Title: AGV / ASRS
- April 12th, 2005
- Student Names Trevor Skipp and Albert Chung
- Instructor A. A Arroyo
- University of Florida
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- EEL 5666 Intelligent Machine Design Laboratory
- Concept
- Behaviors
- Implementation
- Communication protocol
- Conclusions
- Suggestions for future study
Current Standard Desired Attributes
Poor warehouse utilization Dynamic storage
Warehousing is a middle-man business Lower labor and insurance overhead
Safety drawbacks Reduce the risk of personal injury
- Divide tasks among two automated vehicles
- AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle)
- Inexpensive, small, fast, and nimble
- ASRS (Automated Storage and Retrieval System)
- Expensive, tall, slow, and bulky
6Design Specifications
- Operate in a 4x8 model warehouse
- Navigation
- Obstacle detection
- Queue
- Communication
- Mechanical fork lift
7Model Warehouse
- Shipping and receiving docks
- Transition dock
- Storage shelves
- Follow a high contrast line
- Cartesian coordinate system
- Knowledge of current location, destination, and
- FIFO job processing
- Incoming pallets are marked with an age
- Outgoing pallets are delivered oldest first
- Application to food and other products that can
- User input
- Notify that a pallet is entering the warehouse
- Request a pallet to be shipped out
- Data link between vehicles
- Assign tasks
- Determine transition dock
- Notify when a task is completed
12Purpose ? Transfer products safely on and off
shelf space
14Required Modules
- Fork Lift
- Power
- Motor Driver
- L.C.D.
- Sensors
- RF Transceiver
15Fork Lift (ASRS)
- Capable of lifting pallets onto a 3 tier shelf
- Screw type powered by a 200 RPM motor
- Expensive
16Fork Lift (AGV)
- One height
- Tilt type powered by a servo
- Cheap
- Low Priority
- Remote control
- RF data link
- High Priority
- Fork
- RF Timer overflow
- Required voltage levels
- 3.3V Logic
- 5V Motor driver, LCD, servo
- 12V Gear head motors
19Backbone Sensors
- Line follower Optek OPB745 Reflective Object
Sensors - Obstacle detection Sharp GPD2D12 infrared range
finders - Obstacle collision Bump sensors
20Line Follower Module
21IR Detector
- Sony television remote (code 202)
22Decoding Technique
23Remote Button 3
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Initial Sample
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1
First Signal
Subsequent samples
1 1 1 0 0
Remote Button Algorithm Result
7 0x07
8 0x08
9 0x09
CH UP 0x11
CH DWN 0x12
VOL UP 0x14
VOL DWN 0x15
Remote Button Algorithm Result
0 0x0A
1 0x01
2 0x02
3 0x03
4 0x04
5 0x05
6 0x06
25RF Transceivers
- Laipac TRF-2.4G
- 1Mbps
- Hardware CRC
- Dual channel, full duplex
- Two operating modes Direct Mode and Shockburst
26Communication Protocol
27Stop and Wait ARQ
- Error detection
- Positive acknowledgment
- Retransmission after timeout
- Negative acknowledgement and retransmission
28Header Error Control
- Purpose lost or damaged frames
Frame Check I/O Dock
1 bit 3 bits 1 bit 3 bits
----------Header------------ -----------Data-------------
29Alternating Frame Numbers
30Special Considerations
- Dynamic resynchronization
- Stations have different timeout lengths
- Lost connection
- Duplicate transmissions
- Places a command from the remote control onto the
queue - Sends command to the AGV through RF
- Sets timer and waits for an ACK
- ACKs packet
- Echoes packet back after the job is completed
- Sets timer and waits for an ACK
- ACKs packet
- Updates queue
- Navigation
- Communication
- Remote control
- RF protocol
- Experience
- Debugging
- Design software Eagle AutoCAD
33Suggestions for Future Study
- Sliding Window ARQ
- Larger warehouse with more shelves
- Swarm Approach Multiple AGVs for every ASRS
- Conveyor Belt robot