Keynes, the Post Keynesians and Sustainable Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Keynes, the Post Keynesians and Sustainable Development


... A short history of Eco ... of the divine gift of the public entertainer by prostituting it to the purposes of financial gain is one of the worse crimes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Keynes, the Post Keynesians and Sustainable Development

Keynes, the Post Keynesians and Sustainable
Eric Berr University of Bordeaux Keynes
Seminar, Robinson College Cambridge, 27 April 2010
Introduction A short history of Eco-development
and Sustainable development
  • Meadows Report (1972), conference of Stockholm
    (1972), Cocoyoc seminar (1974) birth of the
    concept of Eco-development (Ignacy Sachs)
  • Denunciation of the  bad development  of
    developed countries which is built on a double
  • Over consumption of rich countries which drain
    the great majority of available resources
  • Under consumption of poor countries which overuse
    their scarce resources
  • Fighting against this double waste means to
    overcome misery and to promote a better
    management of the environment
  • The three pillars of Eco-development
  • Self-reliance
  • Satisfaction of basic needs
  • Ecological carefulness

Introduction A short history of Eco-development
and Sustainable development
  • During the 1980s, the concept of Sustainable
    Development replaces Eco-development
  • Definition of sustainable development (Brundtland
    report, 1987)
  • Sustainable development seeks to meet the needs
    and aspirations of the present without
    compromising the ability to meet those of the
  • Weak sustainability (Brundtland report, Rio
    summit, MDGs)
  • Monetary evaluation of the environment
  • Environmental Kuznets curve
  • Substitutability of production factors
  • Strong sustainability
  • Opposition to the monetary evaluation of the
  • Complementarity of production factors
  • Emphasis on distribution, equity, full
    employment, satisfaction of basic needs, etc.
  • Approach which breaks with mainstream economics
  • Obvious links between Eco-development and strong
    sustainability, to be deepen with post Keynesian

  • Keynes and sustainable development
  • Environment, Arts and the critic of capitalism
  • Uncertainty and precautionary principle
  • Unemployment, distribution and the place of
  • The post Keynesians and sustainable development
  • The role of economic growth
  • The place of effective demand

Environment, Arts and the critic of capitalism
  • Keynes militates in favour of a gradual movement
    of relative withdrawal of national economies, in
    order to restore the primacy of politics on
  • I sympathise, therefore, with those who would
    minimise, rather than with those who would
    maximise, economic entanglement between nations.
    Ideas, knowledge, art, hospitality, travel
    these are the things, which should of their
    nature be international. But let goods be
    homespun whenever it is reasonably and
    conveniently possible and, above all, let
    finance be primarily national (Keynes, 1933)
  • He also realises that economic and financial
    logic are in opposition with ecological and
    social reason
  • the same rule of self-destructive financial
    calculation governs every walk of life. We
    destroy the beauty of the countryside because the
    unappropriated splendours of nature have no
    economic value. We are capable of shutting off
    the sun and the stars because they do not pay a
    dividend (Keynes, 1933)
  • Arts, as nature, must be disconnected from
    economic considerations
  • the exploitation and incidental destruction of
    the divine gift of the public entertainer by
    prostituting it to the purposes of financial gain
    is one of the worse crimes of present-day
    capitalism (Keynes, 1936)

Environment, Arts and the critic of capitalism
  • Capitalism is amoral
  • It seems clearer every day that the moral
    problem of our age is concerned with the love of
    money, with the habitual appeal to the money
    motive in nine-tenths of the activities of life,
    with the universal striving after individual
    economic security as the prime objective of
    endeavour, with the social approbation of money
    as the measure of constructive success (Keynes,
  • Moreover, he recognizes the confiscation of the
    power by a minority for its own interest
  • it is the modern method to depend on
    propaganda and to seize the organs of opinion it
    is thought to be clever and useful to fossilise
    thought and to use all the forces of authority to
    paralyse the play of mind on mind (Keynes, 1933)
  • Keynes is conscious of environmental and cultural
    limits of capitalism but for more personal
    reasons, due mainly to his social origins, he
    rejects any idea of revolution and preaches
    gradual changes towards a society less subjected
    to international constraints

Uncertainty and precautionary principle
  • Influence of George Moore who considers that we
    can never be sure of the results of our actions
    nor even of their desirable nature
  • Keynes rejects the rationality principle
  • the attribution of rationality to human
    nature, instead of enriching it, now seems to me
    to have impoverished it. It ignored certain
    powerful and valuable springs of feeling
    (Keynes, 1938)
  • Non probabilistic world Radical
    uncertainty Expectations
  • Precautionary principle Conventional base
    (different from Moore)

Uncertainty and precautionary principle
  • Rio declaration on environment and development
  • (Principle n15)
  • In order to protect the environment, the
    precautionary approach shall be widely applied by
    States according to their capabilities. Where
    there are threats of serious or irreversible
    damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall
    not be used as a reason for postponing
    cost-effective measures to prevent environmental
  • Two antagonistic conceptions of the precautionary
  • Weak precautionary principle, based on a
    cost/benefit analysis expressing risk management,
    where the burden of proof of the danger falls
    onto the opponents of a decision
  • Strong precautionary principle which considers
    that the promoters of a potentially dangerous
    decision have to show the absence of serious

Unemployment, distribution and the place of
  • The outstanding faults of the economic society
    in which we live are its failure to provide for
    full employment and its arbitrary and inequitable
    distribution of wealth and incomes (Keynes,
  • Increasing Negative impact
  • instability on effective demand
  • Technological unemployment, due to our discovery
    of means of economising the use of labour
    outrunning the pace at which we can find new uses
    for labour (Keynes, 1930), may result in
    reducing the sorrow of each one, i.e. to make
    what work there is still to be done to be as
    widely shared as possible (Keynes, 1930)

Unemployment, distribution and the place
  • Concerning distribution, Keynes condemns the love
    of money as a possession which generates
    speculation and therefore an increasing economic
    instability and more inequality
  • The role of economics is to allow the
    satisfaction of essential needs (food, health,
    education, etc.)
  • Essential needs are far from being satisfied
  • Confiscation of the power by the powerful?
  • Keynes believes that solutions are national and
    promotes a trade regime based on mutual aid
    rather than on competition

Keynes is an initiator of sustainable development
  • He promotes a cut in working time
  • He rejects an immoderate pecuniary accumulation
  • He conflicts with speculation
  • He favours a balanced international trade
  • He minimizes the place of economics

The post Keynesians and sustainable development
  • Post Keynesians said little about the environment
  • Because they were engaged in a struggle with
    neoclassical economists for whom environment is
    not a key issue
  • The focus on growth and demand could reveal a
    certain incompatibility with a sustainable
  • Post Keynesians share some key features with
    (strong) sustainable development
  • Complementarity, rather than substitutability of
    production factors
  • Importance of the concepts of hysteresis and
  • Importance of distribution and equity
  • Rejection of the cost-benefit analysis

The role of economic growth
  • Questions
  • What should grow ?
  • How to make wealth produced fairly distributed ?
  • Theory of growth of Kalecki
  • with r the rate of growth, i the relative share
    of investment in the national income, k the
    capital-output ratio, a the parameter of
    depreciation which can be assimilated to economic
    obsolescence and u the parameter of better
    utilization of equipment  due to improvements in
    the organization of labour, more economical use
    of raw materials, elimination of faulty products,
    etc.  (Kalecki, 1968)
  • where a is the rate of increase of labour
    productivity which depends upon technical
    progress and e is the rate of increase in

The place of effective demand
  • Few weaknesses of Keynes analysis
  • He does not distinguish physical capital from
    natural capital, and thus does not take into
    account the scarcity of natural resources
  • His emphasis on demand could lead to a waste of
  • He considers that full employment goes through an
    increase in public expenditure, in order to
    favour investment, whatever those investments are
  • He underestimates the power of vested interest
  • the power of vested interests is vastly
    exaggerated compared with the gradual
    encroachment of ideas (Keynes, 1936)
  • Which should be overcome by referring to
    Kalecki who
  • considers it indispensable that the State
    intervene in investment choices to ensure that
    they are geared toward the satisfaction of
    essential needs and the reduction of waste
  • underlines that the influence of economic ideas
    in shaping policy is severely constrained by the
    prevailing social and political institutions
  • seems closer to reality when he emphasizes on
    political and class struggles
  • notes that the main problem in developing
    countries is that productive capacities are
    insufficient, not that they are under-used

  • A unified post Keynesian approach does not exist
    yet that deals with a global approach of
    sustainable development
  • However, post Keynesianism is compatible with
    strong sustainability
  • Importance of the interlinkage between the social
    and ecological dimensions of sustainable
    development, which is the basis of a political
    economy of (strong) sustainable development

Towards a political economy of (strong)
sustainable development
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