Title: Univerzitet u Beogradu Medicinski fakultet dr Jasna
1 Medicinski fakultet, Beograd Metodologija NIR-a
IV deo
Doc. dr Ljiljana Markovic-Denic
2Citiranje literature
- Pocinje sa pisanjem prvog koncepta clanka
- U radnoj verziji naznaciti izabrano mesto
citata, - uneti ime autora i godinu objavljivanja
- Po završetku citata, na posebnom papiru (fajlu)
- upisati sve podatke za odredenu refernecu
3 Cilj spiska literature
- Da omoguci citaocu brzu identifikaciju i
pronalaženje casopisa u kome je citirani clanak
4Neophodni podaci za identifikaciju casopisa
- Autori i naslov clanka
- - Denic Lj, Maksimovic J, Ilic M. et al. Do
medical students have enough knowledge of
nosocomial infections - - Samardžic S, Simovic T, Ðordevic Z. i sar.
Ispitivanje nivoa znanja studenata Medicinskog
fakulteta u Prištini o bolnickim infekcijama
5Gastroenterology 1980 79 (2)311-4.
Naziv casopisa
Pocetna i završna strana
6Sistemi citiranja literature
- - Harvard
- - American Psychological Association
- - British Standards
- - Chicago
- - Modern Humanities Research Association
- - Modern Languages Association
- - Royal Society of London
- - Vancouver
7Sistemi citiranja literature
- Harvardski sistem
- Vaknuverski sitem (1979 objavljen nacin
citiranja literature) - International Committee of Medical Journals
Editors - ICMJE - Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to
Biomedical Journals Sample References - Articles in Journals
8U tekstu clanka
- 1. Harvardski sistem upisuje se prezime
- autora i godina objavljivanja
- A more recent study (Smith, 2001)
- shows that ...
- A more recent study (Smith, 2001a)
- Matthews and Jones (1997) have
- proposed that
- Office costs amount to 20 of total
- costs (Wilson et al. 1997,)
9U tekstu clanka
- 2. Vankuverski sistem numericki
- You should use Arabic numerals within
parentheses e.g. (2) for in-text
citations ...procenat novorodencadi sa NBI
porastao sa 22 na 31 6.
10 Spisak literature
- Harvardski sistem redosled referenci se navodi
alfabetskim (azbucnim) redosledom, prema
prezimenu prvog autora - 2. Vankuverski sistem redosled referenci prema
prvom pojavljivanju u tekstu, iza interpukcijskog
znaka - 3. Kombinovani sistem redosled referenci prema
abecednom redosledu uz broj koji se navodi u
11Literatura na kraju tekstaReference,
Literatura( References, Bibliography
- Harvardski sistem
- - Mercer, P.A. and Smith, G. (1993)
Privateviewdata in the UK. 2 nd ed. London
Longman - - Bantz, C. (1995) Social dimensions of
softwaredevelopment. In J.A. Anderson, ed.
Annual review of software management and
development. Newbury Park, CA Sage, 502-510.
12Literatura na kraju teksta KNJIGE
- Vankuverski sistem
- - Kennedy I, Grubb A. Medical law. 3rd ed.
London Butterworths 2000. - - Watkins AD, Neuropharmacology. In AB Kay
editor. Allergy and allergic diseases. Oxford
Blackwell Science 1997. p505-517.
13Literatura na kraju tekstaRad sa konferencije
- Harvardski sistem
- Silver, K. (1991) Electronic mail the new way to
communicate. In D.I. Raitt, ed. 9 th
international online information meeting, 3-5
December 1990 London. Oxford Learned
Information, 323-330. - Vankuverski sistem
- Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data
protection, privacy and security in medical
informatics. In Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE,
Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of
the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics
1992 Sep 6-10 Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam
North-Holland 1992. p. 1561-5.
14Literatura na kraju tekstaNaucni ili stucni
- Harvardski sistem
- UNESCO (1993). General information programme and
UNISIS T. Paris Unesco, (PGI-93/WS/22). - Vankuverski sistem
- Faulkner A. et al. Effectiveness of hip
prostheses in primary total hip replacement a
critical review of evidence and an economic
model. (Health technology assessment. review v.
2, no. 6) Alton Core Research on behalf of the
15Literatura na kraju tekstaDisertacije
- Harvardski sistem
- Agutter, A.J. (1995) The linguistic significance
of current British slang. Thesis (PhD). Edinburgh
University. - Vankuverski sistem
- Bunker VW. Nutrition in the elderly with
particular reference to essential trace elements
dissertation. Southampton Univ. Southampton
16Literatura na kraju tekstaPatent
- Harvardski sistem
- Philip Moris INC. (1981) Optical perforating
apparatus and system. European patent application
0021165 A1. 1981-01-07. - Vankuverski sistem
- Larsen CE, Trip R, inventors Novoste
Corporation, assignee. Methods for procedures
related to the electrophysology og the heart. US
patent 5,520,067.1995 June 25.
17Literatura na kraju tekstaClanci
- Harvardski sistem
- Evans, W.A. (1994) Approaches to intelligent
information retrieval. Information processing and
management, 7 (2), 147-168. - Vankuverski sistem
- - Warner JA, Warner JO. Early life events in
allergic sensitisation. Br Med Bull 2000 56(4)
883-93. - - Popplewell EJ, Innes VA, Lloyd-Hughes S,
Jenkins EL, Khdir K, Bryant TN, et al.
18Literatura na kraju tekstaOrganizacija kao autor
- Harvardski sistem
- Green peace (1992). Picking up the bills.
Independent, p.28a. - Vankuverski sistem
- CDC. Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental
Health-Care Settings . MMWR 2003 164282-4
19Literatura na kraju tekstaVankuverski sistem
- Cancer in South Africa editorial. S Afr Med J
19948415. - Enzensberger W, Fischer PA. Metronome in
Parkinson's disease letter. Lancet
19963471337. - - Warner JO, Jones CA, Kilburn SA, Vance GHS,
Warner JA . Pre-natal sensitization in humans.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2000 11 Suppl 13 6-8.
20Literatura na kraju tekstaElektronski materijal
- Harvardski sistem
- Smith, J. (2000) Curly's Airships Polegate,
Masters of Arts Available from
http//www.curlysairships.com Accessed 29 May
2001 - Vankuverski sistem
- Department of Health. Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
guidance for healthcare workers. Online access
2001 August. Available from URL