II' The Phonatory System: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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II' The Phonatory System:


d. Corniculate Cartilages. The paired corniculate cartilages are ... Figure 1: The Corniculate & Cuneiform Cartilages in Situ. 1. Cartilages. e. Epiglottis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: II' The Phonatory System:

II. The Phonatory System
A. Structures of the Phonatory Tract
  • The phonatory tract is the pathway a sound takes
    from the moment it is produced until it leaves a
    persons head.
  • The four regions of the vocal tract are the
    nasal, the oral, the laryngeal, and the
    pharyngeal cavities.
  • For this module, we will focus on the pharyngeal
    and laryngeal regions.

1. The Pharynx
  • The pharynx is a musculo-membranous tube lined
    entirely with mucous membrane.
  • It is 4-5 long and somewhat oval in shape.
  • It extends from the base of the skull to in
    between C6 and the cricoid cartilage of the

1. The Pharynx
  • The pharynx is divided into three parts
  • the nasopharynx,
  • the oropharynx and the
  • laryngopharynx.

a. The Nasopharynx
  • The nasopharynx is the uppermost portion of the
  • Its superior boundary is the base of the skull.
  • Its anterior boundary is the nasal cavity.
  • Its inferior boundary is the soft palate.

a. The Nasopharynx
  • The lateral walls of the nasopharynx contain the
    pharyngeal orifice, the opening into the
    Eustachian tube.
  • This opening allows communication with the middle

a. The Nasopharynx
  • The posterior nasal port can be opened or closed
    depending on the position of the soft palate.

b. The Oropharynx
  • The oropharynx begins superiorly at the soft
  • It extends inferiorly to the hyoid bonea bone
    running roughly parallel to the chin at the base
    of the tongue.

b. The Oropharynx
  • Anteriorly, the oropharynx communicates with the
    faucial pillars of the oral cavity.
  • The palatine tonsils are found lying between the
    faucial pillars.

c. The Laryngopharynx
  • The laryngopharynx begins superiorly at the hyoid
  • Its inferior anterior border is the epiglottis.
  • Its inferior posterior border is continuous with
    the esophagus.

2. The Larynx
  • The larynx is a cartilaginous structure supported
    in the neck by a series of flat strap muscles.

2. The Larynx
  • Its superior support is the hyoid bone.
  • Its inferior point of attachment is the trachea.

2. The Larynx
  • The entire laryngeal structure is lined with
    mucous membrane.
  • The underlining of the glottis, down to the
    trachea has a very rich, wet mucous membrane that
    constantly lubricates the vocal folds.

2. The Larynx
  • Nerve supply to the larynx is provided by the
    Vagus (Xth) cranial nerve.
  • The blood supply is from a branch of the common
    carotid artery.

2. The Larynx
  • The larynx is comprised of three sets of folds
  • The aryepiglottic folds are found at the upper
    rim of the larynx connected to the epiglottis.

2. The Larynx
  • The ventricular or false folds are thick bands of
    tissue above the glottis.
  • The vocal (true) folds are the phonatory

2. The Larynx
  • The space between the true and false folds is
    termed the ventricle.
  • At the level of the vocal folds (glottis) the
    larynx is anatomically divided into two parts.
  • The vestibule constitutes the supraglottic
  • The atrium constitutes the infraglottic region

B. Laryngeal Anatomy
  • There are no bones in the larynx.
  • The entire laryngeal framework is cartilaginous.
  • However, the larynx is suspended from the hyoid
    bone, but it is not part of the larynx proper.
  • All cartilages, ligaments, membranes, and muscles
    of the larynx are utilized in phonation.

B. Laryngeal Anatomy
  • The 9 cartilages of the larynx are the thyroid
    cartilage, the cricoid cartilage, the epiglottis,
    the paired arytenoids, the paired corniculates,
    and the paired cuneiforms.

Cartilagesa. Thyroid Cartilage
  • The thyroid cartilage is the most prominent
  • It is a type of hyaline cartilage comprised of
    two flat plates (laminae) fused together at an
    angle to form the laryngeal prominence.

1. Cartilages a. Thyroid Cartilage
  • In adult females, the angle of the laryngeal
    prominence is 120 degrees.
  • In adult males, the angle is more acute at 90

1. Cartilages a. Thyroid Cartilage
  • Along the superior border of the thyroid
    cartilage is the thyroid notch.
  • From the superior posterior edge of each lamina
    are the superior cornu.
  • Inferiorly, the inferior cornu descend from the

1. Cartilages a. Thyroid Cartilage
  • The thyrohyoid ligament attaches the superior
    cornu to the hyoid bone.
  • The ceratocricoid ligament attaches the inferior
    cornu to the cricoid cartilage.

1. Cartilages b. Cricoid Cartilage
  • The cricoid cartilage is found inferior to the
    thyroid cartilage.
  • It forms a considerable portion of the posterior
    wall of the larynx.
  • It is shaped like a signet ring, wider
    posteriorly than anteriorly.

1. Cartilages b. Cricoid Cartilage
  • On its lateral borders are articular facets which
    receive the inferior cornu of the thyroid
  • On its superior posterior surface are articular
    facets for the arytenoid cartilages.

1. Cartilages b. Cricoid Cartilage
  • Ligaments secure the cricoid cartilage to the
    thyroid cartilage and to the trachea.
  • Specifically, the cricothyroid ligament secures
    the cricoid and thyroid cartilages.
  • The cricotracheal ligament secures the cricoid
    cartilage to the first tracheal ring.

1. Cartilages c. Arytenoid Cartilages
  • The paired arytenoid cartilages are three-sided
    pyramidal structures that rest on the superior
    posterior border of the cricoid cartilage.

1. Cartilages c. Arytenoid Cartilages
  • Each arytenoid has a broad base and diminishes in
    size as it rises toward the apex.
  • The lateral posterior base has a large knob-like
    projection called the muscular process.
  • The medial anterior base has a small projection
    called the vocal process.
  • The vocal process is the point of attachment for
    the vocal folds.

1. Cartilages d. Corniculate Cartilages
  • The paired corniculate cartilages are small
    elastic cartilages fused with the apex of the
  • These seem to do little more than support the
    aryepiglottic folds.

1. Cartilages d. Corniculate Cartilages
  • Another pair of small elongated cartilages, the
    cuneiform cartilages, are embedded with the
    mucous membrane of the aryepiglottic folds.
  • They support these folds during swallow, when the
    epiglottis moves to cover the larynx.

Figure 1 The Corniculate Cuneiform Cartilages
in Situ
1. Cartilages e. Epiglottis
  • The flat, leaf-shaped cartilage rising out of the
    larynx is the epiglottis.
  • It is attached inferiorly to the thyroid
    cartilage below the notch by the thyroepiglottic
  • Superiorly it is attached to the body of the
    hyoid bone by the hyoepiglottic ligament.

2. Laryngeal Muscles
2. Laryngeal Muscles
  • The muscles found in the larynx are of two types
  • The extrinsic muscles have one point of
    attachment external to the larynx.
  • The intrinsic muscles have both points of
    attachment within the larynx.

2. Laryngeal Muscles
  • Most of the extrinsic muscles are responsible for
    either elevating or depressing the entire larynx,
    especially during swallow.
  • In trained singers, the extrinsic muscles may
    help produce notes outside the normal singing

2a. Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles
  • The suprahyoid muscles are those extrinsic
    muscles with a point of attachment above the
    hyoid bone.
  • They raise the larynx for swallowing and high
    note singing functions.
  • The infrahyoid muscles have a point of attachment
    below the hyoid bone.
  • They lower the larynx after swallow and for low
    note singing functions.

2b. Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles
  • There are 5 groups of intrinsic laryngeal
  • They perform important functions in positioning
    the larynx for phonation.
  • They are categorized by the actions they perform.

2b. Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles
  • Abductors open the vocal folds.
  • There is one pair of glottal abductors.
  • Adductors close the vocal folds.
  • There are two muscles that adduct the folds.
  • Glottal tensors raise vocal pitch.
  • There is one pair of muscles that lengthens the
    vocal folds.
  • Glottal relaxers lower vocal pitch.
  • There is one pair of muscles that shortens the
    vocal folds.

2b 1). Abductors
  • When the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
    contracts, it pulls the muscular processes toward
    midline, which moves the vocal processes apart
    and abducts (opens) the vocal folds.
  • It is located on the posterior lamina of the
    cricoid cartilage and attaches to the muscular
    process of the arytenoid cartilage.

2b 2). Adductors
  • The arytenoideus muscle, both the transverse and
    oblique portions, is a singular muscle running
    between the two arytenoid cartilages.
  • When it contracts, it pulls the vocal processes
    toward midline and tips the apices forward to
    adduct (close) the vocal folds.

2b 2). Adductors
  • The paired lateral cricoarytenoid muscle attaches
    to either side of the cricoid cartilage and to
    the muscular process of each arytenoid.
  • When it contracts, it pulls the muscular
    processes laterally, which approximates the vocal
    processes in adduction.

2b 2). Adductors
  • Heres is another view of the lateral
    cricoarytenoid muscle.
  • You can see its insertion of the muscular process
    of the arytenoid cartilage.

2b 3). Glottal Tensors
  • Each pair of the cricothyroid muscle has two
    different fiber types vertical and oblique.
  • These muscles originate at the lateral sides of
    the cricoid cartilage and insert into the
    posterior lamina of the thyroid cartilage.

2b 3). Glottal Tensors
  • When contracted, the muscle pulls down and tilts
    the thyroid cartilage forward.
  • The vocal folds are stretched, which reduce their
    mass and results in a rise in pitch.

2b 4). Glottal Relaxers
  • The thyroarytenoid muscles, the muscular base of
    the vocal folds themselves, constitute the
    glottal relaxers.
  • Contraction of this muscle draws the arytenoids
    toward the thyroid cartilage, increasing the
    thickness of the vocal folds, and lowering the

2b 4). Glottal Relaxers
  • The thyroarytenoid muscles originate on the
    internal surface of the thyroid cartilage near
    the angle.
  • Each muscle has two fiber bundles.
  • The thyromuscularis portion inserts into the
    muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage.
  • The thyrovocalis portion inserts into the vocal
    process of the arytenoid process.

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • Hirano (1974, 1981) has shown that the vocal
    folds are composed of five microscopically
    distinct tissue layers.
  • The outermost layer, the epithelium, is a thin,
    stiff cover that maintains the shape of the vocal

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • Next we have the lamina propria.
  • The superficial layer
  • consists of loose fibers in a mass of soft
  • It is thought to serve as a shock absorber for
    the ligament, which is made up of the
    intermediate and deep layers.

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • Finally, the thryoarytenoid muscle makes up the
    final layer of vocal fold tissue.
  • It makes up the main body of the vocal fold and
    is capable of contraction.

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • To understand vocal fold mechanics, it is easier
    to think of them as consisting of three sections
  • A cover
  • A transition and
  • A body.

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • The cover has the stiff thin epithelium and the
    underlying fluid-like mucosa
  • The transition is the vocal ligament where large
    mechanical stress occurs.
  • The body consists of the muscle itself which
    controls the shape of the VF and the degree of

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • For clear phonation, the margins of the vocal
    folds must be mobile.
  • During phonation, the cover of the fold produces
    a wave-like motion.

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • The undulating wave of movement travels from the
    lower surface to the upper surface of the VF in
    each cycle of vibration.
  • Indeed, the mucous membrane cover vibrates more
    than the muscle during phonation.

3. Histology of the Vocal Folds
  • In patients with scarred or dry vocal folds, the
    mucosa loses its mobility, and phonation is
    breathy and elevated in pitch because the VFs are
    stiff not pliable.

C. Laryngeal Physiology
  • 1. Properties of Sound Waves

1. Properties of Sound Waves
  • Undisturbed air is in a state of equilibrium.
  • When an external force impinges on the air
    particles, the may move closer together or
    farther apart, depending upon the location of the
  • Compression occurs when air molecules move closer
  • Rarefaction occurs when air molecules move
    farther apart.

1. Properties of Sound Waves

1. Properties of Sound Waves
  • Like liquid, air is fluid, and molecules tend to
    flow from regions of higher pressure to regions
    of lower pressure.
  • Air molecules also tend to remain in motion until
    the energy imparted has been dissipated.
  • Like a rock thrown into an undisturbed pond, air
    molecules, like water ripples, will move outward
    in all directions, compressing the air ahead
    (increasing pressure) and leaving a drop in
    pressure behind.

1. Properties of Sound Waves
1. Properties of Sound Waves
  • A periodic air wave is generated any time there
    is a disturbance of air particles by force.
  • As they travel through the air, progressive
    longitudinal wave forms are produced.

a. Frequency
  • Periodic air waves travel as pulses of
    compression and rarefaction from their point of
  • Each cycle of one compression and one rarefaction
    is termed an oscillation.
  • Frequency, perceived as pitch, is dependent upon
    the number of oscillations or cycles per second.

a. Frequency
  • The perceived pitch of a sound increases in
    proportion to its frequency of oscillation.
  • Frequency of oscillation is expressed in Hertz

b. Intensity
  • The amplitude of a sound wave is determined by
    the amount of air particle displacement from its
    position of equilibrium.
  • The greater the displacement of air particles,
    the larger the wave generated and the more
    intense the sound.

b. Intensity
  • Loudness is the perceptual correlate of the
    amplitude of a sound wave.
  • The greater the amplitude the louder the sound.
  • Intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB).

Figure 2 Sinusoidal Waves
  • Looking at the sinusoidal wave on the overhead,
    consider the following
  • Which waves have the same frequency?
  • Which wave has the greatest amplitude?
  • Which waves have the same amplitude?
  • Which wave has the greatest frequency?

2. Normal Voice Characteristics Variants
  • A normal speaking voice has the following
  • It operates on a mechanism which is structurally
    sound, free from disease, or pathologies
  • It is esthetically pleasing.
  • It is appropriate to the age, sex, and size of
    the speaker.
  • It is physiologically efficient, producing
    maximum output with minimal energy.

2a. Fundamental Frequency
  • The fundamental frequency (fo) of the voice is
    determined by three things
  • Vocal fold length
  • Vocal fold tension and
  • Vocal fold mass in combination with subglottic
  • The measure of fo reflects the vibratory rate of
    the vocal folds during vowel prolongation tasks.

2a. Fundamental Frequency
  • Vocal fold length is greater for men than women,
    and greater for adults than children.
  • It is during puberty that significant increases
    in vocal fold length occur.
  • The male vocal fold increases 1/3 to 1/2 in
    length to range from 2/3 to 3/4 in total length.
  • The female vocal fold increases 1/4 to 1/3 in
    length to range from 1/2 to 2/3 in total length.

2a. Fundamental Frequency
  • Vocal fold tension is determined by the
    relationship of the vocal folds to the cartilages
    to which they are attached.
  • If the vocal folds are stretched and elongated by
    the contraction of the cricothyroid muscle, they
    will vibrate more quickly.
  • If the vocal folds are lax and shortened by
    contraction of the thyroarytenoid muscles, they
    will vibrate more slowly.

2a. Fundamental Frequency
  • Vocal fold mass refers to the amount of vocal
    tissue, not to weight.
  • Generally, the bigger the person, the greater the
    mass of his/her vocal folds.
  • Changes in tension will change vocal fold mass.
  • When vocal fold tension increases, the mass of
    the vocal fold is reduced.
  • When vocal fold tension decreases, the mass of
    the vocal fold is increased.

2a. Fundamental Frequency
  • A voice of higher pitch is produced when the
    vocal folds are tense, thin (reduced mass), and
    vibrating quickly.
  • A voice of lower pitch is produced when the vocal
    folds are lax, bulky (increased mass), and
    vibrating slowly.

2b. Vocal Intensity
  • Vocal loudness varies according the the
    respiratory airflow and subglottic air pressure
    passing through the glottis.
  • Air pressure and airflow affect the size of the
    excursions (movement away from midline) executed
    by the vocal folds.

3c. Relationship between Frequency, Intensity,
and Subglottic Air Pressure
  • With natural vibration, frequency of vibration is
    based on natural mass of vocal folds and
    intensity is based on natural air pressure
  • An easy way to remember how frequency of
    vibration, intensity of vibration, and air
    pressure are inter-related is the Puff Theory.

3c. Relationship between Frequency, Intensity,
and Subglottic Air Pressure
  • The Puff Theory states that
  • small, rapid puffs create soft, high pitch.
  • large, rapid puffs create loud, high pitch.
  • small, slow puffs create soft, low pitch.
  • large, slow puffs create loud, low pitch.
  • This is a short answer on the exam.

3c. Relationship between Frequency, Intensity,
and Subglottic Air Pressure
  • If an additional energy source is used to affect
    vibration, the mass must be altered in some way
    to keep the vocal folds closed beyond the time
    needed for a regular amount of subglottic air
    pressure to open them.
  • Only muscle force can ensure extra resistance.
  • Therefore, the vocal folds must tense, and that
    tension reduces mass, and pitch rises

Figure 3. Stroboscopic View of Vocal Folds

3d. Normal Vocal Variants
  • On average, the habitual pitch level is estimated
    to be roughly 128 Hz in men, 225 Hz in women, and
    265 Hz in children.
  • Maximum frequency ranges can extend from a low fo
    of 77 Hz to a high fo of 567 Hz in men
  • In women, the average range is from a low fo of
    134 Hz to a high fo 895 Hz.
  • Average intensity of conversational speech 3
    from the listener is 60 dB.
  • Quiet speech is 35-40 dB and loud speech can
    exceed 110 dB.

3e. Vocal Registers
  • The shape, length, density, and elasticity of the
    vocal folds alter constantly in the production of
    notes of different frequency.
  • The vibratory pattern of the vocal folds and the
    acoustic parameters they produce can be changed
    over some ranges of pitch and loudness.

3e. Vocal Registers
  • Three perceptually distinct registers of vocal
    quality have been identified (Hollien, 1974).
  • For speaking they are called pulse (fry)
    modal and falsetto (loft).
  • For singing, they are called chest head and

3e. Vocal Registers
  • To produce a vocal fry, the thyroarytenoid
    muscles are active.
  • As they shorten, the vocal folds thicken, which
    results in their remaining closed over an
    appreciable part of each cycle of vibration.

3e. Vocal Registers
  • Vocal fry is a fairly common occurrence in
    everyday speech.
  • Sometimes known as creaky voice, it is frequent
    in vocal strain and abuse.
  • The frequency involved is within the 20-60 Hz

3e. Vocal Registers
  • The modal register encompasses the range of notes
    employed most frequently in normal phonation.

3e. Vocal Registers
  • The falsetto register occurs in human vocal
    activities such as singing, war cries, yodeling,
    and giggling.
  • The thyroarytenoid muscles are passive offering
    little resistance to the cricothyroids, which
    apply substantial longitudinal tension to the
    vocal folds, lengthening and thinning the vocal
  • In phonation, the glottis closely only briefly,
    or not at all, allowing only the edges of the
    vocal folds (vocal ligaments) vibrate. 

3f. Vocal Attacks
  • To initiate phonation, subglottic air pressure
    builds up under the vocal folds which are closely
    approximated in midline.
  • There are three basic vocal or phonatory attacks.
  • Simultaneous attack
  • Glottal attack and
  • Breathy attack.

3f. Vocal Attacks 1) Simultaneous Attack
  • Simultaneous attack results when vibration of the
    vocal folds begins just as air is being released
    and the vocal folds are approximating in midline.
  • When there is simultaneous release of air
    pressure through the glottis and onset of
    phonation, the attack is healthy and not

3f. Vocal Attacks 2) Glottal Attack
  • Some phonatory initiation results from laryngeal
  • The glottal attack is such a form of laryngeal
  • With hyperfunction, the entire laryngeal
    apparatus is tensed.
  • Physiologically, a hard glottal attack is
    produced by firmly compressing the vocal folds at
    the midline before phonation.
  • The breath stream is then released explosively as
    exhalation begins

3f. Vocal Attacks 3) Breathy Attack
  • Onset of phonation that results from laryngeal
    hypofunction is termed a breathy or aspirate
  • In the soft attack, the vocal folds are being
    adducted while there is an air flow through the
  • While this type of attack rarely damages the
    vocal cords, it causes a breathy tone quality.
  • This technique may, however, be utilized to help
    correct a hard glottal attack.
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