Title: XRD Line Broadening
1XRD Line Broadening
With effects on Selected Area Diffraction (SAD)
Patterns in a TEM
2Ideal versus real diffraction patterns
- Under an ideal diffraction scenario, the
diffraction pattern will consist of ?-peaks in a
dark background. - In a practical situation, instrumental and
sample related issues lead to? the presence
of intensity between the Bragg peaks ? Bragg
peaks with a certain profile (i.e. broadened). - Let us assume that the instrumental origins of
the non-ideality have been accounted for. Then,
information about the sample can be obtained from
the diffuse intensity between the Bragg peaks and
the profile of the peaks. - The diffuse intensity typically arises from
defects like atomic disorder (point defects) and
thermal vibrations of atoms. - The broadening of Bragg peak can arise from
defects in the sample (e.g. dislocations
stacking faults) and due to small
crystallite/grain size.
- In general truncation in real space and
concomitant broadening in reciprocal space can
arise from three sources as below. (i)
Truncation of the wave-front (i.e. the wave-front
has a finite extent? like a beam with a
finite diameter).(ii) Truncation of the crystal
(say due to small grain size). (iii) Truncation
of the sample (finite sample sizes? may in
addition lead to crystal truncation).
Finite crystals can be features like
precipitates, twins, etc.
3Crystallite size and Strain
- Braggs equation assumes? Crystal is perfect
and infinite? Incident beam is perfectly
parallel and monochromatic. - Actual experimental conditions are different from
these leading various kinds of deviations from
Braggs condition? Peaks are not ? curves ?
Peaks are broadened (in addition to other
possible deviations). - There are also deviations from the assumptions
involved in the generating powder patterns?
Crystals may not be randomly oriented (textured
sample) ? Peak intensities are altered w.r.t. to
that expected.
- In a powder sample if the crystallite size lt 0.5
?m? there are insufficient number of planes to
build up a sharp diffraction pattern? peaks
are broadened
Funda Check
What is meant by the terms (i) particle size,
(ii) crystallite size, (iii) grain size.
- If a particle is amorphous or consists of many
crystallites, the particle size cannot be
directly measured by XRD. - Crystallite is a small sized crystal and many
such crystallites (i.e. now each particle is a
single crystal of small size) can be used in
powder diffraction to obtain crystallite size. - In a solid polycrystalline sample (like a piece
of Cu or Alumina), the grain size and crystallite
size refer to the same thing.
4When considering constructive and destructive
interference we considered the following points
- In the example considered ? was far away (at a
larger angular separation) from ? (?Bragg) and it
was easy to see the destructive interference - In other words for incidence angle of ? the
phase difference of ? is accrued just by
traversing one d. - If the angle is just away from the Bragg angle
(?Bragg), then one will have to go deep into the
crystal (many d) to find a plane (belonging to
the same parallel set) which will scatter out of
phase with this ray (phase difference of ?) and
hence cause destructive interference - If such a plane which scatters out of phase with
a off Bragg angle ray is absent (due to
finiteness of the crystal) then the ray will not
be cancelled and diffraction would be observed
just off Bragg angles too ? line
broadening!(i.e. the diffraction peak is not
sharp like a ??-peak in the intensity versus
angle plot) - This is one source of line broadening of line
broadening. Other sources include residual
strain, instrumental effects, stacking faults
etc. (next slide).
5Defects in crystals and their effect on the XRD
- In the context of the effect on the XRD pattern,
defects have been traditionally classified as
type-I and type-II defects. Recently concentrated
disordered solid solutions have been categorized
as a separate type of defect. A summary is as in
the table below.
6- In XRD (focussing on powder XRD for now), line
broadening can come from many sources. They are
as listed below. Instrumental broadening has to
be subtracted to obtain broadening from other
sources. This is done by using a standard
sample with large grain size and low strain,
wherein there is no crystallite size or strain
broadening (sample is chosen such that the
density of other defects is small). - Macrostrain (e.g. arising from pulling a
specimen) will result in peak shift, while
microstrain will result in peak broadening.
7XRD Line Broadening
- Unresolved ?1 , ?2 peaks. ? Non-monochromaticity
of the source (finite width of ? peak). - Imperfect focusing, etc.
Crystallite size
- In the vicinity of ?B the -ve of Braggs
equation not being satisfied
- Residual Strain arising from dislocations,
coherent precipitates etc. leading to broadening
Stacking fault
- In principle every extended defect contributes to
some broadening. - Localized defects (e.g. isolated point defects)
cause diffuse scattering.
Other defects
It has been recently demonstrated that
concentrated solid solutions lead to Bragg peak
The net broadening is the sum of all sources of
We will see soon as how we add or subtract
broadening from various sources (this depends of
the peak profile used).
8- Full Width at Half-Maximum (FWHM) is typically
used as a measure of the broadening of the peak.
Other measures have also been used.
The diffraction peak we see is a result of
various broadening mechanisms at work
Full Width at Half-Maximum (FWHM) is typically
used as a measure of the peak width
9Fitting of Peak profiles
- An important point related to peak broadening is
the fitting of a profile to the peak. Standard
curves used are Gaussian (G), Lorentzian (L), a
combination of Lorentzian and Gaussian (called
pseudo-Voigt (PS)), Pearson-VII (Lorentzian
function to power m). The most popular
currently are the pseudo-Voigt function (wherein
the mix of G L can be varied).
For a peak with a Lorentzian profile
- Bi ? Instrumental broadening
- Bc ? Crystallite size broadening
- Bs ? Strain broadening
Longer tail
For a peak with a Gaussian profile
A geometric mean can also used
This formula is used when pseudo-Voigt function
is used for the peak profile fitting.
10Subtracting Instrumental Broadening
- Instrumental broadening has to be subtracted to
get the broadening effects due to the sample.
This is typically done using the steps below.
A) (1) Mix specimen with known coarse-grained (
10?m), well annealed (strain free) ? does not
give any broadening due to strain or crystallite
size (the broadening is due to instrument only
(Instrumental Broadening)). A brittle material
which can be ground into powder form without
leading to much stored strain is good for this
purpose. (2) If the pattern of the test sample
(standard) is recorded separately then the
experimental conditions should be identical (it
is preferable that one or more peaks of the
standard lies close to the specimens peaks).
B) Use the same material as the standard as the
specimen to be X-rayed but with large grain size
and well annealed
11Scherrers formula crystallite size broadening
- The Scherrers formula is used for the
determination of grain size from broadened peaks. - This works best for Gaussian line profiles and
cubic crystals. - The formula is not expected to be valid for very
small grain sizes (lt10 nm). At very large grain
sizes also the accuracy of the method suffers (as
the broadening is small). - Instrumental broadening has to be subtracted
first. This formula can be used only if strain
and other sources of broadening are small. If
considerable strain broadening is expected then
the Williamson Hall method can be used
(considered soon). - The accuracy of the method is of the order of
only 10.
- ? ? Wavelength
- L ? Average crystallite size (? to
surface of specimen) - k ? 0.94 k ? (0.89, 1.39) 1 (the accuracy
of the method is only 10?)
This formula can perhaps take the credit of
being the least carefully used formula in
research in materials science!!!
12Strain broadening
- The micro-strain (?) in the material (due to
dislocations and other strain fields) can lead to
peak broadening. This broadening (Bs) is a
function of the Bragg angle of the peak? varies
as Tan(?B) (Fig.1). - If we plot the FWM arising from these two sources
(Fig.2) Bc BS we see that Bc is dominant at
low angles and can be used to separate
crystallite and strain broadening. This can be
done using the Williamson Hall plot as
considered next.
Smaller angle peaksshould be used to separate
Bs and Bc
- ? ? Strain in the material
13Separating crystallite size broadening and strain
Williamson-Hall method G.K.Williamson W.H. Hall
- The total broadening due to strain and
crystallite size can be added to get Br. - As in the equations below we plot BrCos? as a
function of Sin?. The slope will be ? (strain)
and from the intercept (k?/L) we can compute the
crystallite size (L). Overall this method gives
an estimate of strain and crystallite size, but
is not very accurate. - An example of this plot is considered next.
Crystallite size broadening
Strain broadening
Plot of Br Cos? vs Sin?
14Example of the use of Williamson-Hall (W-H) method
- To compute strain broadening we take a reference
sample (Annealed Al sample with low dislocation
density) and a cold worked sample (high
micro-strain) and obtain powder patterns. - For the three peaks in the plot (111, 200, 220)
we generate the W-H plot. - From the slope and the intercept we determine the
strain and crystallite size.
Sample Annealed AlRadiation Cu k? (? 1.54 Ã…)
Sample Cold-worked AlRadiation Cu k? (? 1.54
15Annealed Al
Cold-worked Al
Peak 2? (?) hkl Bi FWHM (?) Bi FWHM (rad)
1 38.52 111 0.103 1.8 ? 10-3
2 44.76 200 0.066 1.2 ? 10-3
3 65.13 220 0.089 1.6 ? 10-3
2? (?) Sin(?) hkl B (?) B (rad) Br Cos? (rad)
38.51 0.3298 111 0.187 3.3 ? 10-3 2.8 ? 10-3 2.6 ? 10-3
44.77 0.3808 200 0.206 3.6 ? 10-3 3.4 ? 10-3 3.1 ? 10-3
65.15 0.5384 220 0.271 4.7 ? 10-3 4.4 ? 10-3 3.7 ? 10-3
16Spot/ring Broadening in SAD patterns in the TEM
- In a TEM Selected Area Diffraction (SAD) pattern,
with decreasing crystallite size the effects as
listed below are observed on the pattern
obtained. - SAD patterns from single crystalline regions give
rise to spots, which are approximately a section
of the reciprocal crystal. (Diagrams on next
- Size gt 10 ?m ? Spotty ring (no. of grains
in the irradiated portion insufficient to produce
a ring). - Size ? (10, 0.5)? ? Smooth continuous ring
pattern. - Size ? (0.5, 0.1)? ? Rings are broadened.
- Size lt 0.1 ? ? No ring pattern. (irradiated
volume too small to produce a diffraction ring
pattern diffraction occurs only at low angles).
Increasing Size
Spotty ring
0.5 ?
10 ?m
Tending to single crystal/grain chosen by SAD
0.1 ?
0.5 ?
Zoom in of small sizes
Broadened Rings
17Effect of crystallite size on SAD patterns
- If the grain size is large then the SAD aperture
can chose a single grain to give rise to a
single crystal pattern (Fig.1). Fig.2 shows the
path of rotation of spots along one axis. - Fig.3 4 show increasing number of
crystallites/grains being chosen by the SAD
aperture, giving rise to a spotty pattern.
Rotation has been shown only along one axis for
easy visualization ? Rotation in along all axes
should be considered to simulate random
Single crystal
Few crystals in the selected region
Spotty pattern
Spotty rings from Pd nanocrystals
18- If a huge number of crystallites are chosen the
pattern becomes a ring pattern (Fig.5). - If the crystallite size is further reduced, then
the rings get broadened due to relaxation in
Braggs condition (crystallite size broadening,
Bc) (Fig.6). - In amorphous materials a broad halo is obtained
Ring pattern
Broadened Rings
Diffuse halo from glass