Parts of Speech - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Parts of Speech


Parts of Speech Adjectives 423 An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun by answering the questions of what kind, which one, how many, or how much. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Parts of Speech

Unit 10
  • Parts of Speech

  • A noun is a word that names
  • Persons
  • Places
  • Things
  • Ideas

Nouns Types
  • A sentence may contain a noun of any particular
  • Singular or Plural
  • Possessive
  • Concrete
  • Abstract
  • Proper
  • Common
  • Collective

Singular and Plural Nouns 402
  • Nouns can be singular or plural, depending upon
    whether they name one person, place, thing, or
    idea or more than one.
  • To make most nouns take the plural form, add
  • Other plural nouns are formed in different ways.
    For nouns ending in s, ch, sh, x or zz, add es
    to form the plural.
  • For nouns ending y change the y to I and
    add es.
  • For most nouns ending in f or fe, change f
    to v and add es.

Singular and Plural Nouns
  • Other nouns have irregular plurals
  • (eg. Woman/women). Examples of singular and
    plural nouns
  • Singular boy, body, watch wife, ox
  • Plural boys, bodies, watches, wives, oxen

Possessive Nouns 403
  • The possessive form of a noun can show
    possession, ownership, or the general
    relationship between two nouns.
  • Add a apostrophe and s to form the possessive
    of a singular noun, even one that already ends
    with s.
  • Use an apostrophe alone to form the possessive of
    a plural noun that ends in s.

Possessive Nouns 403
  • Singular possessive
  • Plural possessive
  • The cars hood.
  • A babys bottle.
  • The dishs pattern.
  • A valleys towns.
  • The calfs mother.
  • The businesss payroll.
  • The cars hoods.
  • The babies bottles.
  • The dishes patterns.
  • The valleys towns.
  • The calves mother.
  • The businesses payrolls.

Concrete and Abstract Nouns 404
  • A Concrete noun names an object that occupies
    space or that can be known by the senses.
  • Petal
  • Smoke
  • Cough
  • Orange
  • Nook
  • An Abstract noun names an idea, a quality, or a
  • Motion
  • Humor
  • Quantity
  • Tact
  • Rudeness

Proper and Common Nouns 405
  • Proper the name of a particular person, place,
    thing or idea.
  • Common A general noun-not particular-name of a
  • Person Sean Connery, Uncle Peter
  • Place Mexico, Holston River, Grand Canyon
  • Thing Statue of Liberty, Great Expectations,
  • Judaism, Romanticism
  • Person actor, uncle, poet
  • Place country, lake, canyon, store
  • Thing statue, book, holiday
  • Idea movement, era, religion

Collective Nouns 406
  • A collective noun names a group
  • Family
  • (the) Public
  • Team
  • (the) Press
  • Audience
  • Senate
  • Choir

Pronouns 408
  • A Pronoun is a word that takes the place of
  • a noun
  • a group of words acting as a noun
  • or another pronoun.
  • The word or group of words that to which a
    pronoun refers is called its Antecedent.

Pronouns Types
  • Personal
  • Possessive
  • Reflexive
  • Intensive
  • Demonstrative
  • Interrogative
  • Relative
  • Indefinite

Personal Pronouns 408
  • A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or
    thing by indicating the following
  • The person speaking (1st person).
  • The person being addressed (2nd person).
  • Any other person or thing being discussed (3rd
  • Personal pronouns also express number, they are
    either singular or plural.

Personal Pronouns 408
Singular Plural
First Person I, Me We, Us
Second Person You You
Third Person He, She, It-Him, Her They, Them

Third Person Pronouns also express Gender.
Possessive Pronouns 409
  • A possessive pronoun shows ownership

Singular Plural
First Person My, mine Our, Ours
Second Person Your, yours Your, Yours
Third Person His, her, hers, its Their, theirs
Reflexive and Intensive 410
  • Reflexive and Intensive pronouns are formed by
    adding-self or selves to certain personal and
    possessive pronouns.

Singular Plural
First Person Myself Ourselves
Second Person Yourself Yourselves
Third Person Himself, herself, itself Themselves
Reflexive Pronouns
  • A reflexive pronoun refers, or reflects back, to
    a noun or pronoun earlier in the sentence. It
    always adds information to a sentence.
  • You out did yourself when you wrote that song.
  • Cathy always timed herself when jogging.
  • In dancing class we watch ourselves in the
  • The basketball players prepared themselves for
    the game.

Intensive Pronouns
  • An intensive pronoun adds emphasis to another
    noun or pronoun in the same sentence. If it is
    left out of the sentence, the sentence will still
    have the same meaning.
  • I myself ate the pizza.
  • The team itself chose the captain.
  • Maria herself opened the door.
  • George and Pedro planned the party themselves.
  • What pattern do you recognize?

Demonstrative Pronouns 411
  • A demonstrative points out specific persons,
    places, things or ideas.

Singular This That
Plural These Those
  • This is your homework.
  • These are your textbooks.
  • That will be your seat.
  • Carlas desk is cleaner than those.

Interrogative Pronouns 412
  • Interrogatives are used to form questions!
  • Who?
  • What?
  • Whose?
  • Whom?
  • Which?
  • Whoever, whomever?
  • Whichever, whatever?

  • Who will lead the way?
  • What makes a good leader?
  • Whom would you choose?
  • Which of these paths is easiest?
  • Whose is the lightest pack?
  • Whoever could have broke the window?

Relative Pronouns 412
  • A relative pronoun is used to begin a subordinate
  • The people who invented Monopoly were surprised
    by its success.
  • Dominoes is a game that many Texans play.
  • Mary, whose maiden name is Smith, married a
  • They collected a large amount of money, which
    helped to find a cure.

Indefinite Pronouns 413
  • Indefinites refers to persons, places, or things
    in a more general way than a noun does.
  • Exp Everyone needs food. (Ind. Pronoun refers to
    people in general.)
  • Exp Did you get enough to eat? ( Ind. Pronoun
    refers to a general, non specific, amount.)
  • Exp After two hamburgers he did not want
    another. (Ind. Pronoun refers to hamburgers.)

Indefinite Pronouns
All Another Any Anybody Anyone Anything Both Each Either Enough Everybody Everyone Everything Few Many Most Much Neither Nobody None No one Nothing One Other Others Plenty Several Some Somebody Someone Something
These pronouns are the most commonly used.
Verbs 414
  • A verb is a word that expresses action or a state
    of being and is necessary to make a statement.
  • The violinists begin.
  • Rehearsals are important.
  • A flutist entered late.
  • The conductor seems enthusiastic.

Verbs 414
  • The primary characteristic of a verb is its
    ability to express time- past, present, and
    future. Verbs express time by means of tense

Present Tense They walk home together.
Past Tense They walked home together.
Future Tense They will walk home together.
Action Verbs 415
Action verbs tells what someone or something
does, hence action.
  • Transitive
  • Intransitive
  • An action verb that is followed by a word or
    words that answer the question what and whom?
  • It must transmit information to the direct
  • It can not stand alone!
  • An action verb that is not followed by a word
    that answers what or whom?
  • The verb does not need to transmit information
    for the sentence to be understood.
  • It can stand alone!

Transitive Verbs
  • Cats see their prey in the dark. (what)
  • Tom left Mike a PC. (whom)
  • Jerry went to the store for milk.
  • Hope has a cold.
  • Mary runs track for the school.
  • Notice how the sentences depend upon words
    following the verbs for clarity.

Intransitive Verbs
  • Cats see well in the dark (how/where).
  • Jesus wept.
  • Some soldiers returned.
  • He gave (Tran) Lewis and Clark the horses they
  • After roll call, Samuel left.
  • Notice that the subject and verb contain enough
    information to make a sensible sentence.

Linking verbs 417
  • Linking verbs link, or join, the subject of a
    sentence with a word or expression that
    identifies or describes the subject.
  • They can be identified as be in its forms
  • Am, is, are, was, and were are the most common
    linking verbs.
  • Several other forms other than be can act as
    linking verbs.

Look Stay Taste Remain
Grow Smell Seem appear
Feel Become Sound
Verb Phrases 419
  • A verb phrase consists of a main verb and its
    auxiliary or helping verbs.
  • The most common auxiliary verbs are the forms of
    be and have. They help the main verb express the
    various tenses.
  • We are working in the yard.
  • We have worked for the past two weeks.
  • We had been working for an hour before the storm.

Verb Phrases 419
  • The other auxliary verbs are not used primarily
    to express time. They are often used to
    emphasize meaning.
  • I should be leaving.
  • Could he have finished?
  • Luisa may already be waiting.

Verb Phrases 419
  • Below is a table of commonly used auxiliary

Forms of Be Am, is, are, was, were, being, been
Forms of Have Has, have, had
Other auxiliaries Can, could, may, might, must, do, does, did, shall, should, will, would
Adjectives 423
  • An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or
    pronoun by answering the questions of what kind,
    which one, how many, or how much.
  • Nouns can also be used as adjectives. They tell
    what kind or which one.
  • Exp afternoon class, music lesson football
  • Possessive pronouns such as, our, his, her,
    their, my can be adjectives too.
  • Exp our house, his car, their toys, my hands

Adjectives 423
  • Many adjectives have different forms to indicate
    degree of comparison.

Positive Comparative Superlative
Light Heavy Funny Sad Practical Good Much Bad Lighter Heavier Funnier Sadder More practical Better More Worse Lightest Heaviest Funniest Saddest Most practical Best Most worst
Articles 426
  • A and An
  • The
  • A and An are indefinite articles.
  • They can refer to any one of a kind of person,
    place or thing.
  • The is a definite article.
  • It refers to a specific person, place, or thing.

INDEFINITE She found a ring. I bought a used mask. They spotted an iceberg. He was an honorable choice.
DEFINITE She found the ring. I bought the used mask. They spotted the iceberg. He was the best choice.
Proper Adjectives 427
  • A proper adjective is formed from a proper noun
    with a capital letter.
  • Rembrandt was a Dutch painter.
  • Arthur was an English king.
  • The president must be an American citizen.
  • Mom makes wonderful Russian tea.

Adverbs 429
  • Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other
    adverbs by making their meaning more specific.
  • Adverbs answer the questions of when?, where?,
    how?, to what degree?
  • An easy clue to identify an adverb is that most
    of them end with ly.

Adverbs 429
  • I will call tomorrow. When?
  • His phone rings often. To what degree?
  • The speaker will stand here. Where?
  • Kim carefully polished the car. How/degree?
  • We were truly sorry. What degree?

Negative words as Adverbs 430
  • The word not and its contraction (nt) are
    considered adverbs. Other negative words can
    function as adverbs of time and place.
  • The plane has not landed.
  • The plane is nowhere in sight.
  • They have hardly boarded.
  • I have never flown.

Adverbs that compare 431
  • Like some adjectives, some adverbs have different
    forms to indicate degree of comparison.

Positive Comparative superlative
Runs fast Arrived late Works hard Walks quickly Reads carefully Calls often Feels well Behaves badly Cares little Throws far Runs faster Arrived later Works harder Walks more quickly Reads more carefully Calls more often Feels better Behaves worse Cares less Throws farther Runs fastest Arrived latest Works hardest Walks most quickly Reads most quickly Calls most often Feels best Behaves worst Cares least Throws farthest
Prepositions 435
  • Prepositions are words that shows the
    relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other
    word in a sentence.
  • Prepositions begin phrases that must end with a
    noun or pronoun that is called the object of the
  • Just remember the rabbit and log theory to
    remember prepositions.

The Rabbit can do anything with the log, he can
Go around
Go under
Go above
Go in
Go through
Go over
Be from
Aboard Beneath In Regarding
About Beside Inside Since
Above Besides Into Through
Across Between Like Throughout
After Beyond Near To
Against But (except) Of Toward
Along By Off Under
Amid Concerning On Underneath
Among Despite Onto Until
Around Down Opposite Unto
As During Out Up
At Except Outside Upon
Before Excepting Over With
Behind For Past Within
Below From Pending without
  • Commonly Used

  • A compound preposition is made up of more than
    one word.

According to Ahead of Along with Apart from Aside from As to Because of By means of In addition to In front of In spite of Instead of Next to On account of On top of Out of Owing to
Conjunctions 437
  • A conjunction is a word that joins single words
    or groups of words.
  • A coordinating conjunction joins words or groups
    of words that have equal grammatical weight in a
    sentence. Think of them as the FANBOYS.

For And Nor But Or Yet So
Conjunctions 437
  • Two and two are four.
  • She is good at algebra but not at English.
  • We must leave now, or we will be late.
  • The bell rang, yet everyone remained seated.
  • He could not sleep, nor would he eat.
  • When used as a coordinating conjunction, for
    means for the reason that or because.
  • The children were tired, for they had run a long

Correlative conjunctions 438
  • Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join
    words and groups of words of equal weight in a
  • Both she and I were there.
  • Either she or I can go.
  • Neither she nor I can go.
  • I met not only Jean but also Ed.

Both.and Either.or Just Neither.nor Not only.but (also) Whether.or
Subordinating Conjunctions 439
  • A subordinating conjunction joins two clauses, or
    ideas, in such a way as to make one grammatically
    dependent upon the other.
  • The idea, or clause, that a subordinating
    conjunction introduces is dependent because it
    can not stand alone as a sentence.

Subordinating Conjunctions 439
  • We rake the leaves because so many had fallen.
  • We raked the leaves before we had lunch.
  • When more leaves fall, we will rake again.
  • We will go to the store after we finish.
  • If you get a new car, we will go to the beach.
  • Until the roof is repaired, we will have to use
    another location.

Subordinating Conjunctions 439
  • The following table has commonly used
    Subordinating Conjunctions.

After Although As as far as As if As long as As soon as As though Because Before Considering that If Inasmuch In order that Provided that Since So long as So that Than Through Unless Until When Whenever Where Where as Wherever while
Conjunctive Adverbs 441
  • Conjunctive adverbs join two independent
    sentences together.
  • The adverb must be used in coordination with a
    comma and a semicolon.
  • Exp Most people think of deserts as very hot
    places however, desert nights can be quite cool.
  • Mark can cook well moreover, his campfire
    cooking skills are excellent.

Interjections 443
  • An interjection is a word or phrase that express
    emotion or exclamation. An interjection has no
    grammatical connection to other words.
  • Oh, I didnt know that. Whew, its hot.
  • Ouch, That hurts! Hey, look out!
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