Title: Trichoptera (Caddisflies)
1Trichoptera (Caddisflies)
Hydropsychidae - Three thoracic plates gills on
Cheumatopsyche Head uniform brown Notch on
anterior of head (viewed from the top)
Hydropsyche orris Head with pattern on top No
anterior notch, but two nodules (H. orris not
pictured here)
2Polycentropidae Polycentropus
There are other caddisflies you may encounter.
These are just a few of the more common taxa
3Leptoceridae Oecetis
There are other caddisflies you may encounter.
These are just a few of the more common taxa
Chironomidae lack segmented legs only head
Tanypodinae predaceous chironomid. Note
elongated head
Elmidae (riffle beetles) sometimes confused with
Chironomidae during sorting (see next slide)
5Coleoptera - Beetles
Elmidae riffle beetles
Elmidae adult
6Coleoptera - Beetles
Hydrophilidae Larve
Megaloptera Chauliodes larva Not a Coleoptera but
resembles one
7Ephemeroptera (Mayflies)
Stenonema body flattened
Caenis Square covering over first set of gills
Tricorythodes Triangular covering over first
set of gills
Physella note that shell aperature opens to the
Enallagma a common damselfy nymph Three
leaf-shaped gills on posterior end
10Amphipoda look at size of antennae and
spines on posterior end
Hyalella azteca
Short first antenna and no posterior spines
Gammarus fasciatus
Antennae about same length Spines on posterior end
11Isopoda Asellus