Title: Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply
1Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage
- Revenue Billing System
- (Recipient of National Urban Water Award (NUWA)
for Online Bill Generation Collection
Improvement through Process Reengineering)
Water Works Department,Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad
Water Supply
Transferred with staff
1 November 1989
Constituted on 1 Nov 1989 under the Hyderabad
Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage Act 1989
3Services Hyderabad Metro Water Supply and
Sewerage Board(HMWSSB)
- Supply of potable drinking water
- Sewage disposal treatment
- Planning, design and execution of water supply
and sewerage works
4HMWSSB At a Glance
MCH Peripheral Areas
- SERVICE AREA - 688.20 Sq.kms
- Erstwhile MCH area - 169.30 Sq.kms
- Peripheral adj. Municipal areas - 518.90
- Length of Raw Water Mains 84 Km
- Length of Treated Water Mains 318 Km
- Length of Distribution Network/ 3500 Km
- Pipe material RCC/CI/DI/PSC/MS
- Installed Capacity of
- Treatment System 1568 Mld
- Population served 85.00 Lakhs
- Daily Quantity Supplied 340 MGD
- Number of Connections 8.0 Lakhs
- (6.1 1.9)
- Monthly Revenue Rs.56Crores
- Total No of Employees 5300
- The main surface sources of water supply for the
city from five impoundments on the four rivers - Osmansagar on River Musi
- Himayatsagar on River Esi
- Manjira Barrage Singur Dam on River Manjira
- Nagarjunasagar on River Krishna
Source Name River Year Distance from city Km Capacity Capacity Drawls ( Mgd)
Source Name River Year Distance from city Km Installed (Mgd) Storage (TMC) Drawls ( Mgd)
Osmansagar Musi 1920 15 (Gravity) 27 3.90 18
Himayatsagar Esi 1927 9.6 (Gravity) 18 2.967 17
Manjira Phase I II Manjira 1965 1981 58 (Pumping) 45 (1530) 1.500 45
Manjira Phase III IV Manjira 1991 1994 80 (Pumping) 75 (37 38) 30.00 75
Krishna Ph-I Krishna 2004/05 116 (Pumping / Gravity) 90 1.50 90
Krishna Ph-II Krishna 2006-08 116 (Pumping / Gravity) 90 1.50 90
Total 346 39.816 338
7Motivation for re-engineering
- Issue of new connections not integrated with
billing System - New connections not billed for several months to
even years - 1.30 lakh (15) connections not billed
- Out of 85 bills raised, around 30 of the bills
have not reached consumers - Monthly paid consumers are 1.65 lakhs (25 of
total consumers) - Monthly demand is around 28 crores and collection
is around 23 crores. - Insufficient staff for billing and collection
- 50 of required staff available
- No accountability among the board staff as well
as outsourced staff no clear monitoring mechanism
is existing - Meter Readers used to work 2 to 3 hours in a day
around 15 days in a month no track of MRs work.
8Motivation for Reengineering cont
- Meter Readers were engaged only for billing
- No reconciliation mechanism on revenue
collections - No audit mechanism in RBS for any
correction/modification in billing and collection - No revenue reconciliation for a long period with
RBS ledgers - Agency Collection-to-Bank reconciliation
- Consumer Ledger-to-Bank reconciliation
- Meter Reader Collection-to-Bank reconciliation
- Differences in receipt amount and ledger posting
noted in several instances after several years - Cheque bounces in an year are around 12 Cr
- Process of Reversals of cheque bounces taking
more time some cases not reversed Crs of rupees
not reversed
9Status before after initiatives
- To address the above issues the following
initiatives taken up - Increased productivity of existing staff
- 8 lakh connections were divided into 592 well
defined Dockets - Entrusted both billing and collection
responsibility of docket to a single person - 350 Dockets outsourced for Billing collection
on prepaid method - Added collection mechanism to the same billing
machine - GIS hand held computer terminals (epos) to ensure
correct delivery of Bills at consumer premises - GIS based revenue monitoring system for effective
area wise follow up of dues - GPRS connectivity for real-time updation of
Billing collection RBS server. - Integration of epos collection with HMWSSB cash
counters Real-time conciliation - Facilitate payments through Epos ,Online, NEFT
/RTGS, HMWSSB cash counters apart from Govt.
delivery centers eseva AP online. - Ensured accountability of even grass root level
functionary - Ensured functionary wise and agency wise daily
revenue reconciliation - Separate Billing collection mechanism like AMR
billing NEFT/RTGS collections for High value
11Category wise Billing, Collection strategy ICT
Category Demand Conns. Billing Mode Aimed Payment receipt channel ICT adopted its result
Domestic, Slum 43.1 97.7 epos epos / e-seva/ Aponline/ Cash Counters/Online payment GPS online epos Billing Collections systems with door to door collection paid CANs increased from 28 to 50
Multi Storied Building 43.1 97.7 epos epos / e-seva/ Aponline/ Cash Counters/Online payment GPS online epos Billing Collections systems with door to door collection paid CANs increased from 28 to 50
Commercial 56.9 2.3 epos/ AMR NEFT / RTGS Automated NEFT/RTGS System. Resulted in reduction of cheque bounces from Rs.12Cr to ltRs.60 lakhs P.A. and enabled real time reconciliation
Industries Bulk 56.9 2.3 AMR Billing NEFT / RTGS Automated NEFT/RTGS System. Resulted in reduction of cheque bounces from Rs.12Cr to ltRs.60 lakhs P.A. and enabled real time reconciliation
12Billing Collections System
- 8 lakhs consumers under 16 (OM) Divisions.
- 592 Dockets with 1000 to 1500 CANs (Customer
Account Number) are bundled into Dockets for easy
monitoring of Billing and revenue collection. - Billing collection of 221dockets by HMWSSB
Meter Readers (MR) , 371 dockets out sourced. - Monthly billing collection data generates in
RBS application will be downloaded into the epos
machine - Meter readers generates bill make collections
in the same epos(electronic point of sale)
machine. - 5.5 lakh consumers (meter type repair, unmetered)
system will generate the bills SMS will be
delivered to consumers on their mobile number.
13Billing Collections System cont.
- GPRS communication technology allowing updating
of the central database server instantaneously. - GPS module records LAT, LAN of the consumer
location to verify delivery of bills at consumer
door steps, aids in identification of illegal
connections on GIS map - Keeping in view of the shortage of HMWSSB staff,
outsourced agencies appointed to make collections
in epos machines on prepaid mode by depositing
advance in HMWSSB cash counters. - epos deposits integrated with HMWSS cash counters
to ensure real-time reconciliation of epos
collections. - Bills, receipt confirmation, payment reminder
SMSs are sent to consumers (around 7 lakhs mobile
no.s captured) - 215 AMR meters installed for bulk connections
1380 AMRs tenders finalized
14GIS Revenue Information System
15GIS Meter Reader Monitoring System
16Top 3 performers among MRs
17Audit Trail
18Demand Generation
19Collection reports
20Collection Details of the consumers
21Daily Remittances in Cash Counter
22Non Performers reports
23Meter Reader Deposit Summary
24Automatic Memo generation for non performers
The Manager hereby instructed to take necessary
action on the poor performance of the meter
readers and inform the action taken to this
Executive Director
25Meter Reader Collection Deposit
- Meter Reader collects amount from each customer
and issues a receipt - Meter Reader closes the Days collection in the
machine - He goes to the counter and the Days total
collection including cheque details is displayed
for that meter reader. - Cashier collects the Cheque and Cash as per these
details and issues the receipt. - This amount is deposited in the bank.
- The Reconciliation is done for the MR collections
as well as other collections with the bank
26Parameter Previous Mechanism Present Mechanism
Effective follow up with defaulters Meter readers dont have reports of defaulters for follow up Meter Readers can issue notices in epos machine automatically if a customer is defaulter by entering notice number. The same will be updated in RBS. After 15 days if they do not pay it generates defaulters list for disconnection. GPS epos machine enables us to monitor the bills are issued at consumer premises or not.
Privatization Private Meter Readers used for issuing only bills Private Meter Readers allowed to billing as well as collection on prepaid method with the same handheld machine. By paying daily collection amount in cash counter they can top-up their machine
Reconciliation -- Meter Readers will deposit the collections daily in cash counters and the deposit statement is reconciled with the bank statement. If amount is not deposited machine does not work beyond specified limit.
27Automated NEFT/RTGS System
- The HMWSSB consumers can make water bill payments
though NEFT/ RTGS (Mandatory for more than 1
lakh ) from his bank.(each bank is collection
point to HMWSSB) - A customer shall use the account details printed
on their bill only as account number is customer
specific. Example CAN number 062124729,
Division06 - HMWSSB, Revenue Billing System Server is
directly integrated with bank servers for
updation of payments.
Bank code Bank code Bank code Bank code Division Division Customer CAN number Customer CAN number Customer CAN number Customer CAN number Customer CAN number Customer CAN number Customer CAN number Customer CAN number Customer CAN number
Account Number 1 4 4 6 Ø 6 Ø 6 2 1 2 4 7 2 9
Bank Branch Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai Axis Bank, Mumbai
MICR Code 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1 5ØØ211ØØ1
28Automated NEFT/RTGS System cont..
- As soon as the RBI settles the NEFT/RTGS payments
in a frequency of one hour the same will be
updated in the HMWSSB Revenue Billing Server
instantly. - SMS alert will be sent to the consumer by HMWSSB
regarding the receipt of the payment. - Consumer can download the receipt from HMWSSB
website instantly - Reconciliation of payment and receipts made easy
- Cheque bounces minimized and thus the lengthy
process of taking legal action on cheque bounces
29- Bill with NEFT/RTGS details
30Payment Channel details
Channel No.s Mode of Collections Remarks
Cash counters 32 There are 32 cash counters being operated by HMWSSB staff in 2 shifts. Facilitates Consumer bill payments, collections made through Epos by meter readers
Epos Machines 592 HMWSSB outsourced MR will operate these machines. Makes collections going to door to door. The bills payments transactions with these machines are uploaded into server automatically through GPRS. The GPS feature ensures delivery of bill at consumer premises identification of illegal connections.
e-seva AP Online 430 At e-seva AP online counters These transactions are integrated with HMWSSB RBS by web service.
Online Payment NA Online Any consumer can pay from www.hyderabadwater.gov.in though credit/ debit cards
NEFT/ RTGS NA NEFT/RTGS payment channel was established with Axis bank. Consumers can pay at their respective banks directly instead of DD or Cheque
31Average Channel wise Collections
32Channel wise no. of receipts in a months
33Paid CANs trend (in Lakhs)
34Collections trend (in Crores)
35- Water Tanker Monitoring by Smart Cards
- Each Tanker issued a RFID Smart card for
effective accounting of water drawn and number of
trips at filling point. - Prepaid amount paid by Tanker operators a cash
counters will be loaded to their smart cards - Handheld EPOS terminal generates gate passes duly
deducting the trip amount from smart card.
36Efficiency and Improvement Initiatives
- Water Audit/ Revenue improvement.
Year Collection Cr Increase in Revenue Cr./ Saving in water (KLD) Remarks
Before 2010 12 NA
Phase 1 2011 13.7 1.7 (1,428 KLD) Implemented from DEC-2010 to APR-2011
Phase 2 2012 19.74 7.74 ( 2,762 KLD) Revenue increased by 65. 16 is attributable to increase in tariff. Effective increase in 49 i.e., Rs. 6.5 Cr. (or) 2969 KLD more water accounted per day
37ERP Main Workflow
38Revenue Billing System Workflow
39Revenue Billing System
- Category wise Number of Customers
- Customer Ledger
- Billing disputes Adjustment Audit Trail
- Meter Reader wise Quality of Billing
- Division wise/ Meter reader wise Quality of
Billing - Consumer Changes Audit Trail
- Demand and Collection Balances (DCB)
- Defaulters List
- Unbilled CANs list
- Billing Collection Docket wise Meter Readers
Performance - Agency wise cumulative collection
- Cash Counters Deposits Summary
- Meter Reader Collection Deposit at Cash Counter
- Tanker collections integration
40Water Billing Screen
41Only Sewerage Connection Billing Screen
42Customer Ledger
43Adjustment related to Billing Disputes
45Adjustment Audit Trail
46Adjustment Audit Trail Summary
47Adjustment Audit Trail Details
48Adjustment Audit Trail Details
49(No Transcript)
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56RBS EIS Reports List
57Statement showing Category wise Number of
58(No Transcript)
59Consumer Changes Audit Trail
61(No Transcript)
62To View Defaulters List
63Defaulters List
64To View Unbilled CANs
65(No Transcript)
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67Docket wise Daily Billing Performance
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71(No Transcript)
72Meter Reader Collection
73Thank you