Title: Social Media at EPA
1Social Media at EPA
- Kay Morrison
- Office of Web Communications
- US EPA Office of Public Affairs
2What is Social Media?
- Anything online other than static content where
the provider posts and the viewer absorbs
- Mission, mission, mission
- So keep using older tools, too
- Its where the people are
- 100,000,000 daily YouTube views
- 300,000,000 active Facebook users
- Were 17,000. Theyre 6,000,000,000.
- Early warning system
- Its where people are talking about us
- Its what the President wants collaborative,
transparent, participatory government
- Its communication, not tech
- Trust employees, the public
- Experiment
- Define tool-specific measures of success
- Its all about engagement
- Return on investment is (usually) the wrong
question (return on engagement is usually the
right question)
5What (figuratively)?
- Collaboration (internal and external)
- Interaction (comments, photos, videos)
- Force Multiplier through sharing
- Tools for adults
- Fastest-growing Facebook segment ages 35-54
- Even split across ages on YouTube
- The way business will be done
6What (tools)?
- Not yet used at EPA
- Virtual worlds
- Social news
- Social bookmarking
- Smart phone applications
- Text messaging
- Currently used at EPA
- Mobile web
- Blogs
- Microblogs
- Social networking
- Widgets
- Wikis
- Video/photo sharing
- Podcasting
- Mashups
- Webinars
7http//m.epa.govEPAs Mobile website
- Newsroom
- Watersense
- Contact EPA
- ZIP code search
- UV index
- AirData
- Energy Star rebates
- 40 CFR
- Etc.
8(No Transcript)
9Your ideas will be considered for
recommendations to the EPA Administrator about
the future direction for EPAs water enforcement.
10(No Transcript)
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13kolpeterson BRK Exec order for govt bldgs 30
redux in vehicle fleet petrol use by 2020, 2030
net-zero-energy building http//bit.ly/33W6fU
14- Real-time results for solar09
- MarnArts _at_sandersshannon Whooooo! Thank you! I"ll
be back this week with a pocket video camera and
the SLR - see you then! solar09 - sandersshannon _at_MarnArts It's Iowa State
University! www.solard.iastate.edu solar09 - kolpeterson BRK Exec order for govt bldgs 30
redux in vehicle fleet petrol use by 2020, 2030
net-zero-energy building http//bit.ly/33W6fU
solar09 - MarnArts _at_Solar_Decathlon Could someone please ID
the team / doors in the first of this set?
http//bit.ly/nquzq solar09
15EPAcolumbia is a Region 10 Twitter account run by
a named person on behalf of the agency.
16Personal Facebook account
Sponsored links
17EPAs Fan page has 3,141 fans
No advertising
18Fans leave comments
19Looking to become involved with the EPA and
water issues (watershed health, water quality,
policy and planning, land use and
management...)...any ideas out there?
20Oh, for those groupy followers of the EPA, I
have followed the complaint route, to no avail.
So, don't even go there.
21Administrator Lisa P. Jacksons Facebook page
I'll be on Real Time with Bill Maher tonight at
10 pm EST on HBO. I'll be talking about all the
changes of the last 8 months, and the big
announcements of the last few days.
Administrator Jackson has 2,123 fans
23Lead Poisoning Prevention Video Contest In
conjunction with HUD CDC we need your help to
get the word out about lead hazards
24Well review the photos submitted to the groups
and feature those that inspire us, or make us
smile, creatively show the category, or just grab
our attention.
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26People and the environment 2009 Earth Day Photo
Project hosted on Flickr.com, photos featured
daily on epa.gov/earthday
27The beauty of nature
29How? (contd)
- Be ready to fail
- Embrace criticism (its almost all useful)
- Accept that odd things will happen
- Know the policy and governance framework
- Acknowledge that fear, confusion, wonder,
excitement are all normal
30Who (other govt)?
- TSAs blog produced operational change
- CDC responded to the peanut salmonella outbreak
- Internal NASA Spacebook, Intellipedia
- Many more linked from usa.gov