Convegno internazionale - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Convegno internazionale


... advise support the development of common European tools and principles ... EN Using and improving quality assurance systems in VET ... Hotels & Catering. Land ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Convegno internazionale

Convegno internazionale  Garantire la qualità
dellIstruzione e Formazione Professionale
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Contribution Tina Bertzeletou CEDEFOP - Senior
VET expert on Quality Assurance
2 December, 2010 Rome
Who we are?
  • staff ca. 130 employees, many of them VE
  • budget ca.18,5 mio
  • What we do
  • gather information, research, analyse
  • provide evidence and new insights
  • inform, advise
  • support the development of common European
    tools and principles/approaches
  • encourage debate mutual learning
  • Who do we work with/support?
  • the European Commission the European
  • Member States
  • national and European social partners
  • other partners (Eurostat, sister agencies,
    OECD, ILO, etc.)

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
What we do ?
  • As part of our mission to support enhanced
    European cooperation in VET policy development,
    we have made a substantial contribution to the
    conceptual development, design and implementation
    of the European tools
  • the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
  • the European Credit System for VET (ECVET)
  • Europass, the common principles and guidelines
    for validating non-formal and informal learning
  • the European Quality Assurance Reference
    Framework (EQARF/EQAVET)
  • coordination mechanisms for lifelong guidance,
    teachers and trainers in VET.
  • These tools and principles promote the
    transparency of education and training systems
    and support mobility of learners and citizens.

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
'Europe 2020 a European strategy for smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth ( European
Council June 2010)
  • The Europe 2020 Strategy is the strategy to go
    out of the crisis and prepare EU economy for the
    next decade
  • Three priority areas
  • smart growth (fostering knowledge, innovation,
    education and digital society)
  • sustainable growth (making our production more
    resource efficient while boosting our
  • inclusive growth (raising participation in the
    labour market, the acquisition of skills and the
    fight against poverty)

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Europe 2020 Consolidation and deepening of
Education/VET Reforms
  • Building on Education and training 2020 and to
    support the Europe 2020 strategy, the European
    Commission's communication, 'A new impetus for
    European cooperation in VET to support the Europe
    2020 strategy' looks to spur on reforms begun
    under the Lisbon strategy.
  • It emphasises the need to implement common
    European instruments and principles, encourage
    more adults to take up continuing training and to
    value better the skills and competences people
    acquire at work or in their lives.
  • Europe 2020 sets targets for education and
  • Limiting the number of early education and
    training leavers to less than 10 (more inclusive
  • At least 40 of Europes 30 to 34 year-olds
    should attain tertiary or an equivalent level of
    knowledge, skills and competence (Youth on the
  • Europe 2020 sets a target for research.
  • Improve conditions for research and development
    and raising combined public and private
    investment to 3 of GDP (Innovation Union).
  • Europe 2020 sets targets for employment/social
  • Promote social inclusion by reducing poverty, by
    lifting at least 20 million people out of the
    risk of poverty and exclusion (European platform
    against poverty).
  • Raise to 75 the employment rate for women/men
    aged 20 to 64, including greater participation of
    young people, older workers, low-skilled workers
    and better integration of legal migrants (An
    agenda for new skills and jobs).

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
A new policy framework
EUROPE 2020 reinforces the role of VET
Youth on the move
An agenda for new skills and jobs
Education Training 2020
New skills for new jobs initiative
A new impetus for VET
Cooperation in VET 2010-2020 Common
objectives Shared priorities Deliverables
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Long-term strategy for reformShort-term actions
to address urgent needs
  • For VET as a main pillar of lifelong learning to
  • attractive, innovative and of high quality,
  • easily accessible and inclusive, flexible and
  • comprehensive and consistent
  • relevant to the demands of a knowledge based
  • to help people move easily into and between jobs
  • to contribute to economic development and

requires continued cooperation and monitoring of
shared priorities in VET with clearly defined
milestones and targets adjusted to the context
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
What does this imply?
  • Comprehensive qualification frameworks
  • Improved skills anticipation and better use of
    results in VETcommon language between learning
    outcomes job requirements
  • Applying European instruments consistently and
    coherently developing a skills passport based on
    Europass wider use of validation and guidance
  • Bringing partners together wider partnerships
    shared responsibilities and funding ? learn from
    models used during the crisis
  • Better links, coherence and synergy between
    education training, employment, social and
    economic policies
  • Fostering transparency, excellence, quality and
    relevance of IVET and CVET through quality
    assurance, quality of teachers and trainers/ VET
    professionals and labour market relevance.

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
A European labour market
requires well established European labour
market information and intelligence
New skills for new jobs initiative a systemic
approach Every 2 years quantitative demand and
supply forecasts across Europe (Cedefop) Qualitat
ive and quantitative EU-sector and cross-sector
studies (DG Employment) European sector skills
councils foreseen
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Labour market changes
  • According to the forecasting of future skills
    needs up to 2020 carried out by Cedefop in
    February 2010, there will be
  • 15,6 millions new jobs in the EU for tertiary
  • 3,7 million new jobs for secondary level
    graduates and
  • 12 million jobs less for those with no or low
  • Low levels of educational attainment and
    insufficient skills are major causes of poor
    labour market performance by young people and a
    threat to older workers and those marginalised in
    society who risk losing, or cannot find a job.

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Changing profile of the European workforce
Most of the 2020 labour force already in
work Fewer young people into the labour market
? less demand for initial VET More older workers,
longer working lives ? more demand for continuing
training, up-skilling or re-training
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Too many young people without sufficient
Population aged 18-24 with at most lower
secondary education and not in further education
or training, 2003-2009( of population aged
Eurostat, Labour Force Survey, date of
extraction 18.8.2010
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Key findings
  • Employment in 2020 235 million ( pre-crisis
    peak, 2008)
  • 7 million new jobs 73 million jobs due to
  • Jobs becoming more knowledge- and
  • Impact of globalisation and technological
  • sectoral employment structure
  • demand for new and different types of skills
  • Jobs employing highly qualified people gt 1/3
  • Jobs requiring medium-level qualifications 1
    out of 2

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Qualification demands are rising
Better job opportunities for the better qualified
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
A case for adult learning
Still less than 10 of the 25-64 year-olds in
lifelong learning.
Source Eurostat, Labour Force Survey, 2007
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
VET has a crucial role to play
  • More focus on broadening and reinforcing adults
  • More and varied VET offers for people in
    different employment statuses
  • also to low skilled, older workers, migrants
    (support measures, e.g. learning reps)
  • Quick response to short-term labour market
    needs(e.g. greening skills for traditional jobs)
  • More opportunities to stretch skills at work for
  • Learning conducive workplace (work organization,
    challenging tasks)
  • Flexible routes to skills and competences
  • Access, progression and qualifications through
    several routes less linear approach to learning
  • Flexible learning environments various modes of
    delivery, times and methodsadjusted to learner
    needs (individualized learning paths)

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
VET has a crucial role to play
  • Providing a sound basis for young people
  • Provide young people with flexible pathways and
    high quality training that anticipate and respond
    to labour market needs (longer-term)
  • standards, curricula, methodology
  • reinforced cooperation with enterprises work
    based learning
  • educational leadership and highly-qualified
    teachers and trainers
  • Develop the right skills mix to allow progression
    and occupational mobility
  • key competences transferable occupational
    specialised skills
  • more focus on entrepreneurship/capacity to
    manage change
  • workplace learning, experience abroad
  • Training tailored to allow all learners develop
    their strengths (fostering high talent and being

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
The Eight Key Competences
  1. Communication in the mother tongue
  2. Communication in foreign languages
  3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in
  4. Digital competence
  5. Learning-to-learn
  6. Social and civic competence
  7. Initiative taking and entrepreneurship
  8. Cultural awareness and expression

Source http//
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou

One of the 8 Key Competences Sense of Initiative
and Entrepreneurship
  • .the ability to turn ideas into action
  • includes creativity, innovation and risk taking,
    the ability to plan and manage projects
  • a lot of projects and partnerships with NGOs
  • the overall ethos for initiative??
  • support for creativity, innovation?

Source http//
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Key competences teachers learning environment
Cross-curricular key competences Digital Socia
l and Civic Entrepreneurship Cultural
Learning to Learn
Working with local community parents
enterprises NGOs other schools Learners
experience. And development of key competences
Source http//
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Learning Communities
Leadership Shared tools and responsibilities
for learning
Vision shared values objectives, expectations
and competency needs
Learning Communities
Teachers Informed, trusted collaborative expert
ise valued and shared
Ethos Open, based on dialogue professional
focus on (mutual!) learning
Source http//
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Teacher are lifelong learners, too!
An opportunity! Personal, social, professional
development by Mentoring Peer support Expertise S
Learning needs Effective means School
level of qualification theory / practice core
Source http//
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Study visits programme for education and
vocational trainings specialists
  • A LLP programme coordinated by Cedefop
  • Stay of 3-5 days in a host country (choice of 31
  • Group of 10-15 specialists from 7-10 different
    countries in Europe (out of 33 countries)
  • Examine a theme of education and vocational
    training and exchange experience in the group and
    with hosts
  • 250 study visits with about 2500 participants per
  • Apply at the National Agency of the country
    (2010 two application rounds)Indire, Agenzia
    Nazionale LLP Italia
  • See http//

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Study Visits Quality assurance mechanisms in
schools and training institutions
  Group Group Group Title of the visit L L Country Country Country Date Date Date
Round 2 Round 2 62 Internal and external evaluation Prerequisite for schools improvement Internal and external evaluation Prerequisite for schools improvement Internal and external evaluation Prerequisite for schools improvement EN EN Lithuania 27/09/10 27/09/10 01/10/10  
Round 2 Round 2 63 Mécanismes et instruments dassurance qualité dans lenseignement Mécanismes et instruments dassurance qualité dans lenseignement Mécanismes et instruments dassurance qualité dans lenseignement FR FR Romanie 11/10/10 11/10/10 15/10/10  
Round 2 Round 2 64 Instrumente zur Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Bildungssystem Instrumente zur Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Bildungssystem Instrumente zur Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Bildungssystem DE DE Österreich 08/11/10 08/11/10 10/11/10  
Round 2 Round 2 65 How to improve quality in school education How to improve quality in school education How to improve quality in school education EN EN Germany 29/11/10 29/11/10 03/12/10  
Round 2 Round 2 66 Improving quality internal and external evaluation in autonomous schools Improving quality internal and external evaluation in autonomous schools Improving quality internal and external evaluation in autonomous schools EN EN Germany 29/11/10 29/11/10 03/12/10  
Round 2 Round 2 67 Needs and experiences of quality assurance in the secondary school Needs and experiences of quality assurance in the secondary school Needs and experiences of quality assurance in the secondary school EN EN France 17/01/11 17/01/11 20/01/11  
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Round 1 195 How to implement quality management in operative autonomous schools EN Germany 21/03/11 25/03/11  
Round 1 196 Quality assurance and governance in education and training EN Netherlands 21/03/11 24/03/11  
Round 1 197 Autonomy of schools and responsibilities of the Czech school inspectorate EN Czech Republic 04/04/11 08/04/11  
Round 1 198 Evaluation als Mittel zur Beeinflussung von Schulqualität DE Polen 11/04/11 15/04/11  
Round 1 199 Improving schools and education systems in Sunnhordland through cooperation EN Norway 02/05/11 06/05/11  
Round 1 200 Linking activities - Strategies for quality development in general education EN Germany 09/05/11 13/05/11  
Round 1 201 Improving quality in schools through external evaluation EN Germany 16/05/11 20/05/11  
Round 1 202 Quality in-service teacher training EN Spain 16/05/11 20/05/11  
Round 1 203 Quality work in education - Relations between teachers and students EN Sweden 23/05/11 27/05/11  
Round 1 204 Qualitätsanalyse NRW Erfahrungen mit externer/interner Evaluation in Schulen DE Deutschland 23/05/11 27/05/11  
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Study Visits Measures to improve efficiency in
education and training institutions
Round 2    68 School evaluation for quality improvement EN Portugal 15/11/10 19/11/10  
Round 2    69 Improving opportunities for pupils through more effective schools EN United Kingdom 28/02/11 04/03/11  
 Round 1     205 Application of educational innovation by a regional network of schools EN France 28/03/11 01/04/11  
 Round 1     206 Formación por competencias en Castilla y León ES España 28/03/11 01/04/11  
 Round 1     207 Equity in educational success EN Portugal 03/05/11 06/05/11  
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Study Visits Implementing common European
instruments and tools, principles and frameworks
for lifelong learning Quality assurance systems,
frameworks and approaches
 Round 1 103 Using and improving quality assurance systems in VET EN Netherlands 22/11/10 25/11/10  
 Round 2 240 Supporting excellence through frameworks, instruments and tools EN United Kingdom 02/05/11 06/05/11  
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Lifelong Learning
Higher Education
General School Education
Quality Assurance
Informal - Adult Learning
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Cedefop work on Quality Assurance in VET
  • Provision of technical and scientific support to
    the EU Commission for the implementation of the
    EQARF/EQAVET Recommendation
  • Comparative analyses and studies on Quality and
    sector related issues
  • Organization of events linked to Quality in VET
  • Co-operation with Member States, Academics and
    Social Partners
  • Virtual Community on QA in VET

From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Quality related studies
Assuring the quality of VET systems by defining
expected outcomes, A cross-country analysis in
seven Member States
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Quality related studies
Accreditation and quality assurance in vocational
education and training, Selected European
Quality in VET in European SMEs A review of the
food processing, retail and tourism sectors in
Germany, Ireland and Greece
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Quality related studies
Quality in VET in European SMEs, A review of the
food processing, retail and tourism sectors in
Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia
Quality assurance in the social care sector, The
role of training
From Lisbon to Europe 2020 A new decade for VET
Tina Bertzeletou
Cedefop Europe 123, GR-570 01 Thessaloniki
(Pylea) Postal address PO Box 22427, GR-551 02
Thessaloniki Tel. (30) 23 10 49 01 24 Fax (30) 23
10 49 01 17 More information can be found
on http// http//communi Email
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