Title: Psalm 80
1Psalm 80 Restore us O God
- Another psalm of AsaphA testimony of Asaph
- Set to the lilies
- Israel still in existence
- A psalm crying for deliverance
3A Plea for Restoration (1-3)
- The shepherd of IsraelHis flock being led (cf.
Psa. 23) protection - Our shepherd John 104, 11, 14-18
4A Plea for Restoration (1-3)
- Dwelling between the cherubim a reference to
the ark of the covenant (Ex. 2520-22) - Shine forth! Cf. Ex. 3429-34 Deut. 332
5A Plea for Restoration (1-3)
- Before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh both
Northern and Southern Israel present
6A Plea for Restoration (1-3)
- Restore us O God (3)
- A need for restoration
- Do we need restoration? Jer. 616, Neh. 813-18
7A Plea for Restoration (1-3)
- Cause your face to shine Num. 624-25
- And we shall be saved
- God can restore us to our state of relationship
8Devastation (4-7)
- How long? (4) God does know bestCf. Heb.
125-11 - He was not hearing sin! Is. 115, Jer. 716
9Devastation (4-7)
- Tears in great measure (5)
- The scorn of their enemies (6) Humiliation
- Restore us O God (7) God can restore His name
in our lives
10The Vine of Israel (8-19)
- Deliverance and establishment
- We are the branches -John 151-8, cf. Rom.
11The Vine of Israel (8-19)
- Out of EgyptPlanted in the Promised Land (8)
- It took deep root (9) boundaries-cf. Josh.
2145. Gen. 1518-20, 1 Kn. 424-25, 2 Chron.
12The Vine of Israel (8-19)
- Broken vine (12-13)
- A plea to return (14-15)
- Damaged
13The Vine of Israel (8-19)
- Let your hand be upon the man of Your right hand
(17) The ONLY source of their strength
14The Vine of Israel (8-19)
- The promise (18)Was it a vain promise? When we
make promises to God do we mean them (cf. Eccl.
15The Vine of Israel (8-19)
- Restore us O God (19)God can firm establish us
16May we seek His restoration while we still have