Title: Green Law Photo Gallery
1Green Laws
Green Laws
LSU Green Law Research Project Louisiana
Department of Agriculture Forestry Office of
Forestry Urban Forestry Program
2Part three.
geography of a development site.
3existing site.
Store topsoil here for re-use
Non native second growth trees and brush to be
removed for development
48 specimen live oak tree to remain
4The Landscape Plan
- The landscape compliance plan is prepared for the
city planning staff to ensure that all site
design standards in the landscape code have been
5building footprint
Permeable paving in this section
Impermeable concrete
Pervious Ground
Impermeable concrete
6Geography of a Development Site
This drawing shows the parts of a site for which
landscape design standards are written.
7The Landscape Plan
Rear Buffer
VUA Screen
Micro Detention Zone
VUA Screen
Open Space Planting
VUA Interior
Habitat Preservation Zone
Side Buffer
Street Wall
Street tree planting area
Street Yard
8Design Standard-Street Trees
- Street tree planting design standards are
generally based upon a select list of species
planted upon a required spacing schedule.
9Design Standard-Open Space
- The open space standard requires a certain number
of trees based upon the square footage of the
building site.
10Design Standards-Street Yard
- The street yard standard is often based upon
species selection, spacing or square footage.
11Design Standards-Street Wall
- The street wall standard is often based upon
length and fenestration of the building as well
as plant opacity, spacing, and height.
12Design Standards-HPA
- The habitat preservation standard is based upon
the resource to be preserved, its size and extent.
13Design Standards-Buffers
- The buffer yard design standard is often based
upon a prescribed number of landscape plants for
each 100 feet of buffer edge. The width of the
buffer is often a function of land use, lot depth
or lot width.
14Design Standards-VUA Interiors
- The vehicular use area interior standard is
generally based upon a percentage of the parking
lot size or number of parking slots.
15 Design Standards-VUA Screens
- The vehicular screen standard is generally based
plant species, spacing, height, opacity and
growth rate.
16Design Standards-Hydro-zones
- Water conservation is based upon dividing the
site into water management zones
17Design Standards-Micro-detention
- Design standards for micro-detention are based
upon the premise of managing storm water on site
and reducing the amount of run off.
18U.S. Landscape Ordinances
Appreciation is expressed to John Wiley Sons,
Inc, Publishers, New York, for citing ideas and
Concepts from their book U.S. Landscape
19Part four.
the visual effects of landscape law.
Prepared in cooperation with the East Baton Rouge
Tree and Landscape Commission, Office of
Landscape Forestry and the Louisiana Urban
Forestry Council. Design, script, photography and
production by the Landscape Ordinance Research
Project at the School of Landscape Architecture ,
Louisiana State University. For additional
information Contact the research program at
225.578.1434 or visit the web site at
For a free copy of this program contact
Louisiana Department of Agriculture
Forestry Office of Forestry P.O.Box 1628 Baton
Rouge, LA 70821-1628 225.925.4500
21Production Staff
- Prof. D.G.Abbey,ASLA
- Louisiana State University
- Prof. Sissi Foster
- Michigan State University
- Louisiana Department of
- Forestry, Urban Forestry Program
- Dan Farrah
- Joe LAbbe
- Matt Faust
- Courtney Bush
- Kay Orlando Ourso
- Collier County Florida Planning Department
- Abbey Associates Landscape Architects
Drawing By Kay Orlando Ourso Landscape Architect
Abbey Associates,Inc. Landscape Architects -
The Architecture Group Baton Rouge, Louisiana