Title: Themes and Theories of Human Development
1Themes and Theories of Human Development
- What is a developmental theory?
- Scientific theory
- Characteristics of a good theory
- Parsimony
- Falsifiability
- Heuristic Value
- Questions and controversies in human development
- Assumptions about human nature
- Original sin
- Innate purity
- Nature versus nurture
- Activity versus passivity
- Continuity versus discontinuity
- Stages of development
- Qualitative/quantitative
- Connectedness of development
- Theories of human development
- Psychoanalytic theory
- Components of personality
2What is a theory
- What is a theory in general?
- A set of concepts or propositions that describe
and explain some aspect of experience. - What is a scientific theory?
- A public pronouncement indicating what a
scientist believes about his or her area specific
area of investigation - What are the characteristics of a good theory?
- Parsimony
- Concise, yet able to explain a wide range of
phenomena - Falsifiability
- Capable of making explicit predictions
- Heuristic value
- Can be applied to unknown situations and cases
3Question and controversies about human development
- Assumptions about human nature
- Innate purity versus original sin
- Tabula rasa
- Nature versus nurture
- Activity versus passivity
- Continuity of development
- Stages of development
- Quantitative versus qualitative change
- Quantitative changes in degree
- Qualitative changes in kind
- Connectedness of development
- Similarity versus differences
4Continuous versus Discontinuous Development
Continuous Development
5Continuous versus Discontinuous Development
Discontinuous Development
6Question and controversies about human development
- Assumptions about human nature
- Innate purity versus original sin
- Tabula rasa
- Nature versus nurture
- Activity versus passivity
- Continuity of development
- Stages of development
- Quantitative versus qualitative change
- Quantitative changes in degree
- Qualitative changes in kind
- Connectedness of development
- Similarity versus differences
7Theories of child developmentPsychoanalytic
- Sigmund Freuds theory of psychosexual
development - Components of the personality
- The Id legislator of the personality
- The Ego executive of the personality
- The Superego judicial branch of the personality
- The theory of psychosexual development
- The oral stage (birth 1 year)
- The anal stage (1 3 years)
- The phallic stage (3 6 years)
- The Oedipus complex
- Latency period (6 12 years)
- The genital stage (12 years on)
- Evaluation of theory
8Theories of child developmentLearning theory
- John B. Watson (1878-1958)
- Classical conditioning
- Association of a neutral stimulus with a
non-neutral stimulus - Little Albert
- B. F. Skinner (1904-1990)
- Operant conditioning
- Reinforcers
- Punishment
9Theories of child developmentLearning theory
- Albert Bandura (1925- )
- Modeling and observation learning
- Socio-cognitive theory
- Personal standards and self-efficacy
- Evaluation of learning theories
- Positive
- Major impact on practices with child
- Behavior modification
- Negative
- Downplays importance of biological factors
- Too narrow view of environmental factors
- Underestimates childrens contributions to
10Theories of child developmentCognitive theories
- Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
- Cognitive Developmental Theory
- Children as constructivists
- Organismic theorist
- Development occurred in stages
- Information-Processing Theory
- Concern with rigor and precision
- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
- Brings together psychology, biology,
neuroscience, and medicine - New methods for analyzing brain activity
- Importance of brain plasticity
11Theories of child developmentEthological and
evolutionary theory
- Niko Timbergen Konrad Lorenz
- (1907 - 1988) (1903 - 1989)
- Ethological Theory
- Imprinting
- Critical and sensitive periods
- Evolutionary Developmental Psychology
- Adaptive value of cognitive, social, and
emotional competencies - Interest in genetic, biological, and learning
12Theories of child developmentVygotsky
- Lev Vygosky (1896-1934)
- Sociocultural theory
- Social interaction and cooperative dialogues
- Emphasis on culture and social experience
- Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005)
- Ecological systems theory
- Bioecological model
- Environmental layers
13Ecological theoryEnvironmental Layers