Title: Angharad Jackson
1Integrated Working IN Salford
2(No Transcript)
3Victoria Climbié
- Born 2nd November 1991
- Died 25th February 2000
- Inquiry established 20th April 2001 under Lord
Laming - Published 28th January 2003
- 407 pages
- 108 recommendations
4Victoria was known to
- 4 Social Services Depts.
- 3 Housing Depts.
- 2 Police CP Teams
- 2 Hospitals
- 1 Specialist NSPCC Centre
- No school
- No GP
53 key messages
- Clear line of accountability
- Better integration of services
- Clear lines of communication
6Government response
- Transfer of Childrens Services to DfES (now
DCSF) - Integration of education and childrens social
care - Minister for Children and Families
- Lead Member for Childrens Services
- Director of Childrens Services
- Local Safeguarding Children Boards
- Childrens Trusts
7Integrated Working Toolkit
- Information sharing guidance
- Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
- Role of Lead Professional
- Integrated service delivery model (Family Action)
- Online directory of resources
- ContactPoint (previously known as the Information
Sharing Index
8What is ContactPoint?
- ContactPoint will be the quick way to find out
who else is working with the same child or young
person, making it easier to deliver more
coordinated support. - This basic online directory will be available to
authorised staff who need it to do their jobs. It
is a key part of the Every Child Matters
programme to improve outcomes for children
alongside ICS and (e)CAF
9What will the benefits be?
- Quickly identify whether a child is receiving
universal services (education, primary health
care) - Less time spent trying to find other
practitioners who may be involved - Indicates whether a CAF has been completed
- Supports more effective multi-agency working
which should lead to a better service for
children and young people
10The Big Picture
11Information held
CAF Indicator
Childs Name
Youth Worker Contact Details
Social Worker Contact Details
Lead Professional Contact Details
Unique Identifier
SENCO Contact Details
Date of Birth
Parent(s)/Carer(s) Contact Details
ContactPoint will not hold case data or
assessment information
12What information will be held on ContactPoint?
- ContactPoint will only contain the following
basic information - name, address, gender and date of birth of all
children in England (aged 0-17) and - name and contact details for
- parents or carers
- educational setting (e.g. school)
- primary medical practitioner (e.g. GP practice)
- other services and
- lead professional (if appointed).
- There will also be the facility to indicate if
practitioners have completed an assessment under
the Common Assessment Framework. - Informed consent of the child or young persons
parent/carer will be needed to record contact
details of sensitive services (currently defined
as sexual/mental health and substance abuse).
Access to this information will be restricted. - ContactPoint will NOT contain any detailed
information (such as case notes, assessments,
medical data or exam results).
14Who will have access?
- Access to ContactPoint will be restricted to
authorised users who need it as part of their
work. - In order to be granted access, users will
require - enhanced Criminal Records Bureau clearance
- authorisation from line manager
- training
- A authentication token
- Authorised users will be able to access
ContactPoint - Through an existing case management system
- Directly through a secure web link
- Via another authorised user (mediated access)
- It will not be possible for any user to access
any case management systems or case data held by
another agency through ContactPoint.
15Viewing ContactPoint
Authorised practitioner uses a security token to
view ContactPoint directly through a web
Practitioner is working with a child or young
Management Information
Mediated access authorised ContactPoint user
accesses ContactPoint through another authorised
16ContactPoint will be updated from case management
systems wherever possible
Case Mgmt System
automatic update of involvement and contact
Practitioner updates case information
Practitioner is working with a child or young
Mediated access - alternative route where no
system link is possible
Authorised user updates ContactPoint
17ContactPoint in Salford
- Salford is an early adopter of ContactPoint
- First users of ContactPoint in Salford go live
October 2008 - Roll-out throughout 2009
18Further information
- Resources
- www.ecm.gov.uk/contactpoint
- www.salford.gov.uk/contactpoint
- Newsletter
- http//www.salford.gov.uk/contactpointnewsletter.h
tm - Contact details
- Angharad Jackson
- angharad.jackson_at_salford.gov.uk