Task Reporting on body language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Task Reporting on body language


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Title: Task Reporting on body language

Task Reporting on body language
Skills building 1 Anticipating a response
Try to find out some behavioural differences
between Chinese and westerners.
(No Transcript)
Understand how to predict the answers to the
question while listening.
Information you expect to have
name of a place
Where do they live?
a specific time
When did this take place?
How long have they been in this country? a time
period Which hand do Arabs eat with? left or
right hand Why would you like to write a book
about customs? A reason or reasons
Decide if the statements below are true or false,
and then listen to the interview to check your
  • In china a person who invites you to dinner might
    be upset.
  • 2. It is polite to eat with your left hand in
    Arab countries.
  • 3. In Japan you can use lots of soap in the bath.

4. Making a slurping noise while eating spaghetti
in Italy is okay. 5. When eating noodles in
Japan, making a slurping noise is okay. 6. It is
better to wear your shoes in a Chinese, Japanese
or Korean house. 7. When you are late for a
meeting, there is no need to say sorry.
8. In England it is usual to talk about the
weather when you start a conversation. 9. In the
West, when you are complaining, it is usual to
say worry first.
Interviewer Good morning, Ms Wang.
Can you talk to us about
your new book? Ms Wang Yes, I
decided to write a book
about customs around the
world. One reason is that
the first time I took a
foreigner home to meet my
mother, the
foreigner did not try all the dishes she offered
him. My mother was very upset and thought the
foreigner didi not like her food. The foreigner
thought he should not eat everything as he did
not want to look greedy. I realized there are
some differences between cultures that people
might find interesting.
Interviewer So what is included in
the book? Ms Wang Many different
behaviours, gestures and
rules. For example, in
Arab countries it is not
polite to eat with your
left hand. Interviewer Have you heard any
funny stories about people
getting the customs
wrong? Ms Wang There are
always stories about foreigners going to Japan
and using soap in public baths. That is a really
bad thing to do because the Japanese wash with
soap first and only get in the bath when they are
already clean. I also wrote about Japanese
people going to Italy and slurping their
spaghetti. Western people think that it is
terrible to make a noise when you are eating, but
in Japan the Japanese believe that slurping shows
you enjoy your noodles. Another example is
wearing shoes in the house. People in China,
Japan and Korea always take their shoes off when
they go inside someones house, while in England
you would not take your
shoes off unless you were
in your own
home. Interviewer Do you have advice for
business people in your book? Ms
Wang Oh yes, one piece of advice is
that no matter what country
are in, if you are late for
a meeting, you should say
sorry. It doesnt matter how
important you are! Another
thing is that in England
you can always start a
conversation by talking
about the weather. Interviewer
I understand that
complaining is different in
the West. Is that right? Ms Wang
Actually, yes. As strange as
it may seem, Westerners
always say sorry before
they complain. People
would find you quite rude
if you did not. Interviewer Thank
you, Ms Wang. That was
very interesting and good
luck with the book. Ms
Wang Thank you.
Step 1 filling in a chat
1. good 2.telling the true 3. Yes
4. No 5. Hello or goodbye 6.
crazy 7. where you are (you place) 8. good
job 9. OK
Skills building 2formulating written questions
Remember the following points when writing
Get to the point!
Give all the necessary information.
Use simple language.
Sample answers
2. Last night, we watched a television show on
CCTV 8. Did you see it? If so, did you like
it? 3. I finished a book last night. How about
you? What happened in the last book you read?
Step 2 surveying your classmates
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a
5. You and your friend are taking photos in a
park. You are posing and your friend is holding a
camera. After a flash, your friend holds up his
hand with fingers pointing up and palm facing
out. Index finger and thumb make an O.
a. He is saying 'OK'.
b. He is asking you to pose
again. Other_________________________
  • 6. Your daughter and you are going shopping. You
    want to buy a new skirt for your daughter. You
    pick up a blue one and show it to her. She shakes
    her head from side to side.Then you pick up a red
    one. She nods her head up and down. Your
  • likes the blue skirt.
  • b. is satisfied with the red skirt you chose.
    Other __________________________

7. All of your family are enjoying a big dinner
on Mid-Autumn Day. After the meal, you lean back
and pat your stomach with the palm of your hand.
You mean
a. Oh, I am full. It's quite delicious.
b. I have got a stomach-ache. Other_____________
Skills building 3 Organizing a report
Answers 8 4 2 6 3 5 1 9 7
Step 3
Writing a report on body language
Sample answers This report is about body language
used in both China and the United States. It
looks at how the same gesture is used in two
different countries and how the gesture expresses
different meanings in the two countries. It also
states the similarities and differences of body
language in these two countries.
The information was collected from my classmates
through a survey. In order to conduct the survey,
I created some situations sand answers for some
common gestures for my classmates to respond to.
After collecting their answers, I recorded their
answers and analyzed the statistics.
From the outcome of my survey, we can see that
for most of the gestures, people in both
countries share the same meaning, as with the
gestures of the head nodding up and down, the
head shaking from side to side and thumbs up.
There are also some differences
in the meaning of some gestures. For example,
there are differences in the meaning of the
gesture of waving, when the palm faces out and
the hand moves left and right. In the USA it
means Hello!, but in China it means 'N0.', a
negative answer. Nowadays, some young Chinese
also use
this gesture to greet others. So with the
increase in cultural, educational and economic
exchange between the two countries, the
differences in body language between the two
nations will become smaller and smaller. These
results suggest that people from different
cultures more or less can
understand each other by using these gestures. It
seems that in the future we can make full use of
body language to help us convey our ideas or
feelings when we talk with foreign friends.
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