TABLOID vs. BROADSHEET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By JOHN COLES A SHRIMP with a kung-fu punch so hard it can draw human blood has been found in British waters. And holidaymakers were warned last night to avoid ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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---Looking at Sun News and BBC News
By JOHN COLES A SHRIMP with a kung-fu punch so
hard it can draw human blood has been found in
British waters. And holidaymakers were warned
last night to avoid fearsome Mantis Shrimps,
which strike faster than a rifle bullet. Two of
the creatures, which normally live in warm seas,
were caught in Weymouth Bay, Dorset. Experts
fear they are part of a colony lured here from
the Mediterranean by global warming. The 3ins
orange crustaceans are in a reinforced tank at
Weymouths SeaLife Centre as their blows can
break glass.
They lash out with a forearm at 75ft per second
to smash shells of prey like crabs. Marine
biologist Robin James was left in agony when one
of the shrimps whacked his finger as he lifted it
from its tank. He said It felt like having a
heavy door slammed on my finger. It was so
fast. I felt this sudden pain and looked down to
see blood pouring out of my finger. It is very
rare for them to attack a human but if someone
should encounter one they should back away and
leave it alone. Sheila Patek of the University
of California said Their speed exceeds most
animals by far.
UFOs down Mexico way
were surrounded by UFOs as they flew a night-time
drug-busting mission. The Air Force crewmen
filmed 11 spooky lights in the sky - but only
three showed up on the plane's radar. "Was I
afraid? Yes. A little afraid because we were
facing something that had never happened before,"
said radar operator Lieutenant German Marin. A
videotape filmed using infrared equipment shows
the bright objects, some sharp points of light
and others like large headlights, moving rapidly
in the sky.
Flying salsas ... how Mexican UFOs may have
"I couldn't say what it was ... but I think
they're completely real," added Lieutenant Mario
Adrian Vazquez, the infrared equipment
operator. The plane's captain, Major Magdaleno
Castanon, said the military jets chased the
lights "and I believe they could feel we were
pursuing them". The objects vanished when the
aeroplanes, on a routine anti-drug trafficking
mission in Campeche, stopped following them, he
said. Mexican UFO investigator Jaime Maussan
said "This is historic news."
Mexico pilots release 'UFO film'
Footage released by the Mexican air force is
further proof of the existence of UFOs, an
investigator has said. The video, filmed by
pilots using an infrared camera, shows 11 bright
objects moving rapidly in the sky. "We are not
alone! This is so weird," one of the pilots can
be heard saying after the radar picked up the
objects. The Mexican defence ministry confirmed
the videotape had been filmed by members of the
air force, but did not comment on its content.
Mexican UFO investigator Jaime Maussan said
that, while there are hundreds of UFO videos, it
was the first time one "had the backing of the
armed forces".
"The armed forces don't perpetuate frauds," he
added after showing the footage at a news
conference on Tuesday. The videotape was filmed
by air force members in March as they conducted a
routine anti-drug trafficking surveillance flight
over the coastal region of Campeche. The objects
were reported to be invisible to the eye - the
pilots turned on the infrared camera to track
them after three of them were picked up by the
radar. In a taped interview, the plane's radar
operator Lt German Marin said he had felt "a
little afraid because we were facing something
that had never happened before". Interviewed by
Jaime Maussan, the captain of the aircraft, Maj
Magdaleno Castanon, said they had chased the
lights. "I believe they could feel we were
pursuing them," he said. "There was a moment
when... the screens showed they were behind us,
to the left and in front of us. It was at that
point that I felt a bit tense." There have been
many reported UFO sightings in Mexico, most of
which have been dismissed by scientists.
Aisle, Window or Box?
avoid embarrassment caused by the awkward problem
of an in-flight death by introducing a "corpse
cupboard", it was revealed today. The special
arrangement has been made possible because of the
design of the new Airbus A340-500, which
Singapore Airlines has just added to its
fleet. The long-range plane has a compartment
which could be used to accommodate a body. But
the airline said it would only resort to the
compartment option if no other suitable spot
could be found. A spokesman added "On the rare
occasion when a passenger passes away during a
flight the crew do all that it possible to manage
the situation with sensitivity and
respect. "Unfortunately, given the space
constraints in an aircraft cabin, it is not
always possible to find a row of seats where the
deceased passenger can be placed and covered in a
dignified manner, although this is always the
preferred option. "The compartment will be used
only if no suitable space can be found elsewhere
in the cabin. The compartment is unique to this
Press Sun News BBC News
Language Vernacular, Oral, Open Standard, Written, Closed
Style Parallel, Associative, Contradictory Linear, Logical Cause and Effect, Objective
Length Short, Superficial Long, In-depth
Audience Reading Decipherment
Attitude Playful, filled with Puns Serious
Topics Sport, Life, Bizarre, Celebrity, Sex, Abortion, Scandal, Entertainment International and Internal Politics, Business, Social, Technology
Participation Personal Issues and Stories Comments on issues
Criticism and Conclusion
  • - Blame on news media for not taking social
  • The structure and style of the socially
    responsible news are not popular among the
  • The unpopularity of official news creates
    ignorant masses
  • Stimulate people into making news part of their
    daily lives, not teach them about the truth of
    those events.

Sun News Online BBC New
Online John Fiske,
Understanding Popular Culture
John Fiske, Reading the Popular
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