proudly we hailed at the
twilight's last gleaming?Whose broad stripes and
bright stars, thro' the perilous fight'O'er the
ramparts we watched, were so gallantly
streaming.And the rockets red glare, the bombs
bursting in air,Gave proof through the night
that our flag was still there.Oh, say, does that
star-spangled banner yet waveO'er the land of
the free and the home of the brave? On the
shore dimly seen, thro' the mists of the
deep,Where the foe's haughty host in dread
silence reposes,What is that which the breeze,
o'er the towering steep,As it fitfully blows,
half conceals, half discloses?Now it catches the
gleam of the morning's first beam,In full glory
reflected, now shines on the stream'Tis the
star-spangled banner oh, long may it waveO'er
the land of the free and the home of the
brave.And where is that band who so vauntingly
sworeThat the havoc of war and the battle's
confusionA home and a country should leave us no
more?Their blood has wash'd out their foul
footstep's pollution.No refuge could save the
hireling and slaveFrom the terror of flight or
the gloom of the grave,And the star-spangled
banner in triumph doth waveO'er the land of the
free and the home of the brave.Oh, thus be it
ever when free men shall stand,Between their
loved homes and the war's desolationBlest with
vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued
landPraise the Power that has made and preserved
us as a nation.Then conquer we must, when our
cause is just,And this be our motto "In God is
our trust"And the star-spangled banner in
triumph shall waveO'er the land of the free and
the home of the brave
5What does the country of America mean to you?
6So, lets start at the end
7Essay title- The American War of Independence
was a War for Revolution ,rather than
Independence. How far do you agree ?
8 Lesson 1 Introduction setting the historical
scene Lesson 2 The Boston Tea Party Lesson
3 Breaking the connection Lesson 4 War
itself Lesson 5 The turning point Lesson
6 Historiography (i.e. historical debate- was it
a war for Independence or Revolution? )
9American War of Independence Timeline
10 Lesson 1 Setting the scene Objective- By the
end of the lesson you will be able to. Explain
the historical context of the late c18th
11 The War of Independence plays such an important
part in American popular ideology that references
to it are especially prone to exaggeration and
oversimplification. And two uncomfortable truths
about it - the fact that it was a civil war
(perhaps 100,000 loyalists fled abroad at its
end), and that it was also a world war (the
Americans could scarcely have won without French
help) - are often forgotten. The War of
American Independence began in 1775 at Lexington
and Concord. At first the Patriots, as they came
to be called, did not have great support in the
original 13 colonies. By the time the war had
ended, with the Battle of Yorktown in 1783, all
had changed. George III is said to have lost
America. The battles were won often because of
British military incompetence, although generals
such as Cornwallis, operated in very difficult
circumstances. A young soldier who started the
war as colonel was to become President. His name
was George Washington. Task 1 Explain the
following terms - Independence, popular
ideology, Civil War, Military incompetence,
difficult circumstances
121760 George II dies. George III becomes king1761
Pitt the Elder falls from power1762 Newcastle
resigns. Bute becomes Prime Minister1763 Bute
resigns. Grenville becomes Prime Minister1765
Rockingham becomes Prime Minister. Hargreaves
invents the Spinning Jenny.1766 Grafton becomes
nominal Prime Minister1769 Captain Cook lands at
Tahiti1770 Lord North becomes Prime
Minister1773 Boston Tea Party1775 American
Revolution begins1776 American Declaration of
Independence1778 Death of Pitt the Elder. France
joins America against Britain1782 North resigns
.Rockingham becomes Prime Minister
Rockingham dies. Shelburne becomes Prime
Minister Task 2 Add significant details to your
timeline. Task 3 On the back of your A3 paper
answer the following- Would you describe the
British political situation as volatile in the
late c18th? Why?
13- The War of American Independence 1775 - 1783
- In 1775, during George III's reign, the British
North American colonies revolted - due mainly to
their opposition to British economic exploitation
and also their unwillingness to pay for a
standing army. - Anti-monarchist sentiment was strong, as the
colonists wanted to participate in the politics
affecting them. - On 4 July 1776, a Declaration of Independence
was signed. Initial confrontations were mixed -
the British being successful at Brandywine but
suffering badly at Saratoga - but the situation
improved for the colonists when France (1778),
Spain (1779) and the Netherlands (1780) all
utilised the opportunity caused by the
confrontation to declare war on Britain as well. - By 1782, the British campaign was crumbling.
Parliament demanded an end to the war, largely
due to its expense. The Prime Minister, now Lord
North, resigned and, on 3 September 1783,
treaties were signed at Versailles. - Britain retained Canada and the West Indian
Islands but the thirteen rebellious states were
formally recognised as the United States of
America. - France retained their West Indian Islands and
were given Tobago in addition Spain recovered
Florida after twenty years of British control
(but later sold it to the U.S.A.).
14Starter Look at these 4 flags which country do
they belong to and what is the capital of each
country? EXT Can you name an interesting fact
about each country?