Title: Personal Rapid Transit
1Personal Rapid Transit for Kansas Legends and
Fort Carson Army Post Peter Muller
2Mobility and Land Use Impacts of Automated Small
Vehicle Transportation near the Kansas Speedway
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8ULTra Guideway (Arup)
9Legends Guideway (BG Consultants)
1013 Miles of Guideway 30 Stations
Fort Carson Army Post
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15Auto vs. PRT Total Trip Times
16PRT/Rail Comparison
Ft. Carson PRT Dulles Metrorail
Miles 23 one-way 23 two-way
Stations 35 lt23??
Daily Trips 65,500 lt60,000
Cost 345-460MM 5,200MM
18Contact Information
Peter Muller PRT Consulting, Inc. 1340 Deerpath
Trail, Ste 200 Franktown, CO 80116 Ph
303-532-1855 Cell 720-318-4795 Fax (303)
309-1913 www.prtconsulting.com