Title: Absorption Spectrometry
1Absorption Spectrometry
Particularly UV-Visible
2- One difference between certain compounds is their
colour. - Quinone is yellow
- Chlorophyll is green
- 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivatives of
aldehydes and ketones range in colour from bright
yellow to deep red, depending on double bond
conjugation - Aspirin is colourless.
3- The human eye is functioning as a spectrometer
analyzing the light reflected from the surface of
a solid or passing through a liquid. - We see sunlight (or white light) as uniform or
homogeneous in color, it is actually composed of
a broad range of radiation wavelengths in the
ultraviolet (UV), - visible and infrared (IR) portions
- of the spectrum.
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5 Violet 400 - 420 nm Indigo 420 - 440 nm Blue 440 - 490 nm Green 490 - 570 nm Yellow 570 - 585 nm Orange 585 - 620 nm Red 620 - 780 nm
Violet 400 - 420 nm Indigo 420 - 440 nm Blue 440 - 490 nm Green 490 - 570 nm Yellow 570 - 585 nm Orange 585 - 620 nm Red 620 - 780 nm
6Absorption of 420-430 nm light renders a
substance yellow, and absorption of 500-520 nm
light makes it red.
Green is unique in that it can be created by
absorption close to 400 nm as well as absorption
near 800 nm.
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8- Wavelength is the distance between adjacent peaks
(or troughs), in meters, centimeters or
nanometers (10-9 meters). - Frequency is the number of wave cycles that
travel past a fixed point per unit of time, and
is usually in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). - Visible wavelengths range from 400 to 800 nm.
The longest visible wavelength is red and the
shortest is violet. Other common colors of the
spectrum, in order of decreasing wavelength, may
be remembered by the mnemonic ROY G BIV.
9The energy associated with a given segment of the
spectrum is proportional to its frequency. The
energy carried by a photon of a given wavelength
of radiation
- ?? h?
- h Plancks constant 6.6x10-34 J.sec
- ? c/? ? frequency, ? wavelength,
- c speed of light 3 x 108 m/sec
- Frequency remains constant
- Wavelength and the speed of light change with the
10Refractive index c/v
- medium n
- air 1.0003
- Water 1.333
- 50 sucrose in water 1.420
- carbon disulfide 1.628
- crystalline quartz 1.544 (no)
- 1.553 (ne)
- diamond 2.417
11Polarized electromagnetic wave
13- Each photon of light has a distinct energy
- E h?
- Causes transitions between quantized energy
states in atoms, molecules etc. - Absorption
- Emission
- Scattering
Only if energy states differ by h? Other
frequencies pass through Measure decrease in P at
each frequency
- Chemical species can be excited by
- Thermal
- Chemical
- Electrical energy.
- If the subsequent relaxation to the ground state
results in the release of light - This is emission
- When energy is absorbed the chemical species are
excited. - The excited species will have a limited lifetime
- They will relax lose the excess energy- and
return to the ground state. - If the excitation is by light and light is
emitted upon relaxation you have luminescence
fluorescence or phosphorescence. - Incoming beam is unidirectional, luminescence is
emitted in all directions
17Why is the sky blue?
18Light passes more molecules when coming from the
horizon so some is scattered away and sky is
very pale blue
- As the sun sets, light must travel farther
through the atmosphere before it gets to you. - More of the light is reflected and scattered.
- As less reaches you directly, the sun appears
less bright. The color of the sun appears to
change, first to orange and then to red. This is
because even more of the short wavelength blues
and greens are now scattered. Only the longer
wavelengths are left in the direct beam that
reaches your eyes.
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21Rayleigh Scattering
22Mie Scattering
For particle sizes larger than a wavelength, Mie
scattering predominates. Mie scattering is not
strongly wavelength dependent and produces the
almost white glare around the sun when a lot of
particulate material is present in the air. It
also gives us the white light from mist and fog.
23Tyndall effect
When a very dilute dispersion of small
particles or droplets is viewed directly against
an illuminating light source it may appear to be
transparent. In contrast, when the same
dispersion is viewed from the side (at a right
angle to the illuminating beam), and against a
dark background, the dispersion may appear turbid
and blue-white. The scattered light is due to
Tyndall scattering and the optical effect is
referred to as the Tyndall effect.
24Raman Scattering
- Like Rayleigh scattering, Raman scattering
depends upon the polarizability of molecules. - The incident photon can excite vibrational
modes of the molecules, yielding scattered
photons which are diminished in energy by the
amount of the vibrational transition energies. - Thus the scattered light is at lower energy than
the incoming light. - Occurs with particles much smaller than
wavelength of light
25An application of Raman
- The scattering produced by a laser beam directed
on the plume from an industrial smokestack can be
used to monitor the effluent for molecules which
will produce recognizable Raman lines. - We will see some Raman scattering as an
interference in our fluorescence spectra.
26- Turbidity is a critical water quality parameter
- many applications, from drinking water to
ultrapure processes.
Standards formazin (insoluble polymer)
Turbidimeter- measures the amount of radiation
that passes forward Nephelometer measures
scattered radiation (good if low turbidity) Some
instruments use the ratio of these two
Turbidity is a critical water quality parameter
in many applications, from drinking water to
ultrapure processes.
28Electronic transitions- generally from HOMO to
29- Unsaturated functional groups that absorb UV or
visible light are called chromophores - Single C-C bonds hold their electrons too tightly
for transitions to occur. - But not so C-S, C-Br, C-I
- The energy absorbed from the UV is comparable to
some bond energies some bonds can be broken
called photolysis
30 was used to color the robes of the royal and
widely distributed in plants, but is not
sufficiently stable to be used as permanent
pigment, other than for food coloring
A common feature of all these colored compounds,
displayed below, is a system of extensively
conjugated pi-electrons.
31To Longer Wavelength Bathochromic
To Shorter Wavelength Hypsochromic
To Greater Absorbance Hyperchromic
To Lower Absorbance Hypochromic
32Absorption Analysis
- Usually done on liquids, but gases can also be
34Why are the bands so broad?
- Within each electronic state there are numerous
vibrational states. At room temperature, Molecule
is in lowest vibrational state. - But it can excite into a variety of vibrational
levels (and rotational levels within each) - In liquids additional broadening occurs because
of collisions with the solvent which further
reduce the lifetime of the excited state. (Short
lifetime, broad peak Heizenberg uncertainty
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36Advantages of UV-visible absorption
- Moderately low LOD
- 10-7 to 10-6 M
- Two types of applications
- Trace
- Micro
- Compared to gravimetric-rapid and convenient
- Low cost
- Can automate (increases instrument cost)
Only if energy states differ by h? Other
frequencies pass through Measure decrease in P at
each frequency
38Beer-Lambert law
- Extent of absorption depends on number of
encounters between photons and absorbing species. - P0 power of incident radiation
- b pathlength of cell
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40Percent Transmittance
- A log P0/P -log T
- A log 1/T
- T 100 T
- Ranges from 0 to 100
- A log 100/T
41Deviations from Beers law
- Instrumental
- Non-monochromatic light
- negative deviation at high conc.
- Wide slits give lower A values
- Stray light
- a) Reflections
- b) Higher orders
- c) slit diffraction
- All cause negative deviation
42 Real Deviations
- Refractive index increases with concentration
at high concentrations there is a negative
deviation - At concentrations gt 0.01 M, each molecule affects
the charge distribution of its neighbour - This can alter the ability of the molecules to
absorb light. - Can also occur with high concs of surrounding
43Chemical Deviations Equilibria - acid base pH
control Activity coef. Temperature Solvent
45Analysis of two component sample
If the components have absorptions that do not
overlap, then measurement of each can be done
independently of the other.
46Analysis of two-component sample
- Beers law is additive
- The total absorbance will equal the sum of the
absorbances - If two compounds, x and y, absorb at different
enough wavelengths - At ??1, A1 (Ax)1 (Ay)1
- ?x1 x ?y1y (assuming
b1cm) - At ??2, A2 (Ax)2 (Ay)2
- ?x2 x ?y2 y
47- Determine the molar absorptivities (?) for x and
y for each wavelength, ??1 and ??2 - Then solve the simultaneous equations
48If there is a lot of overlap between spectra
- Am ?xbx ?yby at any wavelength
- Axs ?xbxs
- Ays ?ybys
49The absorbances of the standards and mixtures are
measured at a variety of wavelengths. The data
at a particular wavelength will give one point on
the graph. Thus measurements need to be done at
at least 5 wavelengths
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