Title: National Plan Waste Management 2002 Strategic Environmental Assessment
1National Plan Waste Management 2002Strategic
Environmental Assessment
- Arend Kolhoff
- Netherlands Commission for EIA
- www.eia.nl
- Jordan - September 2003
2National policy waste management
- Main objectives
- 1. Prevention
- 2. Re-use
- 3. Incineration
- Landfilling is not allowed anymore since 1996
3National waste management plan 2002
- National level, deals with
- prevention of waste production
- infrastructure for collecting (hazardous) waste
- setting so-called minimum standards
(techniques) - establish capacity for waste incineration
- Plan is renewed every 4 years
- Proponent and CA Ministry of Environment
- Private sector is handling waste treatment
4National waste management plan 2002
- SEA was carried out
- (1) to compare different techniques and define
preferred technique - (2) to investigate different need scenarios for
incineration to determine needed incineration
5(1) Selection of preferred techniques
- 26 waste streams investigated (asbestos,
batteries, mercury containing waste, dissolvents,
organic waste, waste oil etc) - Example waste oil
- in rotary drum incinerator
- use as fuel in cementoven
- additional fuel in power station
- distallation with sodium treatment
6Methodology for impact analysis
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Advantages
- standardized technique
- Use of computer model
- All effects from production to disposal
- Includes positive effects of re-use
- Disadvantage high data demand
7LCA environmental themes
- Climate change
- Acidification
- Eutrophication
- Toxicity
- Use of resources
- Use of space
- Biodiversity
8Weighting to reflect policy priorities
- Four weight sets were applied
- All effects for 7 themes equally important
- Contribution to policy objectives most important
- Climate change and toxicity most important
9Comparison of alternatives
- analysis of most friendly technique for the
environment - preferred technique
10(2) Capacity planning incineration
- 2 scenarios seperation in different (caloric)
components with specific processing - (use in power plants, cement ovens, incineration
plant) - 1 scenario all waste integrally burned in waste
incinerators - 1 scenario no increase in capacity (landfills)
11National Waste Management PLan
- Comparison alternatives
- simplified LCA
- use of space for waste that is land-filled
- emissions of NOx, CO2, CO, carbon hydroxides, NH3
en dioxins
12Methodology for public participation
- All major national NGOs
- Round tables on alternatives impacts
- Selected national NGOs
- Continuous sounding board
13Methodology for public participation
- Local NGOs and local governments
- Actively invited to send comments
- In both scoping and reviewing stage
- Private citizens
- Written comments during scoping and reviewing
14Methodology for public participation
- Methods applied
- Discussion groups in early stage
- Sounding boards throughout process
- Technical expert workshops
- Information meetings for general public
- Mass media and information bulletin
15Results of public participation
- High response national NGOs alternatives
- Increased focus on new alternative separation
- High response local groups local issues
- Low response by private citizens
- Two new incinerators are required
- Prefered technique for 26 waste streams
- New incinerators subject to EIA
17Lessons learned
- LCA useful, but not in all cases
- Extensive public participation useful
- Led to broad acceptance of plan
- Increased holistic approach by NGOs
- Public should also be involved in stating
assumptions - SEA made EIA easier to do
- Methodology developed
- Alternatives compared