Title: Renal Scintigraphy
1Renal Scintigraphy
2Renal Physiology
- Glomerulus
- Filtration
- Convoluted Tubule
- Secretion
- Absorption
- Metabolism
3Renal Autoregulation
- Macula densa detects low flow
- Juxtaglomerular Apparatus signaled to release
4Renin Angiotensin System
- Angiotensinogen
- Renin
- Angiotensin I
- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)
- Angiotensin II
5ACE Inhibitors
- ACE I e.g captopril
- Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist e.g.
irbesartan - Efferent arterioles gt Afferent arterioles
- Result drop in glomerular filtration pressure
- Drop in GFR if limited renal reserve and limited
auto regulation - e.g. renal ischaemia
6Captopril / Baseline Renal Scan
- To look for renal vascular disease as a cause of
hypertension - Effect of captopril on GFR
- Deconvolution analysis to assess cortical transit
7Renal Function Measurement
- Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Effective Renal Blood Flow
8Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Requires agent which is filtered, not absorbed /
secreted / metabolised - Inulin
- Creatinine
9Glomerular Filtration Rate
- 99mTc DTPA
- various mathematical models
- Russell 1 point 180 minute
- Russell 2 point 60 and 180 minute
- Jackson urinary GFR
- Gates renal cortical uptake GFR
- 51Cr EDTA
10Effective Renal Blood Flow
- Requires agent with a high renal extraction ratio
- Para amino hippuric acid
- Radiopharmaceuticals
- 123I orthoiodohippurate
- 99mTc MAG 3
11Renal Transplant Scans
- Post operative complications
- Rejection
- Acute tubular necrosis
- Drug toxicity
- Ischaemia / infarction
- Urinary leak
- Infection / primary disease recurrence
12Slope Ratio
Slope Ratio max slope Ia / max slope Tx
13Hilsens Index
Hilsens Index area to peak Ia / Tx area to
14QEH Index
QEH index Ia peak count / max slope Tx
15The End
16Deconvolution Analysis
17What Is Deconvolution Analysis?
- In the ideal setting, a perfect bolus is
administered into the renal artery and the kidney
is scanned. The time activity curves will look
Perfect bolus Artery curve
Perfect bolus Renal curve R
18What Is Deconvolution Analysis?
- In reality, the radiopharmaceutical is
administered into a peripheral or central vein.
The Time activity curves appear like this
Imperfect Bolus Artery curve I
Imperfect Bolus Renal Curve O
19What Is Deconvolution Analysis?
- Theory of Convolution
- O I () R
- whereby
- I input function iliac artery activity
curve - O output function transplant activity curve
- R system response function ideal transplant
activity curve - () convolution function
20What Is Deconvolution Analysis?
- Deconvolution the process by which the
convolution process is reversed. - Using the fundamental theorem of Fourier
Analysis, the Fourier transforms of the output
function (FO(t) ) is simply the product of the
individual Fourier transforms of the input
(FI(t)) and system-response (FR(t))
functions. - ie FO(t) FI(t) . FR(t)
21What Is Deconvolution Analysis?
- Thus using inverse Fourier transformation, the
system response function is obtained - ie R(t) F-1 FO(t) / FI(t)
- Thus theoretically, deconvolution should
eliminate the contribution by the variability of
the bolus quality to the distortion of scan