Title: Ceremony Agenda
1- Ceremony Agenda
- Opening Flag Ceremony
- (Pack 1999 Webelos 1 Scouts)
- Opening Prayer
- (Rob Price Cubmaster)
- Welcome
- (Rob Price - Cubmaster)
- Arrow of Light Award Introduction
- Arrow of Light Ceremony
- (Order of the Arrow Ceremonial Team)
- Crossover Ceremony Introduction
- (Rob Price Cubmaster)
- Crossover Ceremony
- (Scouts will be welcomed to Boy Scouting by
their new Troops Troops 626, 1323, and 1333) - Closing Flag Ceremony
- (Pack 1999 Webelos 1 Scouts)
- Reception
- (Join us in the Scout Hut for Cake and
AOL Awards Crossover from Webelos to Boy Scouts
- Dragons Den (John Hardin
Den Leader) - Stephen Clark AOL Troop 626
- Ross Hardin AOL Troop 626
- Keller Herrin AOL Troop 1333
- Spencer Johnson AOL Troop 626
- Aaron Mathews AOL Troop 626
- Samuel Teare AOL Troop 626
- Sean Valley AOL Troop 1333
- Ryan Wells AOL Troop 1333
- Michael Wood AOL Troop 626
- Flying Eagles Den (Jeff Diaz
Den Leader) - David Casagrande AOL / SuperAchiever Troop 1333
- Christian Diaz AOL Troop 1333
- Nick Eley AOL Troop 1333
- Tyler Eley AOL Troop 1333
- Joey Fuchs AOL Troop 1333
- Alejandro Londono AOL Troop 1333
- Bradley May AOL Troop 1333
The Arrow of Light The Arrow of Light is Cub
Scoutings Highest Award. The Arrow of Light
Award displays a universal symbol for the sun
and, below it, an arrow. The seven rays of the
sun stand for each day of the week. They remind
you to do your best every day as you follow the
arrow that leads to Boy Scouting.
2PACK 1999 Arrow of Light and Crossover Ceremony
The Scout Law A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal,
Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient,
Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent
January 10, 2009 Salem Lutheran Church
Tomball Outdoor Amphitheatre 600 PM
The Scout Oath On my honor I will do my best to
do my duty to God and my country and to obey the
Scout Law To help other people at all times To
keep myself physically strong, mentally awake,
and morally straight