Title: Completing the Dispositions Self-Assessment and the Dispositions Development Plan
1Completing the Dispositions Self-Assessment and
the Dispositions Development Plan
- Sheila M. Bennett
- Spring 2010
2Author Comments
- This presentation can be used to create the
graduate or undergraduate/AltA Dispositions
Self-Assessment form and the Dispositions
Development Plan assignments.
3Opening Forms
After logging in to your account, click forms on
the menu on the top of your screen.
4Locating Your Self-Assessment
After clicking on the word form you should see
a screen like this, find the form entitled ,
___Dispositions Form. Click Take form on the
right of your screen.
5Completing Your Self-Assessment
Once the form is complete, click submit form at
the bottom of your screen.
6Create Development Plan
After logging in to LiveText, click on your
dispositions development plan assignment in your
course assignments section of the dashboard.
7Choose Template
Your assignment screen should look like this,
click use this template next to the template
Use this template
8Document Opens
A document will open in your documents folder.
It will be titled the same name as your
9Type Plan
Type your development plan by choosing edit in
the sections you want to address. Type your plan
in the edit section much like using MS Word.
Click save and finish to return to the full
document. Scroll down to the last section,
entitled, Form Viewer
10Insert Form in Document
Click the form drop down menu, select the
self-assessment of dispositions form you just
completed, next click Save.
11By clicking save and finish, you should be able
to view your entire development plan along with
your self-assessment form.
The End