Title: Discovering the Universe
1Neil F. Comins William J. Kaufmann III
Discovering the Universe Eighth Edition
CHAPTER 3 Light and Telescopes
- What is visible light?
- A wave? A particle? Energy?
- What is electromagnetic radiation?
- What are the main functions of telescopes?
- Why do all research telescopes use mirrors,
rather than lenses, to collect light? - Why do stars twinkle?
3In this chapter you will discover
- The connection between visible light, X-rays,
radio waves, other types of electromagnetic
radiation - The debate over what light is and how Einstein
resolved it - How telescopes collect and focus light
- Why different types of telescopes are used for
different types of research
4In this chapter you will discover
- The limitations of telescopes, especially those
that use lenses to collect light - What the new generations of land-based and
space-based high-technology telescopes being
developed can do - How astronomers use the entire spectrum of
electromagnetic radiation to observe the stars
and other astronomical objects and events
5Color is property of light!
White light is composed of different colors when
shone through glass.
but the glass is not creating those colors!
6Observation Water Waves naturally interfere
create noticeable patterns
7Youngs Experiment (1801)
Light has a wavelike property, too!
8Observations of Nature
- Electricity acts through space over a distance
- Lightening, sparks on a doorknob
- Magnetism acts through space over a distance
- Two magnets attract or repel one another without
9More Observations
- If you spin a conductor in a magnetic field, you
get electricity! - Electric Generators _at_ dams windmills
- Portable gas generators
- If you run electricity into a coil, you get a
magnet! - Electromagnetic cranes
- Auto solenoids
- Electric Motors
10Maxwells Observation
- Change Electricity gt create magnetism
- Change Magnetism gt create electricity
- Continuously change both, continuously create
radiation! - Radiation created moves at c the speed of
11Electro-magnetic radiation!
12Roemers observations of Jupiters Moons
Eclipses demonstrated light moves at a finite
13Non-visible light (beyond the red end of the
spectrum) has energy, too!
14The entire EM Spectrum
What we see is only a small part of what there
15EM Spectrum Varies by
Size (wavelength, color) Energy How the waves are
detected But not. How fast they move through
16Atmospheric Windows to the stars universe
Visible Radio light
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18Different types of Reflecting Telescopes
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20Small Telescope image of Andromeda Galaxy
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23Photographs vs. CCD chips vs. Multi-color
filtered CCD composite images
24Refracting Telescopes bend light through lenses
Heavy glass lenses, bending different colors to
different points (Chromatic aberration)
imperfections in glass, limit practical size
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27Functions of Telescopes!
- Gather Light
- Resolve Sharp Details
- Magnify Resulting Images
Regardless of Wavelength range size
28Orion in UV, Infrared, Optical Wavelengths
291 Function Gathering Light
- Depends upon the size of the objective mirror or
lens. - Light gathering area increases with SQUARE of the
diameter - 10 m telescope gather 4x more light than 5m
- Subject to interference from other sources!
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312 Function Resolution
- Depends upon the size of the objective mirror or
lens. - Better resolution with more light
- Depends upon wavelength of light, too!
- Smaller wavelengths provide smaller details
- UV images have more detail than Radio
- Also subject to interference
32Radio Telescopes gather long-wave, low-energy
light Poor resolution unless made LARGE!
33- Seeing is the ability to resolve small details
- Affected by
- Imperfections in optics (shapes of
lenses/mirrors) - Atmospheric motion, density, temperature,
moisture - Improved by
- Adaptive optics subtracting out the atmospheric
effects - Getting above atmosphere!
34Improve seeing by getting above the atmosphere
(and gather more types of light, too!)
- Ground-based image of Neptune
- Ground-based image with adaptive optics
- Hubble Space Telescope image
363 Function Magnification
- Least important
- Without a bright, sharp image, no use!
- Bigger, Dimmer, Fuzzier!
- Depends upon EYEPIECE used
- Small scopes 50-500 each
- Easily swapped to magnify images
- Depends upon telescope geometry, too
37Active Adaptive Optics!
- Active optics (1980s)
- Put actuators on segmented mirrors to bend
them to the right shape - Keck, NTT, VLT Telescopes
- Adaptive optics (1990s to present)
- Deform mirror in real time to compensate for
atmospheric motion - Laser Guide Stars
38VLT in Chile
- (4) combined 8.2 m telescopes
- Tracking motions of stars at Milky Way Center
39SALT in Africa
- Largest current single surface scope
40Next Generation Space Telescope
- NASAs next great observatory
- Bigger than Hubble
41Seeing in Stereo!
42Interferometry Combining signals simultaneously
from 2 or more scopes
43Visible Radio wave views of Saturn
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48Why build telescopes at all?
We already have enough! Why do we need a more
detailed picture of Mars? Who cares? This cost
100 Million dollars? Youve got to be kidding
49Summary The Nature Of Light
- Photons, units of vibrating electric and magnetic
fields, all carry energy through space at the
same speed, the speed of light (300,000 km/s in a
vacuum, slower in any medium). - Radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation,
visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X rays, and
gamma rays are the forms of electromagnetic
radiation. They travel as photons, sometimes
behaving as particles, sometimes as waves.
50The Nature Of Light
- Visible light occupies only a small portion of
the electromagnetic spectrum. - The wavelength of a visible light photon is
associated with its color. Wavelengths of visible
light range from about 400 nm for violet light to
700 nm for red light. - Infrared radiation and radio waves have
wavelengths longer than those of visible light.
Ultraviolet radiation, X rays, and gamma rays
have wavelengths that are shorter.
51Optics and Telescopes
- A telescopes most important function is to
gather as much light as possible. Its second
function is to reveal the observed object in as
much detail as possible. Often the least
important function of a telescope is to magnify
objects. - Reflecting telescopes, or reflectors, produce
images by reflecting light rays from concave
mirrors to a focal point or focal plane.
52Optics and Telescopes
- Refracting telescopes, or refractors, produce
images by bending light rays as they pass through
glass lenses. Glass impurity, opacity to certain
wavelengths, and structural difficulties make it
inadvisable to build extremely large refractors.
- Reflectors are not subject to the problems that
limit the usefulness of refractors. - Earth-based telescopes are being built with
active and adaptive optics. These advanced
technologies yield resolving power comparable to
the Hubble Space Telescope.
53Nonoptical Astronomy
- Radio telescopes have large, reflecting antennas
(dishes) that are used to focus radio waves. - Very sharp radio images are produced with arrays
of radio telescopes linked together in a
technique called interferometry. - Earths atmosphere is fairly transparent to most
visible light and radio waves, along with some
infrared and ultraviolet radiation arriving from
space, but it absorbs much of the electromagnetic
radiation at other wavelengths.
54Nonoptical Astronomy
- For observations at other wavelengths,
astronomers mostly depend upon telescopes carried
above the atmosphere by rockets. Satellite-based
observatories are giving us a wealth of new
information about the universe and permitting
coordinated observation of the sky at all
wavelengths. - Charge-coupled devices (CCDs) record images on
many telescopes used between infrared and X-ray
55Key Terms
infrared radiation interferometry light-gathering
power magnification Newtonian reflector objective
lens photon pixel primary mirror prime
focus radio telescope radio wave reflecting
telescope reflection
refracting telescope Schmidt corrector
plate secondary mirror seeing disk spectrum spheri
cal aberration twinkling ultraviolet
(UV) radiation very-long-baseline interferometry
(VLBI) wavelength X ray
active optics adaptive optics angular
resolution Cassegrain focus charge-coupled
device coudé focus electromagnetic
radiation electromagnetic spectrum eyepiece
lens focal length focal plane focal
point frequency gamma ray
- What is light?
- Lightmore properly visible light, is one form
of electromagnetic radiation. All electromagnetic
radiation (radio waves, microwaves, infrared
radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation,
X rays, and gamma rays) has both wave and
particle properties.
- What type of electromagnetic radiation is most
dangerous to life? - Gamma rays have the highest energies of all
photons, so they are the most dangerous to life.
However, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is
the most common everyday form of dangerous
electromagnetic radiation that we encounter.
- What is the main purpose of a telescope?
- A telescope is designed primarily to collect as
much light as possible.
- Why do all research telescopes use mirrors,
rather than lenses, to collect light? - Telescopes that use lenses have more problems,
such as chromatic aberration, internal defects,
complex shapes, and distortion from sagging, than
do telescopes that use mirrors.
- Why do stars twinkle?
- Rapid changes in the density of Earths
atmosphere cause passing starlight to change
direction, making stars appear to twinkle.