Title: ????????? ? ???????????? ??????: ??????????? ? ????????????????? ??????? Economics and Humanities Knowledge: Tension in the Institutional Matrix
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????????????????? ??????? Economics and
Humanities Knowledge Tension in the
Institutional Matrix
- Svetlana Kirdina (Rus) Gregory
Sandstrom (Can)
Russian Academy of Sciences European
Humanities University
Institute of
Economics (?? ???)
Mass Media and Communication Moscow, Russia
Vilnius, Lithuania
2Presentation Outline
- Introduction
- New Social-Economic Theory Pre-Ideas of
Institutional Matrices Theory (IMT) - Synopsis and Uses of IMT
- Tension in the Matrix X- Y- Theory (Bridge)
- Human Extension Intension in Institutions
- An Alternative to Evolutionary Ideology
- Conclusions Re-humanising Economics with IMT
and Tension Methodology - Economics should become a humanistic science
of the economy. D. McCloskey
X- V- Y- / In- Ex-
3Why Do We Need New Social-Economic Theories?
- Most theoretical schemes are insufficient and
inadequate for understanding and predicting
transformations in Russia today. - Theories of the so-called western mentality,
i.e. the sociological mainstream founding
fathers (and a few mothers) of sociology, Big
Four countries have contributed basic ideas in
global and local theories. - Russia genuinely uses these famous western
theories in analyzing various new phenomena. But
they are not always effective for Russias
unique, long-term development. - Russia today needs new social-economic theories
to fill the gaps left by western and European
ones, that have not satisfied the Russian
cultural or natural mindset.
4Rethinking Society Not One but Two Types of
Economic Systems
- 1853 Karl Marx (Germany) two paths of
development European and Asiatic mode of
production without private ownership of land - 1939 Walter Eucken (Germany) exchange
economies and centrally planned economies - 1953 Karl Polanyi (Hungary-Austria-Canada)
market (exchange) and redistribution economy - 1990s Natalia Drozdova, Nadezhda Lebedeva and
Olga Bessonova (Russia) institutional concepts
about non-market historical path of Russias
economy razdatok - 2002 Steven Rosefielde (U.S.A.) market
self-regulating category A economies
culture-regulated category B economies
5Main Theses of IMT
- Economic, political and ideological institutions
comprise the institutional matrix (IM) of human
societies. - Each sphere is regulated or guided by a
corresponding set of basic institutions. - Two types of institutional matrices can be
identified an X-matrix and a Y-matrix. - Ideology is the hardest to quantitatively measure
because it involves ethics, values and interests.
6X- Y-matrices
Redistributive economy
Federative political order
Ideology of subsidiarity
Unitary-centralized political order
Communitarian ideology
Market economy
7Combinations of X- and Y-matrices
- Russia, CIS, China, India,
Europe and Western - most Asian, Middle Eastern,
Offshoots the USA, - Latin American, and
Canada, Australia, - some other countries and New Zealand
8Seeking Proper Proportion in Nation-States
- Historical research shows that one matrix
prevails in a steady character. - Even if, by virtue of external pressures or under
influence of distorted internal stress, attempts
are made to replace one dominant matrix (X- or
Y-) with the other subordinate matrix (Y- or X-),
a situation of outright reversal is, as a rule,
short-lived (e.g. USSR USA). - Conclusion Proportionality, the Golden Ratio,
balance among the Institutions, complement
instead of conflict among super-systems
Paul Klee Eros (1923)
9Proportion of GDP produced by countries with a
prevailing X- and Y-matrix, 1820-2008 (Maddison
Data Base, sample of 34 nations 75 of World
GDP)X-matrix countries China, India, Japan,
Brazil and former USSR countries.Y-matrix
countries Western Europe (Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom) and
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and United States.
10Tension in the Institutional Matrix
Svetlana Kirdina Institutional Matrix Theory
Stephen Hawking A Brief History of Time (1999)
11A New Humanities/HSS Paradigm Tension
- Main Ideas
- Balance, Proportion, Harmony
- A. Comte Dynamics, Statics and obsolete 3-stage
Theory (e.g. 11-09-2001) - In-tension Ex-tension as markers of Human
Tension - Innovation Diffusion Theory Extension Theory
- Y A F(K,L)
Y output, A productivity, K
capital, L labour - G.A. Feldmann (USSR) Extensive and Intensive
Growth - M. McLuhan, A.N. Whitehead, R.W. Emerson, H.
12Human Extension
All human artefacts are extensions of
mankind. M. McLuhan (1967) The entire
evolutionary process shifted, at the moment of
Sputnik, from biology to technology. (1969)
13Evolution Good Biology/Bad (Economic)
Darwins theory was good biology which was
perverted by others to support bad sociology.
T. Dobzhansky (1956) When philosophy occupies
itself with the animal man it ceases to be a
philosophy of man and becomes a philosophy of
animals, a chapter of zoology dealing with man.
P. Chaadaev (1829) Zoocentric Misanthropy
S. Fuller (2006)
- What alternative to evolution, since it has too
much ideological/philosophical baggage? - What are the limits of evolutionary theory
(e.g. what are things that dont evolve)? - Institutional Matrices dont evolve by chance
(random) they extend by choice (purpose)
14Post-Evolutionary Economics Re-Humanising
Values Interests
- Biological evolution has instilled in us no
ethics and no ability to discriminate between
good and evil. Dobzhansky (1963) - Sociologists should stop deferring to the
authority of biologists. Fuller (2006) - Human Social Sciences (HSS) Humanities
- Struggle (conflict, war) vs. Tension (stress,
mutual aid) - Natural Selection (environmental pressure) vs.
Human Selection (human factor, agency) - Chance, Random Change (Fatalism) vs. Purpose,
Plan and Design (Teleology) - The field of the sciences of human action is the
orbit of purpose and of conscious aiming at ends
it is teleological. L. von Mises (1957)
15IMT Tension Methodology as Alternatives to
Evolutionary Economics Values
Economic action is teleological, in the sense
that men sic always and everywhere seek to do
something. K. Boulding (1981)
- Institutions result from human extension
teleological change-over-time - What do values and ethics extend from? What are
the intensions and extensions of
institutional design? - (Re-)Humanising Economics to include ethics,
values and interests - Anthropic-Economics (Humanitarian / Humanities /
Humanistic), not only Neuro-Economics or
Behavioural-Economics or Materialistic-Economics
16What is at Risk in Dehumanised Economics?
Altruism Egoism
- The basic principle of altruism is that man has
no right to exist for his own sakethat
self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue
and valuethe moral base of collectivism. Ayn
Rand (1963) - Capitalism and altruism cannot coexist in the
same man or in the same societycapitalism
certainly does not and cannot work on the
principle of selfless service and sacrifice.
Rand (1960) - Reason and altruism are incompatible. And this
is the basic contradiction of Western
civilization reason vs. altruism. Rand (1963)
17Values Interests, Extension Intension,
Economics and Society
- Extensive Intensive Development re-imagining
a post-Soviet, non-Imperial, Russian
socio-economic approach. - Tension in the Information Society Not only
physical, but also mental /or spiritual,
including ethics, values, interests. - Balancing intensity extensity, following an
integral law of proportionality, seeking a
Golden Ratio in society economics - Translation from Russian to English and other
languages - HSS Language Agency, Choice, Purpose, Plan,
Goal Teleology
18Dialogue Points / Conclusions
- Dont treat economics like a natural-physical
science i.e. dont try to take the humanity out
of economics with formulas, statistics,
explanations and answers that ignore the cosmos
of human thought, feeling, emotion, intuition,
etc. - Realise that everyone deals with tension, of
one kind or another and that our task as
humanities/social sciences scholars is to help
people understand and to live/act forward - Institutions are valuable in the study of society
and economies, but they are not only objective
out-there phenomena they also involve
subjective in-here participation - Joining the ideas of IMT and Tension creates a
new global-local economic sociology, focussed on
choices, values and interests - Question How to consider methodological
individualism with the rise of institutions
what other suggestions about how to express this?
19????????? ? ???????????? ?????? ??????????? ?
????????????????? ??????? Economics and
Humanitarian Knowledge Tension in the
Institutional Matrix
- Svetlana Kirdina (Rus) Gregory
Sandstrom (Can)
kirdina_at_bk.ru www.kirdina.ru
- gregory.sandstrom_at_ehu.lt
- www.ehu-lt.academia.edu/gregorysandstrom
20IMT in Russia and beyond
- Books and Articles on Kirdinas IMT
- Institutional Matrices and Development of Russia.
1st ed. 2000, 2nd ed. 2001, 3rd ed. 2013. - X- and Y-Economies Institutional Analysis,
2004. - IMT is included in Sociological Encyclopedia,
2003 and Sociological Dictionary, 2010, 2012. - IMT is presented in the curricula of Sociology,
Economics Political Science more than 30
courses offered at main Russian universities
(Russian Internet data). - References to IMT and summary of the main IMT
provisions (and critiques) can also be found in
scholarly works in China, Japan and some European
21Human Tension Methodology
- Articles and Video on Sandstroms HTM
- The Extension of Evolution. 2005.
- The Extension of Extension OR the Evolution
of Science and Technology as a Global
Phenomenon. 2010. - Evolutionary and Institutional Economics A View
from the Post-Neo-Classical Perspective. 2011. - ????, ???????? ? ????????? ????? ?? ???????
???????????? ?????????. 2012. - Human Extension as an Innovative Methodology for
Positive Socialisation. Forthcoming 2013. - The Courage of Extending Humanity. TEDxLCC.
2012. http//www.youtube.com/watch?vt85d6Bh9Nys